Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

Fake Healers

  • Bevik
    They could add some explanation to vote kick, I've seen in an other game. So can be kicked because of low DPS, can't heal properly, can't tank etc. Player will get an explanation also and can add some sort of "leaderboard" for the kicks, once reach like 10 kicks for low DPS then can't use grouping tool for 6 hours or so.
  • TheValar85
    Bevik wrote: »
    I was very "lucky" yesterday I had Warden "healers" in my groups. I think they are one of the fake healers especially when badly equipped, badly played, new players trying to do a Warden healer and it's just not working. I've met some OKish warden healers (or tanks) but not many since Morrowind release I've not seen more than 3-4 well played Warden chars. Was really thinking to respec my morphs to get some self healing on my Stam DK because Warden healing is just not doing the heal.

    I might make 1 Warden healer on my 2nd account to see what's going on.

    My boyfriend is a warden healer and he is a very good one he keeps everyone alive, porbably because he know how to play as a warden healer, he also have the knowledge how to gear him self up, what is the exact rotaition, and how to act in certain situations, also hes reaction time is amazing. when i was with him in vet dungeons my hp bearly even moved a thing. So i think the issues what you have experianced with wardens are separated in my case because i never go anywhere withouth my boyfriend XD but i can understand your point as well. Tehere are alot of player who is lazy as hell to actualy chek some guides about their role, and leater on tehy are surprised when they got kicked out even if they have high cp cap. :D
    GM Of The Lusty Argonian ERP
    GM Of THe Alessia Dynasty PVP Guild
    GM Of The Guardians Of MiddleEarth
    My Smiling Emperor Profile Picture:
  • TheValar85
    jssriot wrote: »

    I have 3 healers now because I heal a lot, I enjoy it and I'm good at it. I have healed dungeons, trials, pvp. In dungeons, especially with pug dungeons, healers always pitch in with dps to some extent. Where do you draw the line?

    A guildie once said in our guild chat on the topic of healer who also dps that if players aren't dying, then trust your healer. I think that's pretty good baseline to go with.

    One the flip side, let's talk about dps:

    1) Why don't dps rez people in dungeons? Really in the the 4-player dungeon hierarchy, it's dps who first should stop and rez someone, especially if it's tank or healer that's down.

    2) Why don't dps do mechanics? I get that you all think you'r the Burn Gods of the Tamriel but seriously, stop hitting the boss and kill those adds when needed. I love healing CoA1 and watching dps fight against the last boss' shields because they won't stop and kill the atronachs. And don't even get me started on WGT.

    3) On the topic of mechanics and adds, why don't dps prioritize better? Know your fights and know what needs to die first. It would help a lot.

    4) If you're the kind of dps who whines about healers, here's a tip: don't start a fight without your healer. Most healers are mag builds and don't have a lot of stam to sprint, so if you sprint ahead and start a fight while your healer is still jogging to catch up to you, that's on you.

    5) Additionally, if you're the kind of dps who whines about healers, don't run around like headless chickens but rather try to stay grouped together so your healer can use Healing Springs and Combat Prayer and not resort Breath of Life for the whole fight which is resource-expensive and might result in your healer not having enough magicka to heal you when you're lost in your DPS Tunnel Vision and get yourself blasted with a boss' heavy-hitting frontal. (BTW, to people saying "That healer was just casting BoL"--were YOU grouped together so the healer could use AOE heals or nah?)

    BTW, I'm dps too, it's my main. I normally consider myself a dps'er and a lot of my dps experience goes into my healing, and if I may be so humble, makes me a pretty fine healer. I also know every dps in guilty of failing at all of the above at one point or another. I've done them all, and when I'm being a dork, still do. At the end of the day, really, everyone in your group is human, some are still learning to game, some are still working out their builds, some are having a bad day, some aren't playing at their best, and that might be you too on any given day, so chill. If you get through the dungeon with relative ease, regardless of what hiccups you encounter along the way, type tyfg in the group chat at the end and be happy.

    Well i am not that kind of DPS who is ignoring these priorities, but!

    1 why healers are standing in ***?
    2. why healers are dosent have any healing ability sloted to heal?
    3. why the healer cheked as a healer role if he is a dps?
    4. why the healer dosent know what is supose too mean to heal?
    5. why the ehalers cant heal when they selected their role?
    6. and lastly why does anyone selecting a heal role for fake to get in to fast and couse alot of issues in dungeons?

