Dungeon finder

Soul Shriven
Dungeon finder tool is now complete broken.
Lets get started
1rst when you are solo and you are in queue and change map the queue status under the quest tracker gone and most of the times the finder never find you a grp.
2nd When you dont have a full group and for example you miss one dungeon finder dont work at all. You cant enter it on queue or you get a message about someone missing a dlc even if you want to go in a non dlc dungeon
3rd When you full group and teleport inside the dungeon the problem that you kick you out still exist every time we try it.
So dungeon finder now is complete broken..........
  • Sternsaphir
    All of the above, and same problems as described with the battlegrounds.
    When we did pledges yesterday evening (EU server), we were most of the time not able to join the queue for the dungeon, when we finally got in, two of our group were kicked out. These two then teleported to the other two who had remained inside. While we were then doing the dungeon, the group finder all told us we were waiting for the activity to begin and the question that you have to confirm before entering a dungeon (yes, ready / no, not ready) plopped up every 20 seconds or so for some of us. At the same time, dungeon dmg bonus was alternately given and taken away again.
    All in all, not the best way to do a group dungeon.
    Denn so, wie ihr Augen habt, um das Licht zu sehen, und Ohren, um Klänge zu hören, so habt ihr ein Herz, um damit die Zeit wahrzunehmen. Und alle Zeit, die nicht mit dem Herzen wahrgenommen wird, ist verloren wie die Farben des Regenbogens für einen Blinden oder das Lied eines Vogels für einen Tauben.
    Michael Ende (Momo)
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