Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

New Website Design and Navigation

  • Latin
    One major flaw with the enlarged. intrusive header (that covers Categories, Dev Tracker, Recent and Unanswered) is that it covers the Login Popup, when you sign in - I had to manually search for 'forms' to fill in and then enter the details blindly.

    The change is unnecessary. It would be nice to see the reasoning and justification for such change, so as to help us take note of and appreciate the improvement.
  • dpencil1
    I use the mobile version of the site mostly. What I liked about the change, before it was reverted was that I finally had access to the Dev Tracker and Unanswered Questions sections. I didn't like anything else about it, but that part at least was nice. Can we please get those added to the current sidebar menu? I don't like having to do a Google search every time I want to get back to the Dev Tracker.
    Edited by dpencil1 on 4 August 2017 01:14
  • Shadowshire
    Quite glaringly, a wide solid black bar is now displayed across the top of ALL pages -- each and every page -- which the browser displays from Elder Scrolls Online Forums. The bar seems to have been added some time on Tuesday 1 August 2017, because I did not see the bar displayed previously.

    As shown by my PC Internet browser (Firefox): a stack of three grey lines is at the left end of the bar, "The Elder Scrolls Online" is centered on the bar, and (of course!) "BUY NOW" is displayed in a grey field at the right end of the bar.

    The overall effect of the bar is that it dominates the visual field on the display screen -- separating the browser UI above from the fetched content below, for no evident reason or purpose whatsoever. Worst of all, the bar remains in place while a reader scrolls down the page!! As far as I can determine, there is no option for the forum member or reader to hide it.

    Why has this useless, ugly bar been introduced? Although I have many Firefox tabs open from several different websites at any given time, I really do NOT need this monstrosity to remind me of the source of whatever I'm seeing on the tabs which I have opened for The Elder Scrolls Online and/or for Zenimax Online Services.


    Note: make no mistake, my remarks constitute criticism of a rather egregiously bad design decision by the person or persons who introduced the bar which I describe. Nothing more is intended.

    --- Shadowshire .......... ESO Plus on PC NA with Windows 7 Pro SP1

    nil carborundum illegitimi
  • Morgha_Kul
    Honestly, I don't mind the bars at the top and bottom, though they do kind of get in the way. The real issue for me is the jumping up and down effect.
    Exploring Tamriel since 1994.
  • Balibe
    Morgha_Kul wrote: »
    Honestly, I don't mind the bars at the top and bottom, though they do kind of get in the way. The real issue for me is the jumping up and down effect.
    I agree, the jumping up/down gives me a headache after awhile. I am trying to read the posts and as I scroll the jumping up/down is taking the focus of my eyes away from what I am attempting to read .....

    I hope they listen to the community on the issues ..... While I like a fancy site with all the bells and whistles, a forum is about reading text in a post .... this new fancy navigation is deferring from that .....
  • pandoraderomanus
    I read forum on tablet pc (android), in chrome, if it's important. After the change loading of forum is twice longer. I agree with other people about intrusive and jumping all the time header. Design looks good in my opinion.
    On iPhone all is fine, but I didn't find 'devs tracker' and button to main ESO website (maybe im blind tho..) on the forum page.

    BTW, some time ago I saw a screenshot with forum translated to russian. Are you going to open russian forum one day? Just curious.
    Edited by pandoraderomanus on 4 August 2017 11:45
    PC-EU since 2014

    Touches-Your-Tralala - retired lizardina-templar
    Pandora Morgenstern - noob orc-stamsorc
  • gard
    Make the breadcrumb trail part of the header maybe?

    That way you can see where you are. Not that I'm spending much time on the forums anyway. Meh leave it screwed up if you want.
    My wife complains that I never listen to her. (Or something like that.)
    -- I'm a one man smurf zerg!

    My ESO addons:
    Midnight - Find out when midnight is so that you can check for ww/vamp spawn.
    Goto - Adds a tab to the map pane allowing you to teleport to a friend, guildmate, or groupmate for free.
  • blkjag
    Can't view site from my phone.....
  • TequilaFire
    If I click on News and Website Articles one more time instead of General because the page refreshes twice I will lose it! :D
  • Lord_Ninka
    The header is absolutely awful and annoying and takes up way too much of my screen all the time.

    After only a couple of minutes on the forum I used my adblocker to hide it, so that I could get the top of my screen back. I don't understand how anybody can have tried this out on a 16:9 screen and thought it was nice.
  • newtinmpls
    Please get rid of this gawdawful thing.