    So as a dps i have saved my group tons of times in normal and vet dungeons because most of the pug healers weree basicly havent got a clue about their role and no to mention teh rest of the mechanics issues. I have healed and saved my groups with the support healing shield from pvp lol :D When i am not playing with my boyfriend. who is actualy knows how to heal. Even in cyrodiil he kept us alive against zergs and i am talking about 8 vs 20 people. and with that healing done what my boyfriend did with hes warden we were able to wipe them down from teh face of Nirn.

    Sure it is true there are a lot of bad dps as you mentioned, but not all of them, and tehir numbers are less thax the divines, but those healers numbers are growning incredibly and sadly they can't healing, tehy havent got a clue even about how to select role in the dungeon finder sheeet. Saw that manytimes in normals. Oh nice you have selected all the 3 roles i asked them are you a tank a heal or dps? They are not even answer to you they are not communicating with anyone and thes kind of palyers are ALOT! and soloing Mazatun bosses all the time even in normal is not a fun for me while teh rest of the group is laying down dead regurdless if you explaind the mechanicks tehy dont even say a word ignoring your instructions they just act like brainless bots. and who knows maybe they are.

    It is hard to finde a decent group setup in random dungeon finder. i understand why most of us runs with guildies and with frienrds.
    GM Of The Lusty Argonian ERP
    GM Of THe Alessia Dynasty PVP Guild
    GM Of The Guardians Of MiddleEarth
    My Smiling Emperor Profile Picture:
  • Magdalina
    Slick_007 wrote: »
    Magdalina wrote: »

    But we already have a vote to kick option. This isn't that much worse, if at all.

    Though frankly, while I do get annoyed by fake healers and tanks in vet dungeons I get even more annoyed with fake dps. Which we have a lot more of, tbh, even though most of that is unintentional. Why don't we talk about all the people who are pulling ~5k dps in vet dungeons instead?

    really? the ability to ban people using group finder for days isnt that much worse? Are you kidding? This ability that would be decided by tosspot players who already abuse the votekick option. Not much worse? Do you even understand what you said?

    Why such an overreaction? Are you one of those who enjoy queueing as a tank for fast runs?;)

    It's already pretty hard to kick incompetent people because some people don't seem to understand the idea. If something like what OP is suggesting were to be implemented(hypothetically; don't worry, ZOS would never do that for real) it'd again require the agreement of 3 other people in the group multiple times in a row(I assume it'd be like, kicked 3 times in a row - can't queue again for several hours/a day or something). If 3 random people, independently from each other(in different groups), keep deciding that player X is not someone they want in their group then perhaps player X should indeed stop queueing and start wondering what they're doing wrong.
  • MakTheEater
    Is this the reason why lately queue times are longer even with a real healer character? This could be an idea: add a tab in the group screen where you can see equipped gear and skills of each member. This way people can easily check if a user is a fake healer or not. This won't prevent people from chosing a fake role, but people may stop after a while.
    Edited by MakTheEater on 1 January 2018 14:54
  • kypranb14_ESO
    One_ofMany wrote: »
    One_ofMany wrote: »
    Seems like there has been an epidemic of fake healers this past week.
    Some too busy doing DPS to bother with much healing and others not even healing at all. It's driving me crazy!
    We really need a way to punish bad behavior like that. Maybe so many negative group votes/kicks in a week and they get locked out of the Activity Finder for a few days.

    I'm a Magicka Nightblade healer, I would probably be kicked/downvoted from most dungeons because it looks like I'm just tending to DPS.

    As far as I'm concerned, if my Funnel Health, Refreshing Path and emergency Ward Ally can't keep you alive in a normal non-DLC dungeon, YOU are the problem.

    I got into a random dungeon earlier, the tank had 14.5K HP. What was DPS1 doing? His best. DPS2? Bow light attacking. BUT, nobody died. I didn't actively attempt to heal anyone, I just did DPS as the healer role.

    I should not be punished for not meeting someone else's standards for my role, if I can't punish them for meeting my standards for their role.

    Your a tank? You need to be perma-blocker with 40k+ health, capped resistances, has 0 downtime on taunts, and chains/talons every single add without fail. Otherwise, a downvote for you.

    Your a DPS? You need to be doing 30k+ DPS. Otherwise you're too slow, and downvote for you.

    Your a healer? Not running SPC or worm? I leave full health for more than 2 seconds? Downvote for you.

    I would never require my group to have any of these things, but my point is it gives players too much power over other players. Even if someone is doing their role, they could be punished for not meeting someone else's standards.

