WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »Wasn't there going to be a write-up of the news from this since there was no streaming?
lordrichter wrote: »
They don't have to because someone put it out for them. Anything they say in a news article would be less than we already know.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hi guys, unfortunately we ran into some difficulties and won't be able to stream from the gamescom event this weekend. We will, however, be publishing an article on the website early next week covering all the information (including info about Update 12).
Well, taking into account what Mrs Gina Bruno said last weekend:
I am still waiting for an article and even maybe for some extras/news too ;-)
WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »@lordrichter Even so, they said they'd release it and it would be bad form to go back on that. (And it wouldn't be the first time they skipped out entirely; I still haven't seen a write-up or video for the Ask the Loremaster panel they had a few events back.) And now they have released it, so all is well.