Official Discussion Thread for "Celebrate the New Life Festival"

  • Coolio_Wolfus
    Is this event on a 24 hour quest count timer? because atm I can't play to get what I need.
  • lygerseye
    Is this event on a 24 hour quest count timer? because atm I can't play to get what I need.

    Resets at midnight your time... I was 5-6 quests along tonight when I suddenly got a quest I had just finished a few minutes earlier. Checked the clock and sure enough, 12:02 AM. Went on to complete all 9.
  • Banana
    Unplayable all day for me. 999 ping spikes every few seconds. :/ I gave up. Will have another go in a couple days.
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    Whichever developer designed and whomever voiced Breda; I think she's been perfectly done.
    Well done to whoever was involved with her!
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • Ilsabet
    If anyone is still wondering, it is possible to have the mead buff and the skellyman buff at the same time. You essentially get 3x the regular exp with both of them on.
    Ilsabet Menard - DC Breton Nightblade archer - Savior of Pretty Much Everything, Grand Overlord & Empress Nubcakes
    Katarin Auclair - DC Breton Warden healer & ice mage
    My characters and their overly elaborate backstories
    Ilsabet's Headcanon
    The Adventures of Torbyrn Windchaser - Breaking the Ice & Ashes to Ashes
    PC NA
  • JamilaRaj
    Ilsabet wrote: »
    If anyone is still wondering, it is possible to have the mead buff and the skellyman buff at the same time. You essentially get 3x the regular exp with both of them on.

    Yeah, okay, but next time they should launch 1/2 or 1/3 exp event instead (with reduction applied to everyone no matter what). It would cause some outrage, because it would go against common belief that more exp = better, but just think about it. If there is double, triple...multiple exp event, what will players do? Grind. And grinding sucks. But if they got not more, but less exp, grinding would be less profitable, while other activites that players actually enjoy doing (like socializing, PvP, trolling etc.) would have lower opportunity cost and would be more appealing than usual.
  • bottleofsyrup
    Ilsabet wrote: »
    If anyone is still wondering, it is possible to have the mead buff and the skellyman buff at the same time. You essentially get 3x the regular exp with both of them on.

    The effects didn't appear to stack. I had Witchmother's Brew left on a character and combined it with Breda's and got the same XP with both on as I did after the Witchmother's Brew expired.
  • VerboseQuips
    I played the New Life Festival this weekend and I really enjoyed it.

    As I was "forced" to use my alts, which I barely ever touched before, the game felt fresh and new to me. The low stakes of those tiny missions, together with the slow pace imposed by their low-level mounts, made it all a very relaxing experience. It really felt as if I was enjoying vacations in Tamriel. It was fun. And it felt good. :smile:

    Thanks ZOS. This is a great event. :smile:
    My characters:
    Main and crafter: A Breton magicka templar named Erwann Sorril
    Alt 1: A Bosmer sorcerer named Tuuneleg
    Alt 2: An Imperial dragonknight named Gaius Tullius Hastifer
    Alt 3: An Argonian vampire/nightblade named Observe-le-Xanmeer
    Alt 4: A Nord werewolf/dragonknight named Sigurd Hurlevent
    Alt 5: A Breton sorcerer named Gilian Sorril (he's Erwann's younger brother)
    Alt 6: A Khajiit nightblade named Jolan-dar
    Alt 7: A Nord warden named Sigurmar Hurlevent (he's Sigurd's younger brother)
    Alt 8: An Altmer templar named Oioriel
    Alt 9: An Argonian stamina Warden named Danse-avec-les-Rainettes
    Alt 10: A Redguard templar named Neemokh af-Corelanya
    Alt 11: A Nord stamina sorcerer named Olga Écoute-Vent
    Alt 12: A Breton magicka Warden named Ian Sorril
    Alt 13: A Dunmer magicka necromancer named Ilmoran Dren
    Alt 14: An Orc stamina necromancer named Norgol gro-Borziel
    Alt 15: A Nord magicka necromancer named Thorgen Givresang
    Alt 16: An Imperial magicka dragonknight named Publius Valeirus Hastifer (Just call him "Valerio" - he's Gaius younger troublemaker of a brother)
    Main in NA (For collaborative events): A Breton magicka nightblade named Titouan Sorril (long-lost brother of Erwann and Gilian)
  • Lolssi
    War orphan sojourn... last night spent 15 minutes and managed to get 4/5. Then five minutes without seeing wildlife since they're farmed to oblivion. I gave up and went to play something that ain't waste of my time.
  • Ilsabet
    Ilsabet wrote: »
    If anyone is still wondering, it is possible to have the mead buff and the skellyman buff at the same time. You essentially get 3x the regular exp with both of them on.