    -- I don't visually inspect players. I have no idea what they wearing or what class they look like etc.. I'm only concerned with the Healing. If the whole group or most of it keeps dying then there is a problem.

    If you die while I am healing, it's because you weren't close enough to the healer. Nightblade's have short range, 15M heals, spread the word! Also, the red swirling circle is a Nightblade safe zone, not an enemy attack. -.-
  • Jade1986
    Invoca wrote: »
    Jade1986 wrote: »
    Morvane wrote: »
    Lyserus wrote: »
    fake healer is worse than fake tank
    Lyserus wrote: »
    fake healer is worse than fake tank

    Nah. Fake tank is far worse.

    0 DPS lead this board

    0 DPS youd have to be standing still. ....

    I've seen that while tanking.

    Far as the whole fake tank/healer thing. I'd prefer a system that used some form of check (taunt slotted, group heals slotted etc) as that would exclude only those that can't/likely won't fulfill their role or did punish but in a way that didn't leave it all up to players. If a thing can be abused it surely will, and that sounds like something that could be left open to abuse.

    And lock the abilities so they cant remove them after getting in.
  • zaria
    Bevik wrote: »
    zaria wrote: »
    the title itself describes Wardens.
    Players, warden is excelent healers, not quite as good as templars and harder to use than templars or sorcerer.
    As said my main issue as warden healer in dungeons is low dps.
    On the other hand I have run into lots of warden DD who use lots of healing skills even if its no issue with healing, if an issue ask healer to focus on healing, healer might also know dungeon better than you and know that boss has no fatal mechanics, just a few normals do,

    With pugs a Warden healer is bad. Sorry to say that but without skill like BoL and without any group coordination people end up dead. Happened many times. With a good DD, easy normal dungeon healing is not an issue, Vigor would do but a random Warden healer in Veteran content is a suicide.

    Not saying it's impossible to be a good Warden healer. But very very rare. I wouldn't recomment to any inexperienced player, especially not for new players.

    Sorry to talk against ZOS ideas because I really like ESO but thinking that any class can do any role is a bad design, especially in an MMO genre.
    You have ward ally, but yes warden is harder to heal on, templar or sorcerer is easiest, not enough experience with NB healing.
    Positioning is critical and I would not recommend it as your first healer.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • phileunderx2
    Magdalina wrote: »
    Slick_007 wrote: »
    Magdalina wrote: »

    But we already have a vote to kick option. This isn't that much worse, if at all.

    Though frankly, while I do get annoyed by fake healers and tanks in vet dungeons I get even more annoyed with fake dps. Which we have a lot more of, tbh, even though most of that is unintentional. Why don't we talk about all the people who are pulling ~5k dps in vet dungeons instead?

    really? the ability to ban people using group finder for days isnt that much worse? Are you kidding? This ability that would be decided by tosspot players who already abuse the votekick option. Not much worse? Do you even understand what you said?

    Why such an overreaction? Are you one of those who enjoy queueing as a tank for fast runs?;)

    It's already pretty hard to kick incompetent people because some people don't seem to understand the idea. If something like what OP is suggesting were to be implemented(hypothetically; don't worry, ZOS would never do that for real) it'd again require the agreement of 3 other people in the group multiple times in a row(I assume it'd be like, kicked 3 times in a row - can't queue again for several hours/a day or something). If 3 random people, independently from each other(in different groups), keep deciding that player X is not someone they want in their group then perhaps player X should indeed stop queueing and start wondering what they're doing wrong.

    I have many times initiated a vote kick for someone who is either offline or is lying on the floor dead, been rezed and won't come back.and have that vote fail. So in that case I now just leave cause the rest of the group would rather have that non contributing person than me. Lol
  • Radiance
    Healers get all the blame and none of the credit... Petition to Give all Classes a BURST heal like Templars Breath Of Life that automatically heals the lowest health ally or Ward Ally that shields and heals but the animation gets boring from replication and can stunt the style variety with that Big Red Shield... Fix the Wardens Healing Vines so you don't have to target and the same goes for the NBs updated Healthy Offering Skill... I'm guessing it is mostly for a NB tank support healing, if the Healer dies because 5k- 6k+ health just for minor mending is OUTRAGEOUS!!! There isn't a normal Class Skill that cost over 4k Magic Or Stamina... Idk, I've lost my train of thought... Just fix everything. Kthnxbai~
  • Bevik
    To sum up, unfortunately ZOS can't fix human stupidity.
  • rosendoichinoveb17_ESO
    One_ofMany wrote: »
    Seems like there has been an epidemic of fake healers this past week.
    Some too busy doing DPS to bother with much healing and others not even healing at all. It's driving me crazy!
    We really need a way to punish bad behavior like that. Maybe so many negative group votes/kicks in a week and they get locked out of the Activity Finder for a few days.

