Been playing ESO pvp since Beta, there has been bad updates and others that have actually improve the pvp.
Dark Brother hood came with a lot of changes, yet there are some issues:
1) damage out put. Its out of control, when ever a player can 2 shoot another player something is wrong. Perfectly fine 1 v x build i was using before the patch its pretty much useless now.
2) Nightblades taking WAY WAY much love in pvp. Asociated to the last point... ultimate with 50 cost that does a lot of damage + major defile + more incomng dmg....
3) Zerg zergs zergs and more zergs, and with them comes the lag.
4) Heavy armour... If you ask me, its broken.. back as when nirnhorn used to give more stats, well now if you stack 5 heavy + malaubeth undaunted set your pretty much immortal. Having the exact SAME resistances on my medium armour build and i can get 2 shooted, yet with heavy armour takes 10 people to kill me as fast.
5) radiant destruction, please reduce the channel duration and increase cost at least, having an instant kill skill during 3 seconds if you ever drop 30% health is not right.
6) Clouding swarm, i feel it dosent grant invisibility 50% of the time since Thives guild patch.