Hircine's Plague is an idea for a real expansion for Elder Scrolls Online, to take place approximately ten years after the first events of Elder Scrolls Online. After the defeat of Molag Bal and the destruction of his Planemeld, and after becoming the Hero of all the factions, entire cities start to go silent.
Called upon by the faction leader, you are sent to investigate with their most trusted general (i.e. Razum'Dar for Dominion) these cities to see what has happened. Upon arriving, you see a potent virus of lycanthropy has broken out. Werebears in Skyrim, werecrocodiles in Black marsh - Werelions in Elsywr, werewolves in Valenwood - Wereboars in Highrock, Werevultures in Hammerfell.
Reporting back to the faction leader, the leader senses something is wrong that this is not a natural breakout of lycanthropy and further investigation is needed. Investigating some smaller villages, clues are found that suggest hunting parties are out in force tracking down the strongest of the lycanthrope creatures. These parties are suggested to be too prepared for such a new outbreak, and thus must know something about the outbreak itself.
It is your task to find one of the hunting parties and learn how they were able to organize so fast to hunt down the transformed creatures. With aid of a general you are able to find a hunting party, hunting in the glow of a blood moon. They inform you that you have not been invited, and insist that you leave but you must find what they know. Instead they attack you and you must defeat them.
After the hunting party is slain, a white beast comes out and speaks. It is an aspect of Hircine, and informs you that he plans to turn Tamriel into a massive Hunting Ground and has developed this new stronger and more potent strain of lycanthropy.
That's about all I have for now. My next idea will include the vial Sload.