    The thing is that a healer is not needed at all in veteran dungeons even the DLC ones are faster with a 3DD group. And even some veteran dungeons have no need for a tank as well.
  • H3Li0S
    Fake healer.. I hate those. Your are full magicka anyway, just switch your skill bar and god damn heal.

    Tank is different, when you have you char build as a tank, i feel like i have to constently switch everything because im built around health and survivability/Buff for myself and party while healer are build around magic no matter if they heal or do damage. Im far from done with solo content, with my tank setup, solo stuff takes so much more time compared to my dps.

    I know i could just clear the content on my dps and leave my tank where it is but then... Whats the point, its all zenimax fault, they made it so we need so many char instead of finding a solution to get the most out of your character. On my part i don't really mind because im used to that i played many mmo.

    Im not seeing this from my point of view but more than half the playerbase is casual, what did they expect ?
  • Colecovision
    The whole problem could easily go away if ZoS would just add a "First Available" box to check off when you use the group finder. Then 4 DPS could go at it if they want to. Everyone who wants the regular roles gets that. Short lines for both groups and play how you want.
  • mwo1480
    really this *** again...most fake healers do normal dungeons, wich mostly dont need a healer anyway, think u might just suck and blame it on fake healers, fake dps are more anoying try do a dungeon as a healer with 3 tanks with no damage (its doable but so slow)
    every char has a story

    anne-susan ...breton sorch DC
    seline kay .... bosmer dk AD
    julia-noor ...bosmer temp DC
    elle wolf .... breton temp AD
    Mari-Lynn.... woodelf nb AD former empress
    Mari-chan... woodelf warden AD
    (and more chars)
  • Maura_Neysa
    Bevik wrote: »
    zaria wrote: »
    the title itself describes Wardens.
    Players, warden is excelent healers, not quite as good as templars and harder to use than templars or sorcerer.
    As said my main issue as warden healer in dungeons is low dps.
    On the other hand I have run into lots of warden DD who use lots of healing skills even if its no issue with healing, if an issue ask healer to focus on healing, healer might also know dungeon better than you and know that boss has no fatal mechanics, just a few normals do,

    With pugs a Warden healer is bad. Sorry to say that but without skill like BoL and without any group coordination people end up dead. Happened many times. With a good DD, easy normal dungeon healing is not an issue, Vigor would do but a random Warden healer in Veteran content is a suicide.

    Not saying it's impossible to be a good Warden healer. But very very rare. I wouldn't recomment to any inexperienced player, especially not for new players.

    Sorry to talk against ZOS ideas because I really like ESO but thinking that any class can do any role is a bad design, especially in an MMO genre.

    @Bevik wow are you off base, Budding Seeds hits for 10k non crit. Its BoL with a 6 person cap instead of 2. And if you just mean an omni directional skill, Healing Ward which every class can use. Its what my DK uses for the Oh S$*% heals (2.5k heal, 5k shield increased by up to 300% baised on the severity of the targets wounds) potentially a 15k shield.
    Maiden Maura - Xbox NA
    Warden Ice Tank (By far my favorite) -RIP #Nerfmire
    Stormproof, Shehai Shatterer, Mageslayer(solo tanked), Ophidian Overlord, Assistant Alienist, Boethiah's Scythe,Maw of Lorkhaj Conqueror, Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor
    Dragon Knight Healer (Since Homestead)
    Shehai Shatterer, Mageslayer,
    Warden 2x Bow DPS
    Stormproof, Shehai Shatterer, Mageslayer, Ophidian Overlord, Assistant Alienist, Boethiah's Scythe, Maw of Lorkhaj Conqueror, Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor, Sunspire Saint,
    PvP StamDen, Warden Healer, MagDen, Stamplar, StamSorc, DK Failed Attempt, NB Failed Attempt

    Playing BiS isn't impressive, playing unique at BiS lvl, THAT's impressive.

  • Seri
    Jade1986 wrote: »
    Invoca wrote: »
    Jade1986 wrote: »
    Morvane wrote: »
    Lyserus wrote: »
    fake healer is worse than fake tank
    Lyserus wrote: »
    fake healer is worse than fake tank

    Nah. Fake tank is far worse.

