Official Discussion Thread for "Play Update 6 on PTS"

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Community Manager
This is the official discussion thread for the blog article Play Update 6 on PTS. We look forward to your feedback about all the changes that are going into the game, and hope to see you at some of our scheduled events!
Gina Bruno
Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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Staff Post
  • ZingyDevotee
    It would be really cool to have race-specific mounts. Lore-wise, a Sench tiger wouldn't allow a Nord to ride them, only other Khajiit
  • th3spian777_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I really, really hope that with the new costumes and clothing systems, comes a separate inventory. LOTRO has the wardrobe system, and I hope Zenimax takes a note out of their book.
  • Pecivilis
    I have been on and off the PTS since it launched 1.6. I have to say that what I have seen has been really REALLY good, and that this may be the Breath of Life this game needed to gain it's full potential.

    With that said there are a few points I would like to address.

    Light Armor : I definitely agree with the 1/4 mitigation of Heavy. It's cloth and makes sense. My issue is with that nerf we were promised a big boost in Mana Mitigation, to "Allow us to cast for days", as a Dev Chat last month said. Yet, upon testing mana seems to drain at the normal rate for Light users...that is to say very fast. So, in short we took the nerf bat upside the head with no balancing it out.

    Stamina : though I am not a Stam build I have heard and witnessed via guidies and other folk from Opposing factions in Cryodiil that Stam seems to drain at a rediculous rate for roll dodge, blocking, and sprinting. Was this intentional or a mistake in the algorithm?

    There are some other questions I have, however work calls so I must stop slacking.
    "Soon™ " - ZOS on TESOU
    Salty PC Player
    Pecivilis - vr14 Breton Sorc - Magicka DPS
    Guild PvE Officer - The Fatal Legion- NA PvP - Chillrend
  • Stumkrav
    Pecivilis wrote: »
    that this may be the Breath of Life this game needed to gain it's full potential.


    Other than that, I agree.

  • Navaya
    1#. More houses to enter, so far I have found some that is completely locked from entering.

    2#. If we are in a house with a npc that we can kill or steal from. Then it does not really make sense that our bounty will increase if we kill her/him with more than 1 hit, cus there is none around to witness it anyway.

    3#. In the Champion System, The Shadow -> Nimble:
    Reduce damage when using roll dodge
    It does not really make much sense to me since roll dodge, dodge all the dmg to begin with. Shouldn't it be reduce roll dodge cost?

    But other than that, I just love this patch more and more and more. The new animations looks absolutely stunning.
  • Elder_III
    So far I like what I see. There are many things I am not quite sure about yet and need to spend more time experiencing them before commenting or complaining about anything.

    One thing I would like to point out which I feel is either a bug or poor design. - When attempting to Flee a Guard (after they detain you and ask you to pay your bounty and you refuse to pay) I am unable to interact with doors. This has happened both when stunned/snared and when not under any effects from the Guard. essentially it means that you have 0% chance of ever escaping if you attempt to Flee while in a building. Other then that I am liking the Justice System allot. :)
    Semi retired from the trading aspects of the game.
  • MonkeyFuzzz
    I'd like to be a part of the community events on pts 1.6 so when are they ?
  • Smaxx
    I really, really hope that with the new costumes and clothing systems, comes a separate inventory. LOTRO has the wardrobe system, and I hope Zenimax takes a note out of their book.

    New costumes, pets, and mounts go straight into your "Collections", so you no longer have them as items in your inventory. That keeps you from losing them due to whatever reason as well.
  • Gobbon
    Soul Shriven
    It might be only me, but it seems as if the costumes are not all kept in the collection. Only the unlockable costumes were collected, the other 30 costumes I had from questing were still in my inventory. I sincerely hope that the collection will also include the questing costumes after finishing the quest or after gathering one.
    The champion system was nice, although I didn't get how exactly the points are distributed between the three main constellations. I had 13/12/12 points available. How will new points be distributed?
    I would also like to see a guide for the new mount system. I saw that it's possible to level up the mount skills and use whatever mount for it, but is it possible to unlock all mount skills, or is it still limited to a max level of combined carry/speed/endurance?
    Really liked the new justice system. Wasn't looking forward to it at all, but it really got me interested on the pts. Would like to get more information on the policing system, skill line, and how it works.
  • Khorak
    Soul Shriven
    Gobbon wrote: »
    It might be only me, but it seems as if the costumes are not all kept in the collection. Only the unlockable costumes were collected, the other 30 costumes I had from questing were still in my inventory. I sincerely hope that the collection will also include the questing costumes after finishing the quest or after gathering one.

    Zenimax already indicated that costumes that only change your appearance will go into the Collection inventory at this time. All those other costumes are considered "disguises" (e.g. interactions with some NPCs are different while wearing them). I recall them saying that they are still evaluating whether they want to include those in your collections in the future. For now, though, they are not included.
    Edited by Khorak on 29 January 2015 23:52
  • jwboudreau1b16_ESO
    The Justice system is awesome! However, psychic guard mechanics need to go. If I attack and kill someone in private, without anyone seeing (especially not those pesky chickens [Skyrim]), then my bounty shouldn't go up. It definitely cheapens the system.