    The effects didn't appear to stack. I had Witchmother's Brew left on a character and combined it with Breda's and got the same XP with both on as I did after the Witchmother's Brew expired.

    That's odd. I screencapped my quest turn-ins with and without the Witchmother's Brew buff to keep track. I got 89,820 exp with the brew and 59,880 without. (Presumably the base quests are worth around 30k exp.)
    Ilsabet Menard - DC Breton Nightblade archer - Savior of Pretty Much Everything, Grand Overlord & Empress Nubcakes
    Katarin Auclair - DC Breton Warden healer & ice mage
    My characters and their overly elaborate backstories
    Ilsabet's Headcanon
    The Adventures of Torbyrn Windchaser - Breaking the Ice & Ashes to Ashes
    PC NA
  • shadoza
    RGD wrote: »
    I'm a bit confused by the write up. Does anyone know whether you'll have to go back to Windhelm every two hours to reup the XP potion, or will we have a consumable memento version we can use anywhere as in the previous xp events (witch whistle, jubilee cake)?

    I'm wondering this as well. I'm glad that the fact of Double XP has been noted in the announcements, but I wish there was more info on if you can re-use the mead from the keg to reup experience again, exactly like the Witchmother's Brew. Hopefully that's the case. I wouldn't be too concerned even if I did have to keep going back to Windhelp to reup. Rather that than no repeatable XP bonus at all.

    You'll need to drink from the keg in Windhelm every two hours for the double XP buff.

    The keg was non-responsive when I was there on the 18th.

    For me, the festival was a serious of unfortunate, sometimes deadly, incidents. I had to catch a ride into Windhelm because I had not yet been to that area. This was frustrating as I was planning to ride there and found the road blocked by a locked gate. I was working my way through zombie fighters to get around the gate when a kind soul offered me a port. I thank that soul truly.

    Since I have not been to many of the regions (about 6) that were required for the quests, I found myself riding through new territory without the opportunity to enjoy the map. I was chased by crocodiles, zombie warriors, bandits, wolves, spiders, some guar-like critters I've never seen before, and rode straight into a boss fight area where I was insta-killed. Then I got to run the scenario again, it was not pleasant. (Perhaps next year you could drop a festival wayshrine for the quest areas?)

    I never got the keg to release the XP bonus. :disappointed:
    I had to pay a fine for throwing a mud ball at a guard and he took the loot I gained from a thieves trove. :(
    I failed the achievement of the 5-clawed chest cracking because one of the chests reset while I was unlocking it. :(
    I didn't get the achievement for eating and drinking the brew even though the screen said I did. :(
    I purchased the breath mints and turned to ice...looks great with my ice mount :smiley: So I purchased more for later.
    I got just a little tipsy after the icy water plunge. (I am sure I didn't do anything silly.) :p
    I caught many fish. :) Now they are in my inventory and are useless :( Please remove them if they are not needed.
    I enjoyed the dancing at the inns. Those two in the basement? Not my idea of a party. LoL
    I am not sure about the entertainment quest. I had fun doing it but could not entertain if someone other was doing it.
    I did not do the run in desert. When the quest giver suggested a group was needed, I just stopped there. :disappointed:

    It was an interesting night, but for me it was not fun. I do not plan to repeat it with my other characters or complete the final quest with my first character. I would rather just play and enjoy the story then run all over the map.
  • shadoza
    Lolssi wrote: »
    War orphan sojourn... last night spent 15 minutes and managed to get 4/5. Then five minutes without seeing wildlife since they're farmed to oblivion. I gave up and went to play something that ain't waste of my time.

