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Tips and Tricks: Helping others out

This forum cannot be official until we have a tips and tricks thread of all the little stuff we learn that may end up helping new and seasoned players. Please add as many as you would like:)
  • TuterKing
    Okay ill try and add one...

    You can walk with your map and other interfaces open. Just when you are walking press the button to open it. This is nice when you want to switch gear on the move.
    The King is Here!
    -buy two horse for 12 gold(imperial edition only). Go to a stable and purchase first horse for one gold. Then purchase a stable slot for 10 gold. Finally purchase our second horse for another one gold. 2 horses = 12 gold.
    Slot a skill of a second weapon of your choice. While its slotted that weapon skill tree will level even without that weapon equipped. Then at 15 when you get weapon swap you will already have skills ready to go.
  • TuterKing
    Instead of just selling all you new weapons/armor that you need you should research them or deconstruct them to get materials to make new weapons. Also be deconstructing some of the rare weapons/armor you can get items that will be able to increase the rarity of your weapons/armor you make, making them even more powerful. If your not going to use one of these weapons type then feel free to sell them.
    Edited by TuterKing on 30 March 2014 16:48
    The King is Here!
    You can do COD trades through the mail system. Send an item to someone and add the option that you want gold before they take the item. This way they cannot actually take the item until the gold is paid. You both agree on the amount.
    You can actually craft with the items you have stores in your bank. No need to go and take crafting items out of your bank.
  • TuterKing
    Before entering a big fight make sure to eat some food to get some bonuses, like pork soup will increase you max magicka. This will make these fights go a bit easier. Also to find recipes to make new types of food search inside houses. These are not normally in the outside world.
    The King is Here!
  • TuterKing
    Once you use up your mounts stamina just unmount it and remount it and it will be back to full stamina.
    The King is Here!
  • Koramik
    Does anyone have a copy of the thread tips-i-wish-id-known-when-i-started-contd from the Betheda forums? Please post it. Too bad we lost all those threads!
  • hrdndv_ESO
    Two useful commands:

  • Lazarus_Long
    The mages guild sells empty petty soul gems for 21gp. You can the use the World skill Soul Trap (everyone has it after leaving Cold Harbour) to fill them.
    Soul Trap also does DoT Damage. Full soul gems are used for resurrecting dead players and recharging enchanted items.
    The List For Living - A guide for new or troubled players

    Hey Jute, get in my bag
    Take a lag spike and make it better
    Remember to let research play its part
    Then you can start to make a sweater

    The Bohemian Auction House
  • Koramik
    mutharex that link just brings us back here.
    Ya i noticed that as well. Somewhere on my pc i do have that list. Ill finf and post.
  • Evergreen
    mutharex wrote: »

    Were those Zooce's tips? I bookmarked his work but since the old forums are gone can't get to them. A lot of great hints popping up hourly in the forums though from players.
  • kijima
    Don't eat yellow snow.

    Although I didn't write all of this, so I can't take credit for all of it, I did add some things to it, and many will find it useful I'm sure. After I post this here, I'll stick it up in the game guides section of the forum.

    1. If you have zero patience for starter areas and have no strong choice for faction or race, Aldmeri Dominion is the most streamlined and efficient starter area in very many respects.

    1b. Wayshrines. They cost nothing to go from wayshrine to wayshrine, so don't waste your money travelling to one, if you have another close by. ( I wasted a LOT of money this way in beta)

    2. Create as many alts as you can, preferably all 8, for crafting storage and Coldharbour mats. Coldharbour takes about 15mins to run, tops, even with looting, so well worth it.

    3. Keep at least one slot clear at your bank and park all your alts at the bank. That way you can spread the goodies around the alts.

    4. Have at least one filled Soul Gem on you from the very first time you leave Coldharbour by checking the nearest vendors for empties and using your Soul Trap ability on the nearest mob. In early zones after the starter area, depending somewhat on your faction, it can be very difficult indeed to get hold of Soul Gems. Believe me, you will need them, even if by some miracle or amazing play, you never die in ESO while levelling, they can be used to revive others. This is particularly useful in siege PvP because of the huge distances to travel on death.

