Maintenance for the week of June 3:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· [IN PROGRESS] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance June 5, 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)


  • MLGProPlayer
    casparian wrote: »
    Apparently the trade window is only for use between friends

    Correct. Only use COD for buying or selling.

    COD fees are so high that they negate any savings. Why trade with another player then when you can buy the item for the same price on guild traders?

    I say just be careful and you won't get scammed.
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on 9 March 2017 09:40
  • Bartdude
    Yeah lots of scams in player face to face, they really need to modify trades better GW had the same problem, there trade system is based off GW 1 style

    I actually got scammed playing GW because of this. They l8r changed it so you had a second window to confirm the offer that had item and gold "locked in" so that sort of scamming was stopped.
    "No *** lady! does it sound like I'm ordering pizza?"
  • MakoFore
    thats terrible they dont enforce any punishment for what is basically theft. they could at least threaten the person to return it but zos is so afraid of upsetting potential customers- and at once- always upsetting the existing ones by not doing anything. that is frankly unacceptable- I've been scammed and got the same treatment. people need to be protected by some kind of law mechanism.
  • Prof_Bawbag
    casparian wrote: »
    Apparently the trade window is only for use between friends

    Correct. Only use COD for buying or selling.

    COD fees are so high that they negate any savings. Why trade with another player then when you can buy the item for the same price on guild traders?

    I say just be careful and you won't get scammed.

    It's not about being careful. It happens so quickly the person that's on the receiving end of it stands no chance if the other person that's doing the scamming is good. It literately happens in a blink of an eye.

    There should be a timer on the acceptance which after the timer expires, no party can withdraw from unless both parties agree to the cancellation. So many ways to stop this shite.
    Edited by Prof_Bawbag on 9 March 2017 10:48
  • GreenhaloX
    Damn, I'm really sorry for what happened to you but thank you for sharing this with us! I don't do direct trades often but I wasn't aware this could happen! Unbelievable what some people can do.

    Yes, all day.. all day. Ha ha. It doesn't fail. Every time I am online (on PS4), somebody or two is complaining on zone text or guild chat about being scammed or warning/giving name(s) of that someone who just scammed them. Most deals/transactions between P2P are legitimate, but yes, from time to time (more often than not, though) there will be that dirtbag scamming or ripping somebody off. I only sell/buy on the guild store. The price is there, set; buy it, don't buy it, it's all good. I don't need the gold or stuff right now or need to potentially deal with scammer or greedy sellers. Plus, you can always shop around at the many guild traders and get the lower price on an item or items.

    The response from ZOS is spot on for "buyers beware." This game is similar to real life in so many ways. Real life people's personalities are in this game. Unfortunately, the negative sides or natures of people are abound in this game. Just like in real life, there are cheaters, cons and the not so honest people playing in this game; not to mention the bullies and those with such bad attitudes. Such less than positive side of people within this game are, I'm sure, attributed to many people doing solo things.

    Edited by GreenhaloX on 9 March 2017 13:26
  • Indigochild3rdi
    You can also try trading through mail? There's more trust involved but if they want the mats they will pay you.
  • Indigochild3rdi
    Wait what is COD? I'm a noob to mmos so I don't know too much about the phrases
  • gard
    zaria wrote: »
    How do the system in ESO work?
    I put in my offering and press ok so my part grays out, the other part can add stuff and press ok to trade,
    If I'm last my second ok finalizes the trade.
    Obviously pretty easy to scam here.

    As you say it should obviously been required that both verified after the window was locked, you could mouse over items to inspect and verify but not add or remove something without removing the lock.
    So first phase is adding offer, then lock then both had locked both then had to press "trade".
    It would make switching items impossible and would just require one extra click.
    Yes you could still scam on value

    Don't click confirm until the other person has put their item in the window.
    That's what the confirm button is for.
    My wife complains that I never listen to her. (Or something like that.)
    -- I'm a one man smurf zerg!

    My ESO addons:
    Midnight - Find out when midnight is so that you can check for ww/vamp spawn.
    Goto - Adds a tab to the map pane allowing you to teleport to a friend, guildmate, or groupmate for free.
  • React
    They just need to place a trade cooldown where whenever an item or gold is removed from the window, regardless of if both players hit accept, there is a 5sec cooldown before the trade confirms (if both players have already accepted) in which they can back out.
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • Ep1kMalware
    zaria wrote: »
    NinJake wrote: »
    When spending big bucks... be very cautious and don't rush trades. If you've ever been scammed before, I'm sure you've never let it happen again. (Reminisces back to Runescape....)