    I noticed this as well. When I was there, there was a group of players spamming attacks to gather the wildlife while two others were spam ground effects to kill them off. They did this several times. I was frustrated with not finding anything to fight so I wandered off collecting mats for about 10 minutes. When I returned, the farmers were still going at it. Perhaps if the targets were festival-specific that only yielded what was needed for the quest, the spam-farmers wouldn't interfere.
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    shadoza wrote: »
    I never got the keg to release the XP bonus. :disappointed:
    I had to pay a fine for throwing a mud ball at a guard and he took the loot I gained from a thieves trove. :(
    I failed the achievement of the 5-clawed chest cracking because one of the chests reset while I was unlocking it. :(
    I didn't get the achievement for eating and drinking the brew even though the screen said I did. :(
    I purchased the breath mints and turned to ice...looks great with my ice mount :smiley: So I purchased more for later.
    I got just a little tipsy after the icy water plunge. (I am sure I didn't do anything silly.) :p
    I caught many fish. :) Now they are in my inventory and are useless :( Please remove them if they are not needed.
    I enjoyed the dancing at the inns. Those two in the basement? Not my idea of a party. LoL
    I am not sure about the entertainment quest. I had fun doing it but could not entertain if someone other was doing it.
    I did not do the run in desert. When the quest giver suggested a group was needed, I just stopped there. :disappointed:

    @shadoza A few notes: All the quests can be repeated daily, so if you didn't get (f.ex) the lockpicking achievement, you can try again the next day. Also, the fish you catch on one day are still good for the same quest the next day (or a different character the same day), so removing them would add a measure of extra tediousness for those who do the quest more than once.

    Also, you really DON'T need a group to run the fire sprint; I've done it multiple times on different characters and usually end up with a good 10 seconds or so to spare. All four fires are on roofs connected by bridges; it's actually one of the faster quests to do.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
    A useful explanation for how RNG works

    How to turn off the sustainability features (screen dimming, fps cap) on PC
  • shadoza
    shadoza wrote: »
    I never got the keg to release the XP bonus. :disappointed:
    I had to pay a fine for throwing a mud ball at a guard and he took the loot I gained from a thieves trove. :(
    I failed the achievement of the 5-clawed chest cracking because one of the chests reset while I was unlocking it. :(
    I didn't get the achievement for eating and drinking the brew even though the screen said I did. :(
    I purchased the breath mints and turned to ice...looks great with my ice mount :smiley: So I purchased more for later.
    I got just a little tipsy after the icy water plunge. (I am sure I didn't do anything silly.) :p
    I caught many fish. :) Now they are in my inventory and are useless :( Please remove them if they are not needed.
    I enjoyed the dancing at the inns. Those two in the basement? Not my idea of a party. LoL
    I am not sure about the entertainment quest. I had fun doing it but could not entertain if someone other was doing it.
    I did not do the run in desert. When the quest giver suggested a group was needed, I just stopped there. :disappointed:

    @shadoza A few notes: All the quests can be repeated daily, so if you didn't get (f.ex) the lockpicking achievement, you can try again the next day. Also, the fish you catch on one day are still good for the same quest the next day (or a different character the same day), so removing them would add a measure of extra tediousness for those who do the quest more than once.

    Also, you really DON'T need a group to run the fire sprint; I've done it multiple times on different characters and usually end up with a good 10 seconds or so to spare. All four fires are on roofs connected by bridges; it's actually one of the faster quests to do.

    Thanks for the information. Maybe I'll give the fire run a try.
  • Fudly_budly
    While the 2x exp is awesome, why, oh why, do I have to port to Lagmarch every two hours to get juiced???
    Rule #1: RL trumps gaming.
    Rule #2: True immersion is RL.
    Rule #3: RL lag is wonderful.
    Rule #4: People matter. Pixels do not.
  • crystal_coppolab14_ESO
    Ya the timer doesn't seem stop when I log out so when I log back in, I have to redo it. It also doesn't seem to stack with the Halloween event since I had 1 character that still had that up.
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    Ya the timer doesn't seem stop when I log out so when I log back in, I have to redo it. It also doesn't seem to stack with the Halloween event since I had 1 character that still had that up.