    0 DPS lead this board

    0 DPS youd have to be standing still. ....

    I've seen that while tanking.

    Far as the whole fake tank/healer thing. I'd prefer a system that used some form of check (taunt slotted, group heals slotted etc) as that would exclude only those that can't/likely won't fulfill their role or did punish but in a way that didn't leave it all up to players. If a thing can be abused it surely will, and that sounds like something that could be left open to abuse.

    And lock the abilities so they cant remove them after getting in.
    Do you never swap any abilities in a vet dungeon (esp DLC) or something? Eg, some fights benefit from healing ward, some don't. Some fights require different gear setups, and even in base vet dungeons I'll swap from Power of the Light (minor breach) to Reflective Light (so I can still proc prism and illumination passives) if there's another stamplar (or templar tank often) in the group.
    EP CP160+ Templar, Sorc, NB
    DC CP160+ Templar, Sorc, DK
  • Bevik
    Bevik wrote: »
    zaria wrote: »
    the title itself describes Wardens.
    Players, warden is excelent healers, not quite as good as templars and harder to use than templars or sorcerer.
    As said my main issue as warden healer in dungeons is low dps.
    On the other hand I have run into lots of warden DD who use lots of healing skills even if its no issue with healing, if an issue ask healer to focus on healing, healer might also know dungeon better than you and know that boss has no fatal mechanics, just a few normals do,

    With pugs a Warden healer is bad. Sorry to say that but without skill like BoL and without any group coordination people end up dead. Happened many times. With a good DD, easy normal dungeon healing is not an issue, Vigor would do but a random Warden healer in Veteran content is a suicide.

    Not saying it's impossible to be a good Warden healer. But very very rare. I wouldn't recomment to any inexperienced player, especially not for new players.

    Sorry to talk against ZOS ideas because I really like ESO but thinking that any class can do any role is a bad design, especially in an MMO genre.

    @Bevik wow are you off base, Budding Seeds hits for 10k non crit. Its BoL with a 6 person cap instead of 2. And if you just mean an omni directional skill, Healing Ward which every class can use. Its what my DK uses for the Oh S$*% heals (2.5k heal, 5k shield increased by up to 300% baised on the severity of the targets wounds) potentially a 15k shield.

    Well they have a lot to learn then. I have a Templar healer so never had a problem healing but when I'm on a DD I've always had problem with Warden healers. Talking from experience and about PUG runs.
  • Seri
    Bevik wrote: »
    Bevik wrote: »
    zaria wrote: »
    the title itself describes Wardens.
    Players, warden is excelent healers, not quite as good as templars and harder to use than templars or sorcerer.
    As said my main issue as warden healer in dungeons is low dps.
    On the other hand I have run into lots of warden DD who use lots of healing skills even if its no issue with healing, if an issue ask healer to focus on healing, healer might also know dungeon better than you and know that boss has no fatal mechanics, just a few normals do,

    With pugs a Warden healer is bad. Sorry to say that but without skill like BoL and without any group coordination people end up dead. Happened many times. With a good DD, easy normal dungeon healing is not an issue, Vigor would do but a random Warden healer in Veteran content is a suicide.

    Not saying it's impossible to be a good Warden healer. But very very rare. I wouldn't recomment to any inexperienced player, especially not for new players.

    Sorry to talk against ZOS ideas because I really like ESO but thinking that any class can do any role is a bad design, especially in an MMO genre.

    @Bevik wow are you off base, Budding Seeds hits for 10k non crit. Its BoL with a 6 person cap instead of 2. And if you just mean an omni directional skill, Healing Ward which every class can use. Its what my DK uses for the Oh S$*% heals (2.5k heal, 5k shield increased by up to 300% baised on the severity of the targets wounds) potentially a 15k shield.

    Well they have a lot to learn then. I have a Templar healer so never had a problem healing but when I'm on a DD I've always had problem with Warden healers. Talking from experience and about PUG runs.
    From my own experience when I've queued as DPS or tank, a new player is just as likely to run into issues with a Templar healer as well.
    EP CP160+ Templar, Sorc, NB
    DC CP160+ Templar, Sorc, DK
  • Jade1986
    Seri wrote: »
    Jade1986 wrote: »
    Invoca wrote: »
    Jade1986 wrote: »
    Morvane wrote: »
    Lyserus wrote: »
    fake healer is worse than fake tank
    Lyserus wrote: »
    fake healer is worse than fake tank

    Nah. Fake tank is far worse.

