Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24

Help someone out, it's rewarding!

First up, I'm not an elitist, I've been and still am called a noob, terrible, a joke of a dps, the lot but I've struggled on and on with more often than not a different opinion when things go south. I'd put myself in the above average category in PvE, not exceptional but decent and I'm always learning sitting at 502CP. My main is a Breton Sorcerer and there is somewhat a moral code with us folk, it's a bit like the biker's code where they give a nod passing others by on the road.

Anyway, I was doing some dailies in Wrothgar yesterday and someone asked in zone chat if anyone could craft Julianos staves (my gear set), I put myself forward and grouped up with the requester. He also needed hat, gloves and shoes, along with Magika glyphs and Spell Damage glyphs for his Willpower jewelry. I paused for thought but nah, this would cost him a fortune and a lot of time so I crafted the lot for him, all CP160 up to purple. The more I spoke to him, the more I saw myself in his circumstances at one time, no guild, no money, no friends, no clue as to what to do, hell, I joined Azura's Star at level 10 and didn't know how to get out! I spent the first 3 months of this game in PvP on empty servers getting ganked and zerged by EP (who were the only ones playing at the time). I also gave him 100 Witch's Brews as he never used food buffs before.

He wanted the full Julianos set to beat Maelstrom, he asked me if now he had enough to beat it. I told him it all depends on his skill set up, we did a few Delves and he primarily heavy attacked the lightning staff and used Force Pulse. He also used Bone Wall (I think that's what it's called). I gave him a good run down on what skills he needed to use and while these are all arbitrary to each person, I gave him the set up I used to beat Maelstrom and told him how to maximise his DPS, which Mundus to use where to put attributes etc. I spent about 2.5 hours with this guy watching him 1 v 1 mammoths and Giants in Wrothgar, doing final bosses solo in Delves and he was extremely appreciative, we're going through dungeons tonight which will be his first time, overall it felt really good steering someone in the right direction and hopefully they'll play the game with more enjoyment from now on.
  • nordsavage
    Helping people usually is not rewarding, especially in crafting people are fickle and indecisive. Not to mention any compensation is rarely equivalent to the effort and time. In real life helping people usually leads to inconvenience, trouble or harm. You were not helping him out of charity. Clearly it was for a sense of self satisfaction.
    Edited by nordsavage on 24 October 2016 14:47
    I didn't choose tank life, tank life chose me.
  • Sludge04
    nordsavage wrote: »
    Helping people usually is not rewarding, especially in crafting people are fickle and indecisive. Not to mention any compensation is rarely equivalent to the effort and time. In real life helping people usually leads to inconvenience, trouble or harm. You were not helping him out of charity. Clearly it was for a sense of self satisfaction.

    Yeah I get that, but I saw a lot in him as I did in me when I was a low level. I have only really learnt to play this game by accident and building a network of players to complete trials and dungeons with. There's a lot of people out there in the same situation. I don't need the compensation, I have plenty of gold and mats etc and it offered a new slant to the game for me. It was fun :smile:
  • Rohamad_Ali
    I don't help people to get rewards . I just do it for fun and to meet new people sometimes . People try to send me rewards as thank you and that's very nice but not necessary at all . We are all just playing to have fun .
  • Sludge04
    I don't mean rewarding in a tangible sense btw.
  • Druachan
    Nice, I'm sure some guilds do it but it would be a nice idea if you could go learn from say a "master" in a profession. I know it can be done adhoc in the game between players but it would be quite interesting if some high level characters could form schools to teach new players or new characters their skills.