    I don't believe the Halloween event buff gave XP after that event ended, it was just the costume that stayed.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
    A useful explanation for how RNG works

    How to turn off the sustainability features (screen dimming, fps cap) on PC
  • GarnetFire17
    Ya the timer doesn't seem stop when I log out so when I log back in, I have to redo it. It also doesn't seem to stack with the Halloween event since I had 1 character that still had that up.

    I don't believe the Halloween event buff gave XP after that event ended, it was just the costume that stayed.

    If you had leftover time on from drinking xp brew during the event. you got to use the rest of that time after the event.
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    Some of my guild initiated two new wayfarers as full members today. It's not as nefarious as it looks, honestly:

    But more importantly, afterwards we celebrated by partaking in some New Life Festival inspired activities!
    Firstly, we put on our towels and all successfully jumped over the waterfall in Wrothgar, which we thought was an achievement in itself:

    Then we traveled to Stros M'kai and slipped out the back of Headsman Boesek's Palace for some juggling. Only one of us was apprehended by the guards soon after, following a mud-throwing incident:

    Next it was off to the Stonefalls to try and coordinate some fire-related activities:

    Afterwards we walked-about to Hallin's Stand in Bangkorai for some dancing and more displays of our coordination (or lack thereof) outside the palace:

    Now I've excluded the multitude of mud-slinging that went on for a lot of this, and many laughs and other activities that were had by all.
    There may be troubles besetting Tamriel on all sides, but still it is nice to take a step back at times and enjoy ourselves, is it not so? And, as the bosmer remind us, we should not take ourselves too seriously.

    Thanks for the New Life Festival!
    Edited by Rev Rielle on 22 December 2016 13:45
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • Slurg
    shadoza wrote: »
    shadoza wrote: »
    I never got the keg to release the XP bonus. :disappointed:
    I had to pay a fine for throwing a mud ball at a guard and he took the loot I gained from a thieves trove. :(
    I failed the achievement of the 5-clawed chest cracking because one of the chests reset while I was unlocking it. :(
    I didn't get the achievement for eating and drinking the brew even though the screen said I did. :(
    I purchased the breath mints and turned to ice...looks great with my ice mount :smiley: So I purchased more for later.
    I got just a little tipsy after the icy water plunge. (I am sure I didn't do anything silly.) :p
    I caught many fish. :) Now they are in my inventory and are useless :( Please remove them if they are not needed.
    I enjoyed the dancing at the inns. Those two in the basement? Not my idea of a party. LoL
    I am not sure about the entertainment quest. I had fun doing it but could not entertain if someone other was doing it.
    I did not do the run in desert. When the quest giver suggested a group was needed, I just stopped there. :disappointed:

    @shadoza A few notes: All the quests can be repeated daily, so if you didn't get (f.ex) the lockpicking achievement, you can try again the next day. Also, the fish you catch on one day are still good for the same quest the next day (or a different character the same day), so removing them would add a measure of extra tediousness for those who do the quest more than once.

    Also, you really DON'T need a group to run the fire sprint; I've done it multiple times on different characters and usually end up with a good 10 seconds or so to spare. All four fires are on roofs connected by bridges; it's actually one of the faster quests to do.

    Thanks for the information. Maybe I'll give the fire run a try.
    Sprinting the route using the roof bridges is the way to go - if you don't have a lot of stamina, try eating some stamina boosting food and slotting stamina pots for backup before you run it. That has worked well for my magicka characters.
    Happy All the Holidays To You and Yours!
    Remembering better days of less RNG in all the things.
  • Elsonso
    Slurg wrote: »
    shadoza wrote: »
    shadoza wrote: »
    I never got the keg to release the XP bonus. :disappointed:
    I had to pay a fine for throwing a mud ball at a guard and he took the loot I gained from a thieves trove. :(
    I failed the achievement of the 5-clawed chest cracking because one of the chests reset while I was unlocking it. :(
    I didn't get the achievement for eating and drinking the brew even though the screen said I did. :(
    I purchased the breath mints and turned to ice...looks great with my ice mount :smiley: So I purchased more for later.
    I got just a little tipsy after the icy water plunge. (I am sure I didn't do anything silly.) :p
    I caught many fish. :) Now they are in my inventory and are useless :( Please remove them if they are not needed.
    I enjoyed the dancing at the inns. Those two in the basement? Not my idea of a party. LoL
    I am not sure about the entertainment quest. I had fun doing it but could not entertain if someone other was doing it.
    I did not do the run in desert. When the quest giver suggested a group was needed, I just stopped there. :disappointed:

