lonewolf26 wrote: »@Faunter do scamps drop them now? I thought it was just the big guy.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »This is the official discussion thread for the blog article Celebrate Imperial City’s One Year Anniversary. We hope to see you in Imperial City next week for this one-time special event!
I have to say I am shocked and disgusted by the sales tactic for this anniversary. Instead of you rewarding long term subscribers or just players in general who will mostly likely already have IC (probably 80%+ of regular players), you try to gouge for 5,500 crown those who missed or elected not to buy the skin or horse the first time around.
I am a long term sub and wanted that skin but expecting me to pay 5,500 for it this time around, you must think we are nuts. As for those that say well you should grind IC for it. Why should I? I pay my subs, I prefer not to go in IC and the skin was available in the shop previously. Either don't put in the crown store at all or allow us to purchase it at a reasonable price.
I don't know who makes the decisions in your marketing department, but are you sure they don't secretly work for one of your competitors, because this kind of gouging is exactly what pees your wage payers off.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »This is the official discussion thread for the blog article Celebrate Imperial City’s One Year Anniversary. We hope to see you in Imperial City next week for this one-time special event!
It's still going on at 11:20 EDT though ICS is a ghost town.giinoz2011rwb17_ESO wrote: »
Blurb states will be going until 10:00Am EDT US
Apart from the patch update I can not log in for the ending lol bad joke anyway I gave up on IC and sewers so called event due to game freeze and Lag issues.
Is there any way to know the drop rate? I've spent 12+ hours farming it and not gotten the skin but have gotten an insane amount of scamps.ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »We are extending the double Tel Var and increased drop rates of the scamp and skin until the maintenance early next week! Get out there and snag those stones while they're hot!