I'd like to set-up a few normal Maw of Lorkhaj farming runs for all the great sets that are out there. I thought it would be a good idea to get some people together on the forums because a lot of players don't get the chance to get a group going in game as communication on Xbox is fairly tough (not a lot of players in zone chats etc.). A lot of people are also struggling to find a decent trials guild even at CP160+, so this could be a nice discovery (and the gear to top it off
). Obviously, Maw of Lorkhaj is the hardest trial even on normal difficulty so make sure you're at least at CP160.
There's just one requirement: look up the mechanics online beforehand. I and a few others will also explain the mechanics to the fights before we start the farming but it is better that people don't go clueless in there. It will be easier for everyone
Notice that these runs, although on normal difficulty, will be scaled to CP160.
We will have a core team of 4. So 8 spots are available for this specific group, BUT if we have more players wanting to do the farm runs we will definetly split up into as many groups as needed, so no need to worry, no one will get dropped out.
Drop a comment below with your gamertag, your availability and your role (DD,H or T). Make sure to state the time at which you will be online and also for how long you will be staying. If you have any questions you can ask those in your comment also.
My gamertag is IzakiBrotherSs if you need it, but try to keep the disscussion on the forum for convinience. I'll be online and available for messages starting from 9:00 PM BST.
Edited by Izaki on 22 August 2016 20:42 @ Izaki #PCEU
#FrenchKiss #GoneFor2YearsAndMyGuildDoesn'tRaidAnymore