    But as others have stated, COD is a much safer option.
    Runescape was insane in the amount of scamming going on.
    Swapping items in trade was for the professionals.
    The idiots used the drop item on ground and press Alt-F4 to duplicate
    Up to hard core grieving, getting otter players killed so you could loot them was one.

    I loved that ***. Getting loud mouth kids ko'd for trying to crash my armadyl solo, or luring rich kids into the freaking clan wars red portal. There was a good scheme you never saw comming too. Basically you befriend the guy and duke it out with a few peeps, confuse the guy, switch sides and have ur friends zerg.

    Some people are all mouth and no brains. I feel bad for you though OP. Ik on ps4 there's a huge facebook community they post scammers on, maybe your platform has one.
  • lynzriches
    Really sucks that this happened to you, I'm sorry :(

    Reaffirms why I never do any trading except with friends/guildmates and only sell in guild stores. I know not all people are ass hats but have to be careful of the ones who are.
    Edited by lynzriches on 9 March 2017 15:54
    @lynzriches | PC | NA | Master Crafter w/70+ motifs
  • Giraffon
    I will offer to pay the COD expense above already agreed upon price. So if we agree on a price of 50K I might say, "Just mark it up to 52K and COD it to me." As a seller I build it into the price before offering it up.

    Giraffon - Beta Lizard - For the Pact!
  • Nestor
    Yeah, I see people in zone chat selling their stuff and they say "face-to-face trade only". Instant red flag. I only COD.

    It's not a red flag. If the guy who gets your COD doesn't pay up, you will have to wait 1 *** month for it to expire and you to get your *** back. Face to face trade is the only way to go. OP is just a sucker and probably didnt even look at the trade right, he just locked in like a monkey and got scammed in the process.

    Its 3 days. Still a wait, but your not waiting 30 days.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • MNsnowtaTy
    Wait what is COD? I'm a noob to mmos so I don't know too much about the phrases

    COD is when you use the request gold when mailing something to another player. You can sell things thru the mail and set the price, and when the person opens the mail it'll ask them to confirm that they are spending however much gold on said item. It will cost you a posting fee based on the price you're selling it for.

    Always verify you have the right item before you agree to paying if you're a buyer.
  • Tandor
    Wait what is COD? I'm a noob to mmos so I don't know too much about the phrases

    Cash On Delivery. As used when sending stuff through the mail that the recipient has to pay for in order to remove the attachment.
  • SirAndy
    I trade face to face with strangers all the time. The key is to *not* be in a hurry.

    Take your time, make sure everything is legit and the items you get are what you want, the money isn't missing a zero, that sort of thing. Double check, then hit the button.
    alexkdd99 wrote: »
    Isn't it supposed to undo the accept trade if the other person pulls their item from the trade window?

    That's what I thought and experienced myself. I tried to give a guy 5k one time just cause he was a low level and I accepted after I put gold and when he decided to give me something in return, I think a blue craft book, it reset the trade.

    I could be imagining things again but I'm like 90% sure
    Rhaegar Gregorson, The Ebonheart Centurion - Imperial Dragonknight
    RABIDxWOLVERINE - Xbox One, NA, Ebonheart Pact


  • Amadis001
    An unrelated but annoying scam attempt from earlier this week:

    I called out in zone for worms: offered to pay 25g each for as much as anyone would send me, COD. Some loser sent me a single isinglass for 150000g hoping that I would be accepting a big pile of CODs and be too slow to avoid clicking on his. He didn't get me. But it was clever and it almost worked.

    // Amadis of Gaul -- DK Nord (Lvl 50 CP 1000)
  • Apokalypt
    120 wax for 360k....what.the.***? 3k for one piece? What.the.***? I am on pc and that *** is so cheap... like 150g per piece...
  • purple-magicb16_ESO
    Smolt wrote: »
    Apparently the trade window is only for use between friends

    That still doesn't explain why the transfer worked for him and not you. If it's meant only for use between friends then logically it shouldn't work at all if you're not friends. To use ZoS terminology it's not working as intended. I can see if this gets out, scammers will come out of the woodwork and the community will rage. If they're not going to compensate, fine but fix the issue before it tears a huge rift in their gaming community.

