What shall be the uses of houses?

  • Aurie
    Blackjack. Chess. Checkers. Poker with 5 others bet with gold.

    Extra storage.

    Music playlist like radio for guests... Just ask an npc to change song or something.

    Garden for alchemy... Buy seeds from npc somewhere and plant them in your garden.

    Thinking of ideas isnt hard unless all you do at home is watch netflix or tv.

    Mirror in home you click on to change transmog/gear aesthetics

    Bar which alters in game voice to sound like a drunk.

    Garden for alchemy would be good. Alchemy stuff on traders is ridiculously expensive, really not sure why as most of it is easy-ish to find in Tamriel. But they wouldn't go with this as it would change the economy. Meh.

  • Stopnaggin
    Blackjack. Chess. Checkers. Poker with 5 others bet with gold.

    Extra storage.

    Music playlist like radio for guests... Just ask an npc to change song or something.

    Garden for alchemy... Buy seeds from npc somewhere and plant them in your garden.

    Thinking of ideas isnt hard unless all you do at home is watch netflix or tv.

    Mirror in home you click on to change transmog/gear aesthetics

    Bar which alters in game voice to sound like a drunk.

    They did say they were looking into a garden. I also want the dummies for armor or costumes. They are already in game so why not.
  • Unlikely_Ghostbuster
    What Housing Needs:

    (a) Item Storage -- I refuse to believe 'chest' technology is unattainable.

    (b) Alchemy Gardening -- they'd only alter the economy very slightly if gardens can only be harvested by the owner.

    (c) Games/Game-modes -- Freeze Tag with actual freezing. Hide'n'Seek with stealth/detection.

    (d) Guild Tabards -- same way they render on claimed keeps in Cyrodiil.

    (e) Weapon/Armor Displays -- some folks get sentimental about their gear.

    (f) Interactive Map -- one that shows what has and has not been discovered.

    (g) Roommate Alts -- the ability to place alt characters in our homes posing or emoting somehow.

    (h) Guild Halls -- a home distinct from the 'primary residence' of the guild master.

    (i) Furnishing Cap Increase -- it's way too low, especially in cavernous manor homes (should be 1000).

    (j) Transit Shrines -- at least as an option for manor homes.

    (k) Decorating Incentives -- unlocked titles/dyes for reaching certain furnishing goals.

    (l) Guild Trader -- like the merchant, banker, and smuggler.

    (m) Customized NPCs -- singers, musicians, entertainers, blacksmiths, fishermen, guards, etc.
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