I run a very laid back guild, that has a guild trader in RIFTEN. Mostly comprised of newer player but some very experiences vets as well in leadership positions. We play nightly and there are 2 active GM's that are available to answer questions or help in any way that they can. Message One_C0ld_K1ll3r for an invite or leave a comment at the bottom for invite, make sure and include you psn id as well in your message.
Guild Events:
50/50 Raffle - additional add on prizes range from motifs to recipes to high level mats
MVP awards done monthly
Daily guild runs
Guild mate bounty hunts - 2x's a month - 5 piece legendary armor set awarded to the victor
101 groups (classes lol) for tanks, pvp, dps, healers, etc.
**While we do not give access to our bank directly we do open it up on Wednesday's and Sunday's for guild members to be able to pull items out of the bank that they need or want.
**We have an 7, 8, and 9 trait crafters for armor and weapons, maxed out enchanter and max out provisioners that are available for guild mates.
**My goal is to make this game fun but allow the guild to grow and thrive, which has been done so far. We have players who are available for build questions and are usually willing to run players through different quests.
**The guild is also active on the pvp side of the house in mostly AD, though we accept all alliances into the guild.
So like i said before we are laid back, run every night, and just want to have some. Send One_C0ld_K1ll3r a psn message or respond here with you psn id for an invite. Happy guild hunting.
Edited by Ic3Queen on 10 September 2017 07:35 Thanks