Official Discussion Thread for "Celebrate Orsinium’s One Year Anniversary"

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
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  • Juhasow
    Hmm so now I'll get powered and decisive weapon not in 2 separate runs but in 1 run? Juicy !
    Can we get improvment that during event we can drop only sharpened/precise/defending ?
    Edited by Juhasow on 4 November 2016 14:43
  • Yuke

    In Veteran Maelstrom, yep!

    What about the weekly rewards? Doubled as well?

    Also: Why no Tokensystem for the time of the event? I dont think that ill be able to beat RNGesus within fourteen days...couldnt beat him within twelve (12) month, so yeah...feel free to check my account for my MSA attempts.

    Dont want to spoiler it, but i did ~10 rewards per week for 12 month now and still havent got my Lightning Staff in Sharpened.

    Dont understand why you still insist on RNGesus for a ~45 minutes dungeon, where you cant trade items afterwards, because its no group content.
    Save Us, Microsoft.

    Noricum & Kitesquad™
  • f047ys3v3n
    I am amused to see how a thread to discuss the one year anniversary of what probably well over half of players think is the most fun content at least since Craglorn has become entirely about the horrible, no good, very bad, chances of getting the most important items in the game and the fact that doubling the chances still leaves basically no chance. That is the magnitude of the problem.

    I know what your doing. Your going into the meetings with the top raid guilds and asking if this is reasonable. Everyone in those meetings has those weapons because if they didn't they could not be in those guilds as those weapons are required. They say yea, it's perfectly reasonable we worked so hard.... In fact, make the RNG worse because power creep has made the content much easier and we must compensate for that by making you do it more. There is currently a far lower chance of a sharpened weapon now than at launch because the addition of traits more than offsets the higher drop rate. Has any other MMO in history ever lowered a drop rate as content aged. I should think not.

    Remember who you are talking too. Try asking the second tier raid guilds who are full of players who can't be first tier because the gear hasn't dropped for them and see what they think. You could also just pull out your pocket calculator and punch some numbers only to be shocked that good and dedicated players are basically expected to spend half a year doing nothing in game but this peice of content, which they cannot run with friends, to get the gear that makes the biggest difference. Ponder on that. It is crazy talk. Ponder also on this, even if you made only sharpened drop and had the drops double you would still be at only a 1/6 chance of getting any particular weapon which is more runs than it takes to get say a full set of VO gear which, with trading, you will get in 3 or fewer hard mode trial runs. So, only sharpened for offensive weapons, only defending for the tank sword nobody wants, only precise, powered or defending for the resto. End the trolling and get it done.
    I am currently worried for the future of ESO. Population seems like it is in free fall and the cancellation of the North America in-person gathering feels very much like pulling the plug. Kudos on fixing the in-game economy though. Clearly whatever gold shenanigans were happening the last couple years are fixed.
  • method__01
    ill camp outside Zandadunoz for the whole event B)
    PC EU/NA /// PS4 EU/NA

    This one hears nothing. Sees nothing. This one only sweeps.
    desperately need a survey assistant
  • DannyLV702
    I thought ESO was an online MMO game? Why on earth would you be encouraging players to play by themselves? vMA makes zero sense whatsoever.

    How about creating a group version of vMA so that we can actually play a game that is meant to be played... with OTHER PEOPLE.

    I go play Skyrim if I want to play by myself.

    Just because you suck at playing solo and rather have other players carry you throughout the content, doesn't mean we all feel the same as you. Group players have dozens of dungeons, trials and DSA.
  • Destyran
    Please give loot yable of one sharpened precise and defending. Please dont just double the trash rewards
  • kongkim
    I can't compleat vMA anyway. :(
  • LegendaryArcher
    Come on, @ZOS_GinaBruno, let's truly celebrate the 1 year anniversary and remember the good, old times. Make vMA only drop Sharpened, Precise and Defending traits for this event!
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates
  • LionasJP
    Soul Shriven
    2 weeks are very short term for me. :(
    Lionas - Japanese Add-on Author & Translator

    Add-on Portal : ESOUI
    Blog : Lionas Gaming Square
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  • LegendaryArcher
    f047ys3v3n wrote: »
    I know what your doing. Your going into the meetings with the top raid guilds and asking if this is reasonable. Everyone in those meetings has those weapons because if they didn't they could not be in those guilds as those weapons are required. They say yea, it's perfectly reasonable we worked so hard.... In fact, make the RNG worse because power creep has made the content much easier and we must compensate for that by making you do it more. There is currently a far lower chance of a sharpened weapon now than at launch because the addition of traits more than offsets the higher drop rate. Has any other MMO in history ever lowered a drop rate as content aged. I should think not.