    Also, I wish that guards were killable. It feels awful to be petrified by a single guard and wailed on until death. They are almost impossible to escape, too. What would be nice, instead, is a group of guards coming to attack you. Once you disperse the guards (if you can), you get a brief reprieve until more come, allowing you to escape. And get rid of the petrify and stun spam moves that the guards use! That way, it adds some challenge, but also gives you a possible way to escape without being stun spammed by the stupid guards.
    Edited by jwboudreau1b16_ESO on 30 January 2015 00:54
  • ShedsHisTail
    Where can i get a look at these new animations outside of PTS?
    "As an online discussion of Tamrielic Lore grows longer, the probability of someone blaming a Dragon Break approaches 1." -- Sheds' Law
    Have you seen the Twin Lamps?
  • daswahnsinn
    Would love to get on PTS, but don't have bandwidth to download it fast enough. Oh, if there was another way. lol
    | | daswahnsinn | Vet 16 Nord Dragon Knight | Bow/Dual Wield/Two-Handed Sword| DPS | | Warrior of the EbonHeart Pact | |
  • Avatar1109
    Does anybody know when the 1.6 update will go live to the NA megaserver?
  • Greeniewolfub17_ESO
    Khorak wrote: »

    Zenimax already indicated that costumes that only change your appearance will go into the Collection inventory at this time. All those other costumes are considered "disguises" (e.g. interactions with some NPCs are different while wearing them). I recall them saying that they are still evaluating whether they want to include those in your collections in the future. For now, though, they are not included.

    Then they need to reevaluate that a bit ahead of schedule.
    Me: "Okay lets run to Alessia. Mount up and follow me!"
    Me five seconds later: "Um yeah... totally forgot about that cliff..."
  • daswahnsinn
    Avatar1109 wrote: »
    Does anybody know when the 1.6 update will go live to the NA megaserver?

    In March more than likely. ZOS has said March 17th for a week or so now, but that may or may not happen, PTS needs to work out kinks.

    | | daswahnsinn | Vet 16 Nord Dragon Knight | Bow/Dual Wield/Two-Handed Sword| DPS | | Warrior of the EbonHeart Pact | |
  • frogprincess_q4
    Gobbon wrote: »
    It might be only me, but it seems as if the costumes are not all kept in the collection. Only the unlockable costumes were collected, the other 30 costumes I had from questing were still in my inventory. I sincerely hope that the collection will also include the questing costumes after finishing the quest or after gathering one.

    I agree, even if disguises are only unlocked after completing the quest and no longer have the ability to be used as a disguise. I love to be able to play dress ups with them, lol.
    Gobbon wrote: »
    I would also like to see a guide for the new mount system. I saw that it's possible to level up the mount skills and use whatever mount for it, but is it possible to unlock all mount skills, or is it still limited to a max level of combined carry/speed/endurance?

    My main has a level 50 carry horse and a level 50 speed horse, with update 6 her mounts all have the carry and the speed applied to them. However the amount that all the stats can be levelled to is now 60 so I can do some more feeding up to make up for what used to be the built in bonuses, I presume.
    The Justice system is awesome! However, psychic guard mechanics need to go. If I attack and kill someone in private, without anyone seeing (especially not those pesky chickens [Skyrim]), then my bounty shouldn't go up. It definitely cheapens the system.

    If it is possible there should also be the "last witness killed" bounty removal mechanic of Skyrim IF witnesses are going to continue to be taken into account at all....
    Also, I wish that guards were killable. It feels awful to be petrified by a single guard and wailed on until death. They are almost impossible to escape, too.

    My Nightblade can escape ok by spamming her invisibility cloak, breaking the stun-locks and swimming out to sea :P

    As for the new achievements: Please, I beg for more dyes!!
  • Mashille
    Hello. My feedback on the 1.6 PTS:
    Justice System:
    At the moment I'm enjoying the justice system and think that you guys have done a great job with it but I do have some suggestions that would (In my opinion) improve it with just some tweaks.
    - At the moment you cannot attack merchants, quest givers, or any significant NPC, it think that this is correct but could be made better. If you made merchants and other significant NPC's attackable but not actually killable it would really enhance the experience and make it more immersive and free (Like in Skrim in you tried to kill 'essential' NPC's they just went down on their knees for a bit then got back up again)
    - Also I think that it is a bit too easy to get away with it at the moment so can be abused. If you changed the underground fence area (I cant remember what they're called) to only have a single or two per area rather than 4 or 5 it would be a significant improvement. Another cool idea I had with this is to not tell the entrance to the underground area is so they have to actually look for it (Maybe try to hide the entrance away somewhere), then once they have found it for the first time THEN it would become marked on the map. (It's a little silly to have a secret underground area marked on EVERYONE'S maps, not very secret)
    - I like how guards are very strong and it adds some challenge but I think that if you are able you should update their AI, it's too easy just to run away for a while then have the guard to stop and ignore you and just go back to where he was. If you could update this it would make it more challenging and more immersive.
    - In addition I find it too easy to just avoid guards, sneaking around without them having any idea, so maybe increase the number of guards in places or give them a large detection radius or something.
    - I also dislike the fact that bounties are world wide and so do a number of other people, it's not realistic to be a criminal in Ebonheart pact and then be arrested in Aldmeri Dominion??? It's not immersive this way. I believe that it would e greatly improved by making the bounties faction bound AT LEAST if not zone bound (Eg 'The Rift', 'Stonefalls' etc.)
    - When killing NPC's I also think it would be cool if different NPC's had different strength levels so you wouldn't know when you attacked someone that they were actually a Master swordsman or something like that.

