Very small clan looking for new members. Me and my buddy have almost finished cadwells gold. Now we're looking to do veteran dungeons and are main goal trials. Are main focus is PVE. We don't really play PvP at all. With enough members we would open a guild bank and with even more a guild trading post. We play most nights from around 9pm.
This wouldn't be a full on serious guild. We play the game and have fun while doing it. If this sounds up your street then leave your gamer tag in the comments along with your favourite movie quote (optional lol) and I'll add you to the guild.
The guild name is "shirt rippers"
This is from the movie Kung pow when master Betty gets furious when they rip his shirt lol
My gamer tag is Arioko San
Cheers for your time
Edit - almerion dominion
Edited by AriokoSan on 15 March 2016 09:17