Slag Town Outlaws refuge disconnections.

Hi all,

Basically, whenever I try and get in to the outlaws refuge. The loading screen changes to a random one then I'm disconnected.

My console connection is fine. My internet is working as it should.

I've reset my router and restarted my console and game. I'm on the EU server.

Anyone else experienced this?

Thanks in advance,

Xbox One (Very Rare)
DC - Gwenhwyfar Gwraig - Redguard Vamp Stamplar
DC - Kiarina Florcht - Redguard Stamden
AD - Lilwen Haf - Altmer Mag Sorc
EP - Tarmena Diloren - Dunmer Magblade
DC - Eletti Ghellon - Redguard Stamblade
DC - Arianwen Adahl - Breton Magcro
  • A_Silent_Fox
    On Xbox one EU, exactly the same thing happening to me today. 4 times in a row an hour apart. Everything else working fine.
  • ZOS_Bill
    If you are having issues with disconnectng from the game, you should try testing your network connection. To do this:
    • Open the Xbox One Dashboard.
    • Press the [Menu] button and browse to Settings.
    • Select Network.
    • On the Network Settings screen, select Test network connection on the right-hand side of the screen.
      • Also try Test multiplayer connection.
    • The console should inform you of any issues with your connection that could be causing you to disconnect.

    In addition, we suggest you forward certain ports to ensure that your console is able to reach our servers. You should ensure that the ports suggested below are open for your Xbox One:
    • Port 88 (UDP)
    • Port 3074 (UDP and TCP)
    • Port 53 (UDP and TCP)
    • Port 80 (TCP)
    • Ports 12000-32000 (UDP)
    • Ports 6250/5060/5062 (UDP)
    • Ports 3478-3479 (UDP)
    • Port 433 (TCP)

    Finally, since this is happening in one specific area you may need to delete the local save data.

    To delete save data on the Xbox One:
    1. Go to Games.
    2. Highlight The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited tile and press the [Menu] button of the controller.
    3. Select Manage Game.
    4. Highlight and select Save Data for the desired user.
    5. Select Delete.
    6. You'll be prompted to confirm deletion of this game save data:
      • Choose "Delete Everywhere" This will remove your saved data from this console, the cloud, and all other consoles you play on
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • TheDPFamily
    I have had the same problem every time I try to enter the outlaws refuge in clockwork city. The above fix did not work for me, has it worked for anyone else?
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