    0 DPS lead this board

    0 DPS youd have to be standing still. ....

    I've seen that while tanking.

    Far as the whole fake tank/healer thing. I'd prefer a system that used some form of check (taunt slotted, group heals slotted etc) as that would exclude only those that can't/likely won't fulfill their role or did punish but in a way that didn't leave it all up to players. If a thing can be abused it surely will, and that sounds like something that could be left open to abuse.

    And lock the abilities so they cant remove them after getting in.
    Do you never swap any abilities in a vet dungeon (esp DLC) or something? Eg, some fights benefit from healing ward, some don't. Some fights require different gear setups, and even in base vet dungeons I'll swap from Power of the Light (minor breach) to Reflective Light (so I can still proc prism and illumination passives) if there's another stamplar (or templar tank often) in the group.

    Im not saying lock ALL abilities, but if you are healer, there should be a check that you have one of your class heals slotted, and that heal , or 2 of them should be required to queue, and then those specific abilities should be locked into place. Same with tanks, the taunts would be locked in.
  • Seri
    Jade1986 wrote: »
    Seri wrote: »
    Jade1986 wrote: »
    Invoca wrote: »
    Jade1986 wrote: »
    Morvane wrote: »
    Lyserus wrote: »
    fake healer is worse than fake tank
    Lyserus wrote: »
    fake healer is worse than fake tank

    Nah. Fake tank is far worse.

    0 DPS lead this board

    0 DPS youd have to be standing still. ....

    I've seen that while tanking.

    Far as the whole fake tank/healer thing. I'd prefer a system that used some form of check (taunt slotted, group heals slotted etc) as that would exclude only those that can't/likely won't fulfill their role or did punish but in a way that didn't leave it all up to players. If a thing can be abused it surely will, and that sounds like something that could be left open to abuse.

    And lock the abilities so they cant remove them after getting in.
    Do you never swap any abilities in a vet dungeon (esp DLC) or something? Eg, some fights benefit from healing ward, some don't. Some fights require different gear setups, and even in base vet dungeons I'll swap from Power of the Light (minor breach) to Reflective Light (so I can still proc prism and illumination passives) if there's another stamplar (or templar tank often) in the group.

    Im not saying lock ALL abilities, but if you are healer, there should be a check that you have one of your class heals slotted, and that heal , or 2 of them should be required to queue, and then those specific abilities should be locked into place. Same with tanks, the taunts would be locked in.
    What defines a 'class heal'? NB funnel health? Templar extended ritual (ground based HoT)? I've successfully healed a vCoS HM without BOL on my bar at all so my only 'class heal' would have been ritual in that instance.

    I agree that 'healers' walking in with no ability to heal is a problem (just as much as 'tanks' that don't know what a taunt is and DPS that light attack their way through every fight) but those sort of checks, particularly on queue, prevents those of us that do know what we're doing from queuing for multiple roles and performing well at them with just a change of gear and skills after we load into the dungeon.
    EP CP160+ Templar, Sorc, NB
    DC CP160+ Templar, Sorc, DK
  • Iselin
    I can heal, and heal well, normal dungeons including DLC on any of my hybrid DPS/Healer Magicka characters.

    But the thing is that...

    1. I take the healing part of the job seriously and it's my priority when I'm the healer
    2. Even my "lowbee" alts have 690 CP
    3. I know all the dungeons forward and backwards

    A good DPS/healer hybrid who can contribute 10K+ DPS on a normal run is actually better than a dedicated healer on those normal dungeon runs just how a real DPS/Tank hybrid with a taunt and add pack gathering abilities/skills but also decent DPS is.

    The problem with fake healers is when you have bad players who don't have any of the 3 prerequisites above just slap a resto staff on their back bar and try to pose as a healer.

    They can get away with and be carried if they're doing an easy dungeon or with 3 other good players who know what they're doing. If they get the wrong dungeon or the wrong 3 other players they are a cancerous disaster that can screw-up a run even worse than a fake, no-taunt tank can.

    Fake tanks have been with us for a long time but fake healers are a fairly recent queue-jumper thing.
  • Slick_007
    Magdalina wrote: »
    Why such an overreaction? Are you one of those who enjoy queueing as a tank for fast runs?;)

    have never done it in any game, will never do it. You dont seem to grasp this simple concept: YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE THIS POWER. you are being a jerk here over it, imagine if you had this power in the game. no doubt you'd be a jerk there too.