    @shadoza A few notes: All the quests can be repeated daily, so if you didn't get (f.ex) the lockpicking achievement, you can try again the next day. Also, the fish you catch on one day are still good for the same quest the next day (or a different character the same day), so removing them would add a measure of extra tediousness for those who do the quest more than once.

    Also, you really DON'T need a group to run the fire sprint; I've done it multiple times on different characters and usually end up with a good 10 seconds or so to spare. All four fires are on roofs connected by bridges; it's actually one of the faster quests to do.

    Thanks for the information. Maybe I'll give the fire run a try.
    Sprinting the route using the roof bridges is the way to go - if you don't have a lot of stamina, try eating some stamina boosting food and slotting stamina pots for backup before you run it. That has worked well for my magicka characters.

    A couple of notes on lighting the fires that have been mentioned before...

    Have an alchemist make a potion of speed. With Blessed Thistle, Dragon Thorn, and Namira's Rot, you get a speed plus stamina regen potion. Depending on the level, this potion may or may not last for all four. For me, this is enough to get this event done solo.

    One of the new recipes that we get this time is Lava Foot Soup-and-Saltrice, which provides a boost to max stamina and stamina regen. This will give you more stamina to sprint, and it will recover faster, and if you don't stand too long at the braziers making sure they are lit, and know where you need to go next, will definitely help.

    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

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    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • ManDraKE
    Ya the timer doesn't seem stop when I log out so when I log back in, I have to redo it. It also doesn't seem to stack with the Halloween event since I had 1 character that still had that up.

    I don't believe the Halloween event buff gave XP after that event ended, it was just the costume that stayed.

    i logged to my stamdk last week, it still had the wichmothers xp buff lol
  • Kesstryl
    I'm a returning player from a couple years ago, and my only issue here is I don't have Eastmarch unlocked on any of my characters. My main who is from the High Elf/Bos.khaj alliance has not finished the Caldwell's Silver alliance quests for that part of the map, and my low level alts in that alliance never made it up there. Having the initial quest giver in a zone that has to be unlocked by doing an entire alliance quest chain is hard on returning and new players.
    HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts! Contact @Kesstryl in-game to join.
  • Enodoc
    @Kesstryl There are no more quest-locked zones (aside from Coldharbour). New Navigator NPCs can take you to any of the 15 base alliance zones.

    See for info.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Kesstryl
    Enodoc wrote: »
    @Kesstryl There are no more quest-locked zones (aside from Coldharbour). New Navigator NPCs can take you to any of the 15 base alliance zones.

    See for info.

    Oh that's awesome, yes I will do that!
    HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts! Contact @Kesstryl in-game to join.
  • gerardtops
    Soul Shriven

    I abandoned the fish quest so I could group up with a friend and see if we might get the same quest together.

    Now the Festival has disappeared from my journal.

    I've deleted and re bought the scroll and tried to use that again but I get the message 'you have already completed this quest'.

    Does this mean I'm out of the rest of the Festival?

    Thanks for any help.
  • Enodoc
    gerardtops wrote: »

    I abandoned the fish quest so I could group up with a friend and see if we might get the same quest together.

    Now the Festival has disappeared from my journal.

    I've deleted and re bought the scroll and tried to use that again but I get the message 'you have already completed this quest'.

    Does this mean I'm out of the rest of the Festival?

    Thanks for any help.
    @gerardtops You should just be able to go back to Breda and pick up the quest again.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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