    At least with the banner on the bottom I could click out of it, this thing keeps telling me to "buy morrowind" with no way that I can see to get the heck out of it

    I ALREADY DID - and this is so annoying I sometimes wish I could un-buy it just because I'm so annoyed
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • Xarc
    Expanded header increases, then decreases, then increases, then decreases, then increases, then decreases, then increases, then decreases, then increases, then decreases, then increases, then decreases, then increases, then decreases...

    So, why a larger header ?
    @xarcs FR-EU-PC -
    "Death is overrated", Xarc
    Xãrc -- breton necro - DC - AvA rank50
    Xarcus -- imperial DK - DC - AvA rank50
    Elnaa - breton NB - DC - AvA rank50
    Xärc -- breton NB - DC - AvA rank47
    Isilenil - Altmer NB - AD - AvA rank41
    Felisja - Bosmer NB - DC - AvA rank39
    Xàrc - breton necro - DC - AvA rank27
    Xalisja - bosmer necro - DC - AvA rank16
    kàli - redguard templar - DC - AvA rank32
    - since april.2014
  • Reorx_Holybeard
    If you want to hide the entire new header you just have to use the CSS below:
    #universal-nav {

    Most browsers should have an add-on that lets you specificy custom JS/CSS for a specific website.
    Reorx Holybeard -- NA/PC
    Founder/Admin of -- UESP ESO Guilds
    Creator of the "Best" ESO Build Editor
    I'm on a quest to build the world's toughest USB drive!
  • Reivax
    This one finds the moving thingy at the top rather large and also finds its movement somewhat disturbing.

    It feels like it is a popup that you want to look for something to close it down again or hide it. But you can't ...

    It honestly feels rather bothersome to this one yes.

    A forum should stay still unless this one she chooses it to move - or she is drunk.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws

    You are too nice Santie. It's annoying as hell, it's not an improvement in any way, and it should be replaced with single static bar across the top like any other website. In my day, Web development used its budget to throw parties and go to Blizzcon. Nowadays they seem to have too much free time on their hands. Not good.
  • Tai-Chi
    There are some pretty nifty improvement ideas here. I am pleased that @ZOS_GinaBruno is taking note.

    Number one on my wish list is, that the "LANGUAGE SELECTION FLAGS" are located at the TOP.

    Thanks and please, please make it happen. :)o:)

    PC - EU (Main) & PC - NA
  • xSkullfox
    My Extented ESO Forum plugin is now available in the Chrome webstore.
    The worst part is when it finally puts you in a group, your healer turns into a werewolf, your tank has 14k HP and the dps is heavy armor, using a restro staff and a two handed sword on the backbar. Then comes the 15 minute penalty before the cycle starts anew.

    Rulz of Morrowind:
    • The first rule of Morrowind is: You do not talk about Morrowind.
    • The second rule of Morrowind is: You do not talk about Morrowind.
    • Third rule of Morrowind: Someone yells NDA stuff, uploads images, streams, the game is over.
    • Fourth rule: only invited players can test.
    • Fifth rule: one invite at a time, fellas.
    • Sixth rule: crying or bashing on pts.
    • Seventh rule: NDA will go on as long as they have to.
    • And the eighth and final rule: If this is your first invite at Morrowind, you have to play.
  • Rosveen
    Tai-Chi wrote: »
    There are some pretty nifty improvement ideas here. I am pleased that @ZOS_GinaBruno is taking note.

    Number one on my wish list is, that the "LANGUAGE SELECTION FLAGS" are located at the TOP.

    Thanks and please, please make it happen. :)o:)

    This. It needs to be easy to find, not hidden at the bottom of the page in the footer which most people automatically ignore and never read. Moreover, the language selection isn't obvious and not everyone will figure out that they need to click on the American flag to change the language to German or French. Why not display all flags? There certainly is enough room for them in that giant eyesore of a header.

    I'm also unsure as to what the difference is between American and International English and why the latter uses the British flag, but that's not really a complaint (or new).
    Edited by Rosveen on 7 August 2017 11:27
  • xSkullfox
    Rosveen wrote: »
    Tai-Chi wrote: »
    There are some pretty nifty improvement ideas here. I am pleased that @ZOS_GinaBruno is taking note.

    Number one on my wish list is, that the "LANGUAGE SELECTION FLAGS" are located at the TOP.

    Thanks and please, please make it happen. :)o:)

    This. It needs to be easy to find, not hidden at the bottom of the page in the footer which most people automatically ignore and never read. Moreover, the language selection isn't obvious and not everyone will figure out that they need to click on the American flag to change the language to German or French. Why not display all flags? There certainly is enough room for them in that giant eyesore of a header.

    I'm also unsure as to what the difference is between American and International English and why the latter uses the British flag, but that's not really a complaint (or new).