    4b. In the beta, when you got to level 5, that's when you started to consume soul gems when you die. Be very mindful if it's worth consuming one after level 5. Just a thought. ;)

    5. Even for the starter areas, it is useful to walk everywhere, i.e. minimise use of Wayshrines, because of (the few) hidden quests, plus exploration XP. I prioritized travelling to quest objectives that included as much territory, which typically were the furthest distance, in between that I had not explored.

    6. There are no easy ways to sell goods to other players in this game, unless they suddenly decide to add auction houses or market stalls for individuals before release. So, no point saving up anything at all that is purely gained from levelling unless it is for crafting or for a guild bank. So, if you do not need it, craft with it or
    sell it, especially anything to do with Provisioning.

    7. Make sure to never leave a zone, including the PvP zone, without looting all the Skyshards in it. Every Skyshard represents 1/3rd of a skill point, the very thing you are levelling. A quick way to check your Skyshard progression per zone is to look at the Achievements screen or use a sky map locations site.

    ( I was going to post it, but if you can always use google ;) )

    8. Crouching/sneaking, especially with enough Medium Armor pieces, can be very useful. This works even in pvp since you can use it to effectively be invisible out in the open.

    9. Make sure to use player Synergy abilities that pop-up from allies using special normal abilities when playing in a group, especially healer ones. Synergies like Purify of healers are really strong in PvP. The default Synergy activation button is X, I believe.

    9b. When you are about to level up, make sure you have all your passives on, it'll help them level up too.

    10. Bug workaround: if you get stuck at an NPC screen, pressing ‘ (apostrophe) or typing /reloadui will clear the screen. Same goes for being stuck, I had the falling thing happen more than a few times in beta and while amusing for a while the screaming of your character can get annoying. /stuck will fix this!

    11. Emotes in ESO often conjure items out of thin air, e.g. /sit. Great for RP or just fun.

    12. /playdead could be useful in pvp. :)

    No seriously, it'll save your bacon!

    13. If you are creating a character that may PvP, especially in early levels, be careful with skills. Focus on CC, burst damage, burst healing, escaping and cleansing. Keep in mind, however, that most kills and probably contribution comes from using and supporting Siege machines.

    14. Do not underestimate the usefulness of basic attacks and Blocking (especially MMO players who are not used to such mechanics). All basic attacks and directed attacks (not aoe) cannot miss, though they can be Blocked or Evaded (talking about a stat, not the dodging roll). This applies to NPCs too. Using a Heavy attack when a player is “Off Balance” will knock them down, opening up combos with special attacks. A Sorceror’s heavy attack with a Frost weapon will Snare the target with the right passive, or their Overload Ultimate, etc.

    15. Melee interrupt can be useful to stop elites from casting powerful nukes. Past the very first starter area, timing such skills and other forms of CC can be critical to the success of soloing elites and later, at your first dungeons, completing them without excessive pain.

    16. Bosses in public dungeons can drop great loot and respawn quickly…

    17. Chest loot is not personal loot, can be better than dungeon boss loot, and is easily ninja’d by randoms (e.g. in public dungeons) or other group players. If chest loot matters to you, be careful who you run with or who is around or who gets to a chest first…

    18. Addons/mods can make a significant difference to the look and feel of a game, and hence your enjoyment. This is particularly the case for experienced MMO players. There are already addons that can show specific numbers like
    health, mana, stamina, percentage health of yourself and target, scrolling combat text for your damage/healing output and damage/healing input, as well as status effects on you and your target including remaining durations.

    19. Keep as many lockpicks as you can on you. Coldharbour tutorial area also provides a ton. Chests loot can be very lucrative or useful!

    20. Almost unknown: there are special profession workbenches scattered throughout zones that provide special crafting bonuses for “Set” items. The bonuses are often quite significant…

    21. Classic MMO tip: get a mount as early as you can. This is especially important in ESO because mounts are not only movement speed upgrades (even come with their own sprint bar) but also storage/inventory upgrades. Yes, they are super, super expensive, but that does not remove from their usefulness.

    22. Feed your horse, it'll gain in experience and level just like you.
    Been here since Feb 2014 - You'd think I'd be half reasonable at this game by now...

    A'marta - AD Sorc Tank
    Kijima - AD DK Derps
    Annure - AD NB Derps
    Boom Crash Opera - AD Sorc DPS

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