Need help

I'm NA PS4 EP and I need help killing Captain Virindi Slave-Taker in Hew's Bane. I'm a scaled level 150. There's never more than me and 1 other person here to try. Any help would be appreciated.
  • starlizard70ub17_ESO
    I'm not on PS4, but on PC. I can tell you Captain Virindi Slave-Taker is one of the hardest bosses to take on with her add ons and her health drain abilities. Oh and there's that hurricane? spell she uses to deadly effect. It usually takes us 4 to 5 reasonably high level people to beat her. You said you're scaled to 150cp, you really need to be at 150cp un-scaled because of the skill sets you need.
    "We have found a cave, but I don't think there are warm fires and friendly faces inside."
  • CamoPrincess
    Ok. I'll wait then.
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