    Theres no difference between the American and Int English forum, both the same. Im still asking me who the qwertz did this, its sooo useless.
    The worst part is when it finally puts you in a group, your healer turns into a werewolf, your tank has 14k HP and the dps is heavy armor, using a restro staff and a two handed sword on the backbar. Then comes the 15 minute penalty before the cycle starts anew.

    Rulz of Morrowind:
    • The first rule of Morrowind is: You do not talk about Morrowind.
    • The second rule of Morrowind is: You do not talk about Morrowind.
    • Third rule of Morrowind: Someone yells NDA stuff, uploads images, streams, the game is over.
    • Fourth rule: only invited players can test.
    • Fifth rule: one invite at a time, fellas.
    • Sixth rule: crying or bashing on pts.
    • Seventh rule: NDA will go on as long as they have to.
    • And the eighth and final rule: If this is your first invite at Morrowind, you have to play.
  • Kilandros
    The header that resizes itself automatically is beyond annoying.
    Kilandros - Dragonknight / Grand Overlord
    Deimos - Templar / Grand Warlord
    Sias - Sorcerer / Prefect
    Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.

  • Rosveen
    xSkullfox wrote: »
    Rosveen wrote: »
    Tai-Chi wrote: »
    There are some pretty nifty improvement ideas here. I am pleased that @ZOS_GinaBruno is taking note.

    Number one on my wish list is, that the "LANGUAGE SELECTION FLAGS" are located at the TOP.

    Thanks and please, please make it happen. :)o:)

    This. It needs to be easy to find, not hidden at the bottom of the page in the footer which most people automatically ignore and never read. Moreover, the language selection isn't obvious and not everyone will figure out that they need to click on the American flag to change the language to German or French. Why not display all flags? There certainly is enough room for them in that giant eyesore of a header.

    I'm also unsure as to what the difference is between American and International English and why the latter uses the British flag, but that's not really a complaint (or new).

    Theres no difference between the American and Int English forum, both the same. Im still asking me who the qwertz did this, its sooo useless.
    I thought there would be a difference in website articles, but they still use American spelling and forum posts are obviously always the same, so I don't know what the second option is for.
    Edited by Rosveen on 7 August 2017 13:55
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Thanks for all the continued feedback, all. As we mentioned last week, we are working on addressing the navigation issues including the size, jumping, and jittery motions. We're also working on relocating the language selector.

    As far as the differences between the EN and UK sites, this is mainly for dates and times; the content is all the same, though.

    Edit: Re-opening thread, apparently the changes are coming as soon as today or tomorrow!
    Edited by ZOS_GinaBruno on 7 August 2017 17:44
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Recremen
    Thanks for all the continued feedback, all. As we mentioned last week, we are working on addressing the navigation issues including the size, jumping, and jittery motions. We're also working on relocating the language selector.

    As far as the differences between the EN and UK sites, this is mainly for dates and times; the content is all the same, though.

    Edit: Re-opening thread, apparently the changes are coming as soon as today or tomorrow!

    Woo! I knew that couldn't be intended behavior!
    Men'Do PC NA AD Khajiit
    Grand High Illustrious Mid-Tier PvP/PvE Bussmunster
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Please be today . Please please please .
  • Forztr
    Next time you should get the site developers to get real users to test changes or at the very least test it on slowish machines with highish pings, because I'm sure on a dev server with infinite bandwidth and 5ms ping it looked great but in the real world less so.

    It took me 10secsonds on a 4Mb connection with a 50ms ping to know that the new header sucked. The redesign should have never made it live in its current format. Just sayin'
  • Octopuss
    The site doesn't remember language setting. I changed it to british english, and now it's back to american. Please fix that.
  • Turelus
    Edit: Re-opening thread, apparently the changes are coming as soon as today or tomorrow!

    They better be. If I go to click my notifications and click that damn banner one more time I might be going on a killing spree, every cute innocent animal possible (in game).
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Borvath
    Can you add a dev tracker filter to the mobile version. I need to mannually add /tracker/ at the end. There is no problem with the dev tracker page in mobile, so I have no idea why it is mising.
    Edited by Borvath on 8 August 2017 14:40
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Any update ?
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Any update ?

    The changes are still being tested by QA - expect to see them in the next few days. Thanks for being patient!
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Any update ?

    The changes are still being tested by QA - expect to see them in the next few days. Thanks for being patient!

    Ok thanks for the update Mrs Gina . I will be patiently waiting and thinking of all the good times with fast scrolling to come . Browsing threads in seconds instead of minutes .A wide open horizon of forum information where that big black header use to be and knowing what section I am commenting on .

    *squeezing stress therapy toy*
This discussion has been closed.