    I get buyer beware. That works in terms of "know what you're buying". For example, you can't a demand refund if you paid 20k for tempering alloy that retails for 6500g. And I've been nailed with this too. When I was a young enchanter, one time I paid 75k for what I thought was a triglyph but turned out to be an old worthless junk glyph left over from beta. Yep. I'm smarter now. Not a lot smarter, just a little ;-)
    Edited by purple-magicb16_ESO on 9 March 2017 21:03
    I don't comment here often but when I do, I get [snip]
  • Cpt_Teemo
    Yeah, I see people in zone chat selling their stuff and they say "face-to-face trade only". Instant red flag. I only COD.

    Exactly. No idea why anyone would trade outside of COD unless it's giving someone something...honestly....not trolling.

    Also have to make sure its the exact item in CoD too cause I had multiple occasions where I was trying to buy a high end motif, IE: Akaviri Chest, and someone sends, an Akaviri Boots which I already had way before, knowing full well they were trying to scam cause boots only cost 100k AP and Chest 500k AP.

    Also for him being kind of a *** trying to scam me, I was gladly to return the CoD back to him so he wouldn't have to wait 3 days. I wasn't going to be one of those that sit on CoD till it returns doesn't seem to right as well, even if it is for a scammer.

    So he can scam someone else immediately without waiting 3 days?

    Yeah didn't think of that, next time ill hold onto it then
  • purple-magicb16_ESO
    Apokalypt wrote: »
    120 wax for 360k....what.the.***? 3k for one piece? What.the.***? I am on pc and that *** is so cheap... like 150g per piece...

    ...or maybe ZoS thinks that you feel you just overpaid and not that you were ripped off completely? That price is really over the top.
    Edited by purple-magicb16_ESO on 9 March 2017 21:10
    I don't comment here often but when I do, I get [snip]
  • Lythandra
    The problem is that this is a bug with the trader screen. Somehow they are getting past the safety function and ZOS just does not care. *** like this is why people leave games. They do not care about their customers.
  • Argruna
    I think the easiest and best way to do this is not to report it as a scam but as a bug. Take a screenshot of your trade and if they scam, report it as a bug with the screenshot attached stating you did not get your items through the trade as the trade bugged. If the more people start using the in game bug feature and reporting it as a bug, you might have a fraction of a chance of someone going oh and giving you those items. Because it is a 'bug' with the trading system. Bugs tend to get fixed.
  • xXMichonneXx
    Apokalypt wrote: »
    120 wax for 360k....what.the.***? 3k for one piece? What.the.***? I am on pc and that *** is so cheap... like 150g per piece...

    ...or maybe ZoS thinks that you feel you just overpaid and not that you were ripped off completely? That price is really over the top.

    I'm thinking he meant dreugh wax, not decorative wax.
    XBoxOne NA
    910 CP
    50 Imperial Stamblade DC
    50 Argonian Templar Healer DC
    50 Altmer Mag Sorc DC
    50 Imperial Stam Templar DC
    50 Dunmer Mag DK DC
    50 Imperial Stam Sorc DC
    50 Nord Stam DK Tank DC
    50 Redguard Stam DK DPS DC
    50 Altmer Mag Templar DPS DC
    50 Imperial Stam Warden DC
  • Croblasta
    I had the same thing happen to me. Trade was confirmed but somehow the gold was removed and trade reconfirmed and I got scammed. I opened a ticket and was given the same robo response you got.

    I understand the not getting the outcome of the investigation of the offending party, but if trading is only meant for friends, then it should be clearly stated. I would also like to know if this is some kind of bug or exploit in trading itself and how this was able to be done (exploit/custom controller key mapping, etc as I'm on console) obviously after it has been fixed. It just baffles my mind that these trade scams continue to happen.
    Edited by Croblasta on 9 March 2017 23:31
  • SirAndy
    Croblasta wrote: »
    It just baffles my mind that these trade scams continue to happen.
    It's been around since beta ...

  • CardboardedBox
    NinJake wrote: »
    When spending big bucks... be very cautious and don't rush trades. If you've ever been scammed before, I'm sure you've never let it happen again. (Reminisces back to Runescape....)

    But as others have stated, COD is a much safer option.

    Speaking of runescape, why not just add a second confirmation trade window into eso just like RS has? Apsolute minimal chances of being scammed that way, since it warns you when something was removed.
  • Woopy
    These types of things scare me when I trade face to face, especially with things that cost quite a bit like motifs.. can't imagine losing hundreds of thousands though.
    Heart of Ayanad [StamSorc]
    Soul of Ayanad [MagKnight]
    Aegis of Ayanad [MagPlar]
    Keeper of Ayanad [MagBlade]
    Shadow of Ayanad [MagSorc]
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