So I traded in my ps4 for a discount on the "pro" version last Friday. In most games I play, it has actually been a great performance boost aside from the occasional crash. ESO is a bit different. There has so far been next to no lag, which is a major improvement. But the game now seems to have an incredible amount desyncs around the board. I am taking damage WAY before any animation plays suggesting I'm about to take it. Before playing on the pro the game was, at the very worse, playing animations 1 second out of sync. Now they're playing 2-3 seconds late. I'm also having more and more mobs refusing to be bashed when channeling an ability. Abilities I cast will play their animations, but won't do damage, or they outright won't work at all.
I've tried submitting tickets, and the best advice I got was to redownload my game, which I've done twice now with no changes to the problem. I honestly don't know what to do at this point. It feels like the game can't be played.