Would doing what another company was unwilling to do with their IP and have MOBA activities and and MMO together make anyone personally insecure and raging mad at ZOS if we had the
"Option" to play such a thing? IE you are not forced to PVP...And I get it for some of the naysayers in that everyone has their laundry list of things that ZOS must fix before creating another color blue...
I would rather not leave this game to play a MOBA map in another IP if I could get my fix here in a MOBA Battleground. If there' already planned CTF, KOTH, and or 4*4 deathmatch battleground types , I don't see why a type of BG/Moba would be too frowned upon. I've done all the normal type of BG's in other MMO's so my question was more slanted towards something special if Zos chose to do it...It's not as if Moba's are popular nowadays
Not sure if anyone else would even want it hence my post.