    You want a popularity contest to decide who can and cant use grouping tool. This is by far the most ***, arrogant, and *** idea i have ever seen and to everyone who agrees with it, please just leave the game forever. Oh dont like that suggestion? What do you think is going to happen when morons start banning people from grouping because they feel like it, and thats what will happen. People will simply leave. You may think thats great, but thats not your call. nor should it ever be. Dont like these people? Ignore them. But you do not have the right to decide what they can and cant do in game. Unless of course, you want them to be able to do it back. You votekicked 5 people this week? no grouping for you for 5 days.

    no player should have this power over another player. EVER.

  • ForsakenSin
    Jade1986 wrote: »
    I hate fake healers, and I hate fake tanks. An absolute plague on this game atm. If I see a fake healer or tank, I usually boot them asap.

    Roll as a healer andtank if you want fast pop times. Simple. Then you can take the gear you earn there and put it in your bank.

    sorry but ....L2P ?

    sorry but 90% of vet dungeons you don't need a dedicated tank or a dedicated healer , if we dont have healer i can always off heal with my sorc no problem.

    I would never kick off somebody because they are fake tank or a healer unless we really need them like Cradle of shadows mazzatun ect

    let me guess you would also kick anybody below cp 250 as well ?
    "By many i am seen as a savior of the Tamriel i will not stop until every Daedra every evil there is in Tamriel is vanquish by my hands..
    However i do this for my own purpose to gain trust of mortals to worship me and to eliminate my competition i will not bend my knee to lead your army to serve you Molag Bal , i will simply just take it from you.."--- Forsaken Sin( Magica Sorc)

    Arise From Darkness Forsaken SIn
    "You have been a loyal High Elf Magica Sorc
    Conjure of Darkness, Master of Magic
    Killer of Molag Bal and Savior of Ebonheart Pact
    Until Dark Brotherhood killed you...
    but now..NOW its time to Arise From Darkness once again..."

  • Maura_Neysa
    Jade1986 wrote: »
    Seri wrote: »
    Jade1986 wrote: »
    Invoca wrote: »
    Jade1986 wrote: »
    Morvane wrote: »
    Lyserus wrote: »
    fake healer is worse than fake tank
    Lyserus wrote: »
    fake healer is worse than fake tank

    Nah. Fake tank is far worse.

    0 DPS lead this board

    0 DPS youd have to be standing still. ....

    I've seen that while tanking.

    Far as the whole fake tank/healer thing. I'd prefer a system that used some form of check (taunt slotted, group heals slotted etc) as that would exclude only those that can't/likely won't fulfill their role or did punish but in a way that didn't leave it all up to players. If a thing can be abused it surely will, and that sounds like something that could be left open to abuse.

    And lock the abilities so they cant remove them after getting in.
    Do you never swap any abilities in a vet dungeon (esp DLC) or something? Eg, some fights benefit from healing ward, some don't. Some fights require different gear setups, and even in base vet dungeons I'll swap from Power of the Light (minor breach) to Reflective Light (so I can still proc prism and illumination passives) if there's another stamplar (or templar tank often) in the group.

    Im not saying lock ALL abilities, but if you are healer, there should be a check that you have one of your class heals slotted, and that heal , or 2 of them should be required to queue, and then those specific abilities should be locked into place. Same with tanks, the taunts would be locked in.

    You can't fix stupid, and thats what marking yourself for a role you can't perform. (No I'm not looking at you dueI/SnB with 20k heatth a taunt and the ability to stand in there) I am looking at Mister Backpedale Tank, and Mister No-oh-$&@#-heal
    Maiden Maura - Xbox NA
    Warden Ice Tank (By far my favorite) -RIP #Nerfmire
    Stormproof, Shehai Shatterer, Mageslayer(solo tanked), Ophidian Overlord, Assistant Alienist, Boethiah's Scythe,Maw of Lorkhaj Conqueror, Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor
    Dragon Knight Healer (Since Homestead)
    Shehai Shatterer, Mageslayer,
    Warden 2x Bow DPS
    Stormproof, Shehai Shatterer, Mageslayer, Ophidian Overlord, Assistant Alienist, Boethiah's Scythe, Maw of Lorkhaj Conqueror, Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor, Sunspire Saint,
    PvP StamDen, Warden Healer, MagDen, Stamplar, StamSorc, DK Failed Attempt, NB Failed Attempt

    Playing BiS isn't impressive, playing unique at BiS lvl, THAT's impressive.

