My dmg in PvP is finally at a point that I'm happy with. I even have a group build with my stam DK that is a lot of fun. However, one of my main issues tends to be my 1v1s were it feels like in most cases everyone I fight is zipping around me and I'm trying my hardest to just line of site them to attack. meanwhile I'm getting blasted by whatever combo they are running. If I CC someone they instantly break and are healed and on me like white on rice. Any tips to be able to push harder to have more control of the fights.
I feel like blocking is the weakest part of my gameplay. But if I catch someone and land my burst they drop! It's just hard to catch players specially when it feels like there mobility is so much better than mine.
Something to note I have been away from PVP for awhile focusing more on my PvE gearing and toon skill up. But I am ready to blast it back into cyrodiil now!