    I just want to emphasize this one more time. @f047ys3v3n nailed it perfectly! This is exactly what is happening.

    Once in a while, ZOS is holding conferences with leaders from Aquila Raiders, Beyond Infinity, Hodor, etc. Guilds that would never even look at a player without a vMA weapon!

    Who ZOS doesn't talk to are the tons of competitive players that quit ESO over this after months ("year" by now) of running this piece of "content" with no appropriate reward. What ZOS also fails to see is how these guilds (except Hodor) actually formed. Other, previously successful guilds started splitting in groups of people with and without vMA weapons. Those who didn't get them were pretty much forced to quit.

    @ZOS_RichLambert A streamer mentioned you saying your idea of vMA is to "farm the *** out of it," after a real life meeting with you. Great. I like farming. And I like challenge. But for someone running vMA hundreds of times, it's not a challenge anymore. It's just an annoying chore that can be done with one's eyes closed. Please comment on this at least once.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates
  • SirGabenOfSteamia
    Now all you need to do is nerf those Crematorial Guards so that I can actually finally finish vMA. Literally made it all the way through nearly deathless on my stamblade, and have used over 40 soul gems on the very last stage because its nearly impossible to tank one of their fire attacks without a sigil active.
    And so, Akatosh revealed himself to a young Gaben, and granted him purpose.
    "Grant them Steam sales," he commanded.
    And obey, he did.
  • YoloWizard
    Once in a while, ZOS is holding conferences with leaders from Aquila Raiders, Beyond Infinity, Hodor, etc. Guilds that would never even look at a player without a vMA weapon!

    I don't know where did you get this idea from, but its not true. Those guilds won't care about what gear you are using if your damage output is high enough to meet their requirement.

    @Paulington doesn't own a maelstrom staff and still can be competitive.

    This doesn't mean that I don't agree with the horrible vMA experience to get the desired reward though

    World First Vet Maw Of Lorkhaj Clear
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    World Record for All Trials Pre Thieves Guild Patch (YT)
  • Paulington
    As @YoloWizard said, I don't own a vMA weapon (never even had an inferno drop in a lot of runs now) and my DPS is more than competitive.

    In our testing we found that using the exact same build, @YoloWizard with a vMA staff and me without led to around a 4-5% DPS increase which is a decent amount but it's less than 3k DPS even at the tippity-top. If you're only doing veteran dungeons with 20k DPS you're looking at a whopping 1k more DPS, hardly substantial.

    VMA weapons are undoubtedly great to have, but they are definitely not the be-all and end-all. In Hodor we care far more about you as a person, how flexible you are, how quickly you learn and adapt to new things as long as your DPS is somewhat competitive and you most definitely do not need a vMA weapon for that.
    Edited by Paulington on 6 November 2016 16:14
  • Tandor
    Paulington wrote: »

    Players leaving? Let's look at Steamstats for ESO (a small fraction of the playerbase, but let's take it as representative of the rest):


    Now, that can all be a little confusing or not very clear, so let's put it in graph form:


    I think that clearly shows the trend ESO follows. Playerbase spikes after each DLC (every quarter or so) and then drops down only to spike again. But note two things:
    1. The line of best fit has a positive gradient, ESO is growing on Steamstats and likely growing overall.
    2. The "high" point in ~July 2015 is not far from the "low" point of July 2016, this also indicates growth.

    Heck, even without all this, you only need to look in-game to see for yourself. The game is busier and better than ever. The events are just another great addition to the game.

    Please don't confuse the haters with facts and logic as it ruins their day, and they're delicate little snowflakes whose feelings are easily hurt by anything hinting at positivity.
  • I_killed_Vivec
    November 7th at 10am EST.

    So getting up early, all excited to start playing before work, at 7am BST was a waste of time :(
    Edited by I_killed_Vivec on 7 November 2016 07:42
  • Fire_Ace
    aaaah no I didn't see this article and just bought the DLC yesterday :'(
  • Stopnaggin
    No double anything this morning. WTH?
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Stopnaggin wrote: »
    No double anything this morning. WTH?

    The event just hasn't begun yet - we're working on getting everything spun up!
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Eleusian
    Destyran wrote: »
    Screw double drops just give us tge original loots table of sharpened precise defending.

    But without the trash gear drops
    PS4 NA
  • Agobi
    Huh,a year...maybe I should go there soon and see how it is :D
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    The Orsinium Anniversary event is now live on all platforms! Have fun! :smiley:
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Declarius
    Soul Shriven
    I'm quite disappointed about the wording of this.

