BrianDavion wrote: »It'd be kinda nice if they made racial recipies have a increased chance to drop in that races area. so if you wanna farm nord recpies you go to Skyrim, dunmer marrowind, etc
PrimordialOdd wrote: »Does anyone know if it drops from the master writ vendor? By buying the plans I mean
They do not. I spent ~2k vouchers on PTS on the plans, and didn't get a single one.Does anyone know if it drops from the master writ vendor? By buying the plans I mean
WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »They drop in urns and such, like the furniture recipes for the other races - the problem is the other race recipes ALSO drop in Vvardenfell, diluting the drops a great deal.
WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »... the problem is the other race recipes ALSO drop in Vvardenfell, diluting the drops a great deal.
manavortex wrote: »I have four characters in Dreloth tomb since Vvardenfell release and loot all urns in the biggest room to what has to amount at least once daily. By a rough guess, that makes 200 - 300 urns a day.
By now, the total count of epic furniture recipes I looted is ten. The ones I remember are.. and the rest was basically trash. Like, those purple recipes that are so common that they sell for less than 15k even on EU.
- Telvanni Table Runner, Gilded Azure (did not know yet)
- Indoril Banner, Sotha Sil (did not know yet)
- Redguard Pillow, Oasis (did not know yet)
- Redguard Firepit, Stone
- Nord Trunk, Buckled
- Wood Elf Tent, Frame
I'm the developer of Furniture Catalogue, so I consider myself somewhat well-informed to furniture item sources (since people actively get in touch with me to tell me about new stuff and where they got it.) My conclusion: The drop chances are utterly ridiculous.
By the way, I'm looking for a furniture crafter on EU who can make filled Hlaalu shelves and a few of the big Indoril rugs?
PrimordialOdd wrote: »manavortex wrote: »I have four characters in Dreloth tomb since Vvardenfell release and loot all urns in the biggest room to what has to amount at least once daily. By a rough guess, that makes 200 - 300 urns a day.
By now, the total count of epic furniture recipes I looted is ten. The ones I remember are.. and the rest was basically trash. Like, those purple recipes that are so common that they sell for less than 15k even on EU.
- Telvanni Table Runner, Gilded Azure (did not know yet)
- Indoril Banner, Sotha Sil (did not know yet)
- Redguard Pillow, Oasis (did not know yet)
- Redguard Firepit, Stone
- Nord Trunk, Buckled
- Wood Elf Tent, Frame
I'm the developer of Furniture Catalogue, so I consider myself somewhat well-informed to furniture item sources (since people actively get in touch with me to tell me about new stuff and where they got it.) My conclusion: The drop chances are utterly ridiculous.
By the way, I'm looking for a furniture crafter on EU who can make filled Hlaalu shelves and a few of the big Indoril rugs?
This helps a lot so I do appreciate it, I found dreloth/veloth tombs in the last stretch of questing in morrowind- but by time I completed it, I realized I couldn’t go back in those certain area which made hleran tomb better at the moment but it’s seriously overfarmedI also in a last final note- heard that you needed the ‘Savior of Morrowind’ to up your chances of finding them. How can I farm those two tombs mentioned without having that? That would make your rate of finding it sensible if you didn’t have it but if you did then......
I don’t know exactly if it was right before or after I got the title, that I found a veloth volcano tapestry.. so honestly if you ask me, it’s ridiculous. I mean gear drops, gold jeweleries or whatever okay sure maybe it’s hard to find but furnitures? What is the point of making some like this nigh impossible to find? It kills the enjoyment of housing when you cant furnish it much with sets you want.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
I am starting to wonder if they didn't nerf the drops even further. Between last night and today I have sent 6-7 toons through the two tombs, at least 20 times each and got one purple pattern. So far today I've gotten zero and only a couple of blues. Heck some runs I don't even get ant greens.
This is getting very frustrating yet I can't seem to stop myself from repeating this mind-numbing activity
manavortex wrote: »They do not. I spent ~2k vouchers on PTS on the plans, and didn't get a single one.Does anyone know if it drops from the master writ vendor? By buying the plans I mean
Or maybe they do, but the drop chance is as gorgeous as in the urns? I have no clue.
Also, curious what you meant by "veloth volcano tapestry." Did you find that in an urn? All I've managed to loot are the blue-quality Velothi Caissons. I've never looted any of the purple Velothi tapestries (the ragged ones - mourning, reverence, etc.), prayer cloths, or mats I've seen for sale at guild traders.