  • Pele
    A ban from group finder if you've been votekicked x number of times is a good idea. This would work for fake tanks too.

    I think the worst fake pug healer I've ever had was a StamNB who occasionally cast Funnel Health which healed for 100 a tick. I only survived and tolerated it because I'm experienced and could solo the dungeon, but these fake healer clowns are terrible and discouraging for an inexperienced and learning tank.
  • Houshiki
    Pele wrote: »
    A ban from group finder if you've been votekicked x number of times is a good idea. This would work for fake tanks too.

    I think the worst fake pug healer I've ever had was a StamNB who occasionally cast Funnel Health which healed for 100 a tick. I only survived and tolerated it because I'm experienced and could solo the dungeon, but these fake healer clowns are terrible and discouraging for an inexperienced and learning tank.

    This would have the potential of discourage fake tanks/healers. But it would have a very high chance of being abused. What would there be to stop a group of 3 from queuing for a dungeon, then immediately votekicking the fourth person, and then simply repeating the process? What if there were multiple groups doing this? What if this were done during events and the like?

    This would merely become a griefing tool to lock ppl out of the group finder and dungeons. Why? Because a-holes be a-holes.
  • lientier
    also partly guilty with my new warden dd (leveled now). Actually regeneration, the heal flash stamina spores heal of the warden and the healing seeds I can carry the healing through a dungeon, even providing major resolve and major ward to everyone wit the ice fortress.
    I am quite busy dd'ing because otherwise the dungeon takes even longer... but then nobody of the group dies and I take care of that.. because even when standing in stupid is mostly no problem in normal dungeons (especially the super easy ones you only get when there is a low level in your group.. )
    The only time people die when I heal in normal dungeons, is if they always go to the most distant corner, out of reach for flashes and especially outside the healing circles.. or better even when their health drops (because of standing in stupid or pulling everything before I got there of whatever) running around like headless chickens.. always out of the healing circles (springs or seeds).. even then I try to catch them with flashes.. but I get annoyed and I tell people in a friendly way two times in chat.. and if they dont listen I wont run after them for heals if they still do this nonsense
    PC-EU @lientier
  • lientier
    Jade1986 wrote: »
    Seri wrote: »
    Jade1986 wrote: »
    Invoca wrote: »
    Jade1986 wrote: »
    Morvane wrote: »
    Lyserus wrote: »
    fake healer is worse than fake tank
    Lyserus wrote: »
    fake healer is worse than fake tank

    Nah. Fake tank is far worse.

    0 DPS lead this board

    0 DPS youd have to be standing still. ....

    I've seen that while tanking.

    Far as the whole fake tank/healer thing. I'd prefer a system that used some form of check (taunt slotted, group heals slotted etc) as that would exclude only those that can't/likely won't fulfill their role or did punish but in a way that didn't leave it all up to players. If a thing can be abused it surely will, and that sounds like something that could be left open to abuse.

    And lock the abilities so they cant remove them after getting in.
    Do you never swap any abilities in a vet dungeon (esp DLC) or something? Eg, some fights benefit from healing ward, some don't. Some fights require different gear setups, and even in base vet dungeons I'll swap from Power of the Light (minor breach) to Reflective Light (so I can still proc prism and illumination passives) if there's another stamplar (or templar tank often) in the group.

    Im not saying lock ALL abilities, but if you are healer, there should be a check that you have one of your class heals slotted, and that heal , or 2 of them should be required to queue, and then those specific abilities should be locked into place. Same with tanks, the taunts would be locked in.

    Not all classes have group heal abilities (or atleast strong enough ones).Also healing staff abilities can be essential (but not always).
    PC-EU @lientier
  • dyn0m1k3
    So I've been guilty of doing this (on normal mode only...). Trying to level undaunted on my DD on Xbox EU and queuing for a specific dungeon is a joke. I always grab the daily pledge if its available but sometimes don't have time to do it so I'll try and complete it another day when its not the daily which I guess doesn't help. I'll normally give it 20 minutes queueing as DPS while I do other things then give up and queue as DPS/Healer.

    So far I haven't had any issues with completing a normal dungeon (don't have the DLC either which probably helps) and if anything it probably goes quicker with 3 DDs. I still feel bad though incase we run into any problems - should I? I wouldn't queue as a tank because if no-ones taking aggro then the group will probably keep wiping, but normal non-DLC dungeons really don't need a healer unless your pretty bad at your role right?
    Xbox Series X EU Server GT: dyn0m1k3
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