    Champion System:
    The champion system I am in complete love with, being an MMO player, I've played lots of MMO's and the champion system really sets this one off from the rest. The way you can customize and tweak your character to suit you is great and it means no 2 character are the same. LOVE IT keep it up.
    At the moment the only thing I can see that is a little off in the champion system is one of the big buff passives in The Steed where is says that it gives you a 150 damage shield for a while, which is now nothing judging by abilities do thousands of damage, I'm not sure if it's a typo or just a different error. Also champion points are earned every 400,000 XP or so (Don't quote me if I'm wrong) and I think that the amount could be reduced very slightly (If you have done all the quests you do not have lots of ways of getting XP) maybe bring it down to 300,000 or maybe 350,000, just a slight reduction.
    Other: Also one of the main passives in 'The Shadow' seems completely useless and irrelevant to me which 'Reduces gathering times by 50%' this just doesn't seem useful at all it takes hardly any time to gather to begin with and I don't think that anyone would be in that much of a rush to reduce 4 seconds down to 2 seconds so I think that that needs changing.
    Other than that it's fantastic. :smiley:

    Class Changes:
    From what I've played I love most of the class changes that you have made and I think that it really makes all the classes one of their own unique awesome things but I think that some changes have been slightly too 'drastic'
    - 'Standard Of Might' : I understand this getting a nerf but I think it costs too much ultimate now (Because of the new way that Generating Ultimate works) maybe reduce it to 200 rather that 250.
    - 'Radiant ....' : The Templar changes that you have made have been great and I like that Templars can do DPS now but I think that the 'Radiant ... ' abilities have slightly too much power as a finisher and general damage, just reduce it slightly.
    - 'Petrify' : I think that dragon knights need some sort of healing reduction other than 'Dragon Knight Standard' has been nerfed maybe just make it so one of the morphs of petrify or the whole ability reduces healing that the target receives slightly.
    - 'Ferocious Leap' : I love this ability but the way that the damage shield it provides you with is basically doubling your health is think is a little too strong, maybe change it ton 50% or 75% that would improve it.
    Other than that I love all of the skills that you have done, Great work keep it up :smile:

    I have bee using and trying out all of the animations and overall I like them but there are a few things that could make them slightly better:
    - Sneaking: I love the new animation for sneaking and the way you darken when sneaking but I feel that the 'Darkening' when sneaking shouldn't be so common. I think that you should only 'Darken' when sneaking if (You can don either or both of these) are a Nightblade (Makes them feel more special and 'Roguelike' ) or a vampire with the 'Dark Stalker' passive (I'm not sure if that is what it's called) but I think that would make people feel more 'badass' as a stealthy person if they sort of back into the shadows (Darken) when they sneak instead of everyone doing it.
    - Blades: I like the new animations but they are all still very 'Slash' based. I think it would be nice if you were using a dagger or one handed sword if you 'Stabbed' a target as well as slashing at them.
    I have also had a few bugs when weapon swapping and when I move afterwards my legs don't move, I just glide along the floor completely still.

    I hope that you have found my feedback to be useful for improving and updating the game. Thank you for creating such a masterpiece.

    Thank You.
    Edited by Mashille on 3 February 2015 19:30
    House Baratheon: 'Ours Is The Fury'
  • hakeypoo
    Soul Shriven
    I think it would be cool to be able to name your pets. You see NPCs with named pets all the time, and it would add to the immersion of the game!
  • justsammich
    Soul Shriven
    I am wondering why, if you killed someone in a building, when there is just one person in it, the bounty is still withstanding. You would think that with the only witness within the area being killed, the bounty would disappear. If this is supposed to be the case then there is a bug.
    Am I the only one that gives my characters background stories?
  • Bethruz
    I would love to have the possibility to set up campfire and camp in ocean shore ingame. It also would be nice to sit in chairs and have a drink once in a while
  • Arnyia
    I love the new content coming! But I really would like to have a wolf as a pet! And maybe some kind of flying animal as well....
    Yay! >.<
  • nonie0324nub18_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    It would be great if your trophies went under collections cuz they take up space I'd like to use for other things
  • Osukā
    For play into the PTS server do I need to download the whole game again? :#
  • susmitds
    Osukā wrote: »
    For play into the PTS server do I need to download the whole game again? :#

    Nice necro. Valid question though, and yes.
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