    Yep we were all that guy once, some of us still are.
    Say please, before you AAAAAaaaarrrgghhh at me.
  • Bobby_V_Rockit
    I dont mind helping, but some people are just rude about it. Like someone in text chat wanted particular crafting style material. I have ample so I said "yeah I got some I dont need" this was met with "mail them to me", swiftly ignored and no mats for them!
  • Brokensocket
    I wouldnt help out another person with ANYTHING!! ever, why waist time for no personal gain? Not just in game but IRL no dad im not passing you the ketchup get it yourself ffs!
    PSN: Spaztik_89
  • CapnPhoton
    nordsavage wrote: »
    Helping people usually is not rewarding, especially in crafting people are fickle and indecisive. Not to mention any compensation is rarely equivalent to the effort and time. In real life helping people usually leads to inconvenience, trouble or harm. You were not helping him out of charity. Clearly it was for a sense of self satisfaction.

    So this is the direction the world is going? Unbelievable.

    In real and in game, I help people because I want to, not for recognition or to cure an emptiness or whatever people claim.
    Xbox One NA Aldmeri Dominion
  • shadoza
    CapnPhoton wrote: »
    nordsavage wrote: »
    Helping people usually is not rewarding, especially in crafting people are fickle and indecisive. Not to mention any compensation is rarely equivalent to the effort and time. In real life helping people usually leads to inconvenience, trouble or harm. You were not helping him out of charity. Clearly it was for a sense of self satisfaction.

    So this is the direction the world is going? Unbelievable.

    In real and in game, I help people because I want to, not for recognition or to cure an emptiness or whatever people claim.

    The world is not going that direction, just a noisy few on the internet. ...and evidently, in this game.
  • shadoza
    Sludge04 wrote: »
    First up, I'm not an elitist, I've been and still am called a noob, terrible, a joke of a dps, the lot but I've struggled on and on with more often than not a different opinion when things go south. I'd put myself in the above average category in PvE, not exceptional but decent and I'm always learning sitting at 502CP. My main is a Breton Sorcerer and there is somewhat a moral code with us folk, it's a bit like the biker's code where they give a nod passing others by on the road.

    Anyway, I was doing some dailies in Wrothgar yesterday and someone asked in zone chat if anyone could craft Julianos staves (my gear set), I put myself forward and grouped up with the requester. He also needed hat, gloves and shoes, along with Magika glyphs and Spell Damage glyphs for his Willpower jewelry. I paused for thought but nah, this would cost him a fortune and a lot of time so I crafted the lot for him, all CP160 up to purple. The more I spoke to him, the more I saw myself in his circumstances at one time, no guild, no money, no friends, no clue as to what to do, hell, I joined Azura's Star at level 10 and didn't know how to get out! I spent the first 3 months of this game in PvP on empty servers getting ganked and zerged by EP (who were the only ones playing at the time). I also gave him 100 Witch's Brews as he never used food buffs before.

    He wanted the full Julianos set to beat Maelstrom, he asked me if now he had enough to beat it. I told him it all depends on his skill set up, we did a few Delves and he primarily heavy attacked the lightning staff and used Force Pulse. He also used Bone Wall (I think that's what it's called). I gave him a good run down on what skills he needed to use and while these are all arbitrary to each person, I gave him the set up I used to beat Maelstrom and told him how to maximise his DPS, which Mundus to use where to put attributes etc. I spent about 2.5 hours with this guy watching him 1 v 1 mammoths and Giants in Wrothgar, doing final bosses solo in Delves and he was extremely appreciative, we're going through dungeons tonight which will be his first time, overall it felt really good steering someone in the right direction and hopefully they'll play the game with more enjoyment from now on.

    Hoping he will "pay it forward." There seems to be too many CP levels that are obnoxious and hateful toward anyone not at their station.
  • Chanman23
    Good for you for helping him out. That's what every online game community needs, is helpful players to help those who maybe aren't sure of what they are doing. We have all been the new guy before, we all know how it feels to make a mistake and then get scoffed at for it. Heck, just today I was playing my first real time in PvP, we broke the walls of the keep, and I rushed the front doors with some other group members and we died, giving the other faction time to get there and cut us off. Whether or not you were doing it for self satisfaction or not, like others have mentioned, isnt what matters. What matters is that you did something kind, and hopefully that person will do the same going forward.
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