I am looking for a partner or more. To explore and do quests together. I have done caldwell's quest twice now. I just rather not do it solo again be nice to have someone to quest with to get the experience/skillpoints/achivements/etc.... also to make new friends.
I am also looking for people to do veteran dungeons or even normal dungeons to put them on farm status. As a DPS this is head where a tank or healer get instant queue. I do have a tank but my DPS needs to run as well.
Joining Guilds not required. I do have one, I am sure everyone does but this is really not guild related. I would like to just have more active players to play with. I run alot of random raids as well guild and pug on WB, anchors, Public dungeons, skyshards. etc..... I have ideas for other raids but they are guild related
all that said I am looking for 14 more people to do a undaughted raid. for the daily delve. I heard you can take the daily share it the next person can pick it up or is this method not available anymore?