KORE – Ebonheart Pact [PS4 NA]
Who are we?
KORE is a new and upcoming End Game PvE Focsued guild who aims to form trials teams that can not only take number one but achieve success in the new trial and more to come as well as difficult dungeons . We currently have a strong community of 26 members who are all active players with various VR16 characters all on the PS4 NA Megaservers. As a guild we strive to complete all end game content including trials using communication among all guild mates . tactics and teamwork. We will Have scheduled trial events in which guild mates can participate in.
Prepare for the next thieves guild Trial
Take leaderboards
We accept all roles
Most of us are on EST (Eastern Standard time)
Most trials will be around 5-9 pm on weekdays and weekends + random events are possible
Guild members who do not show up 5 min after grouping will be replaced
Requirements And Rules
Guild members are required to provide a stat sheet to GUILD LEADERS ONLY
All members should have a working microphone , you will have a tough time being accepted into the guild without one.
If you cannot make it to a trial event please tell every one AHEAD OF TIME
Guild members are required to meet spell damage , weapon damage , max pools , resistances and knowledge of their roles
Have Fun
Keep Voice Chat clean to allow leaders to provide important information needed for trials
Listen during trials and follow leaders request (Unless you have a better idea say so we are always open to new info
Be respectful to other guild members
No racism
If you do not meet certain requirements
We will Help you improve and achieve those requirements
Ask around Tamriel Foundary there are plenty of builds to help
Lets start helping you there
Contatacting us
Contact us directly via psn ( YuzukiReySan , Outher1998 , ZeroReasonz , ) with a message about your interest in KORE
Post of the form about your interest in KORE
Send a direct message to
Please if you will send your CHARACTER SHEET + Time Zone