    "The return of the original Orsinium Collector's Bundle to the Crown Store at a substantial discount, featuring:
    The Orsinium DLC Game pack
    The Cave Bear mount
    The Cave Bear Cub pet
    Five Crown Experience Scrolls
    75% off Crown Store purchases of the Orsinium DLC Game Pack"

    I had hope of the Collector's Bundle also being 75% off but upon logging in this morning with 1,500 crowns ready to go, I see that the pack is 60% off and 2,000 crowns instead. I suppose I don't see why "substantial discount" was used.

    Not to mention the massive billing issues I'm having to contact support about while trying to get those 1,500 crowns. Quite a disappointing start to the day.
  • montiferus
    I am disappointed how unappreciative people seem to be about this. They literally just cut our farm time in half for 2 weeks. I for one want to thank you!!!

    Double drops in Maelstrom is huge. It makes it much more worthwhile to farm now. Still haven't got what I need but did get a nirnhoned battle axe today which isn't terrible.

    Please consider extending the event longer. Even if I do a run a day (which may be hard) thats 24 drops. Most likely not going to get a sharpened one-hander in that amount of runs. Most of my friends said it took ~50 to get theirs.

    Really like these events. It keeps the game interesting.
  • gel214thb14_ESO
    Yaaay!! I think that it should include Double XP though.

    Most times there are Anniversaries they include double XP.

  • Yuke
    got 7 of my chars to stage 9 yesterday so i can finish it today with doubled reward.

    + 6 chars on weekly leaderboards

    + two additional runs

    = 24 rewards ...

    and not even a single lightning staff :*

    Gonna be beatiful two weeks.
    Save Us, Microsoft.

    Noricum & Kitesquad™
  • LucidxNightmare
    I'd just like to say thanks for the event. I'm really enjoying the double node items, especially since harvesting has gotten harder since One Tamriel (specifically alchemy mats, for me anyway.) I'll probably spend the entire time farming nodes as I'm not interested in doing arena. I will say it's pretty cut-throat farming during the event. Gonna try in the middle of the night/early morning and see if it helps. On a side note I'm glad I won't have to see that skeleton poly anymore soon. It was fun for a while but it started to get on my nerves after about a week. Couldn't pass up that double XP though. Hope to see more event's like this and the Witches Festival. It's been fun.
  • f047ys3v3n
    So...... I may have gotten a sharpened inferno today. Honest to Talos it was on the last run that I was going to do before giving up since it didn't look like the RNG was any better regarding traits. You might say I am enjoying the event.

    I'm actually far more motivated to do vMA now than before I got what I wanted. Running content for stuff you realllly need is very stressful and not getting it is rage inducing. A lot of negative emotions I don't need to feel when I'm trying to enjoy myself. Now I can dabble around and see if I can get some vMA stuff for my stam toons to mess around with and maybe get some of those 40k+ stam boss parses in pledges. This is the beauty of loot drops in most content in ESO. It is rather quick to get a usable set of what you want and then you can farm in the off traited stuff to get all divines of impenetrable. Unfortunately, as weapon traits are worth between 10-15% of dps it always must be right traited to use (except dual weild vMA weapons as they are just that OP) so, you either get exactly what you want or something you can't use.

    Anyhow, I still think a different scheme is necessary in vMA as current rng is not fair. I feel bad about the guys who have run it many many times more than me and not gotten what they need. Best of luck to you guys, may the RNG deities be with you.
    I am currently worried for the future of ESO. Population seems like it is in free fall and the cancellation of the North America in-person gathering feels very much like pulling the plug. Kudos on fixing the in-game economy though. Clearly whatever gold shenanigans were happening the last couple years are fixed.
  • lordhakai
    i wish there was double fish
  • Stopnaggin
    montiferus wrote: »
    I am disappointed how unappreciative people seem to be about this. They literally just cut our farm time in half for 2 weeks. I for one want to thank you!!!

    Double drops in Maelstrom is huge. It makes it much more worthwhile to farm now. Still haven't got what I need but did get a nirnhoned battle axe today which isn't terrible.

    Please consider extending the event longer. Even if I do a run a day (which may be hard) thats 24 drops. Most likely not going to get a sharpened one-hander in that amount of runs. Most of my friends said it took ~50 to get theirs.

    Really like these events. It keeps the game interesting.

    I appreciate the event, but it sure has brought out the trolls. Leaving nodes half taken, ie only worms left. I did farm 2k leather in the AM in no time though.
  • Meld777
    Any comment from ZOS on the vMA drop rate misery 50% of General Discussion threads are about?
    Maelstrom Arena Champion | Undaunted | Fighters Guild Victor

    Level 50 Magicka NB | CP160+

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