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[Disbanded] [Closed] Order of Vagrant Hounds RP Guild Recruiting

"Alas ye hour of wolves tis upon us!" Cried ye mighty lords of the Imperium at ye Emperor's death. Yet, unheard by mighty lords bade ye flock of Tamriel, ye commonwealth, "where art ye hounds which shall keep the wolves at bay?"
-From "Fractures of an Empire," Aquirian Laticus.
Order of Vagrant Hounds is an Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) Roleplaying (RP) group housed within the PS4 North American Server.

Order of Vagrant Hounds is meant to be a haven for the roleplayer, the storyteller, and the lore enthusiast whom wish to immerse themself further into the beauty of the world of Tamriel with other like minded companions. Thus our priority is to create a welcoming community within ESO for those individuals. Although the guild is alinged to the Daggerfall Covenant alliance, this should not be a deterrent to any whom wish to enter, as all peoples (regardless of creed, race, and alliance) are welcome to join.

All individuals -from the bewildered curious to those the learned thespian- is allowed to join. This is an oppurtunity to be a part of something far more immersive and engaging within Elder Scrolls Online! Yet, take heed, that with our open door invitation, our members and guests are expected to be mature and respectful. Our guild shall not grant permission for any conduct which can be deemed disrespectful and/or harmful to it's members or acting arbitrarily against the original design of this guild of promoting a fun enviorment for the players.

-Please note, that due to some unforseen recent events we have opted to place an age limit.

Mature Audience Only: No one under the age of 18 can join

If interested please contact me via PSN: Jarnkoldur, our community 'Elder Scrolls Online Roleplaying Community,' or via Facebook at:

Edited by jarnkoldur on 22 May 2016 21:35
"And when the truth finally dawns, it shall dawn in fire!"
  • jarnkoldur
    "Whence the Empire fell, forth set the Vagrant Hounds to defend Tamriel when Tamriel could not defend itself."

    Still recruiting.

    If interested please contact me via PSN: Jarnkoldur, our community 'Elder Scrolls Online Roleplaying Community,' or via Facebook at:
    "And when the truth finally dawns, it shall dawn in fire!"
  • jarnkoldur
    "It is spoken that after the route of the Akavirian influence from within the Empire, in the 'eve of the War of Three Crowns, that appointed Legatus Legionis of the Niben realm, Meridius Archillius, aft' learning that his lords had fallen into daedric worshipping, forsook his oath and turned his sword against the lords of the Imperium.
    For this his legions, which had moved against the Empire, was impeded by the forces of Protectores Augusti Nostri Legatus Balbinus Nalium.

    The clash between the two legions has been recorded as one of the most brutal campaigns.

    As for Meridius Archillius, history speaks no further of his fate."
    -From "Fractures of an Empire," Aquirian Laticus.
    "And when the truth finally dawns, it shall dawn in fire!"
  • Eirikir
    Member of the Pact is perfect. I'm still hammering out his backstory in my head as I level. But I will definitely look for you guys.
    Server: PS4-NA
    PSN: Eirikir
    Name: Eirikir "Erik" Kololf
    Alliance: Ebonheart Pact
    Race: Nord (Lycanthrope)
    Class: Dragonknight (Range DPS)
    Playstyle: Crafter, PVE, PVP, Roleplayer
  • jarnkoldur
    "Friend you ever hear the tale of Arkay and the Dog? No! Ah, well I shall not allow you to miss the oppurtunity...

    At one point in Tamriel's bloody history Arkay, herder of the dead, was overwhelmed by the amount of souls -all of this due to some catastrophe- desiring his judgement to the hereafter. Divine Arkay was flustered. To this situation Arkay considered in taking a few days of respite, but before he could, he would need to locate someone who could -with rigtheous judgment- guide the souls to the hereafter.

    Thus he sought aid from the other divines:

    Of the other seven, Dibella was the first he came upon with his request to which she answered; "Nay! I cannot, for if I where to judge those souls I would have to judge them not by their character but by the character of their performance in pleasure making and that is not fair."

    Next Arkay sought the aid of Julianos, whom upon his request answered: "Nay! I cannot, for if I were to judge those souls I would have to judge them not by their character but by the character of what knowledge resides within them and that is not fair."

    Then Arkay sought the aid of Stendarr, whom upon his request answered: "Nay! I cannot, for if I were to judge those souls I would have to judge them not by their character but by the weight of their acts of mercy and that is not fair."

    It was thus realized by Arkay that he could not ask the other divines for assistance with this task as he realized that none of the other Divines could aid him; they, the other Divines, could only pass judgment based solely upon their attributed aspects and that would be unfair."

    Arkay was dismayed.

    "Excuse me sir," a voice called to Arkay. To this Arkay noticed a dog which sat at his feet. "I know what you seek and I request if I may be assistant to you good sir." The Dog asked.

    "Dog what know you of judgment?" Arkay replied.

    To which the Dog stated, "Sir, in my tireless wandering I have come to learn how to judge Man and Mer accordingly. I can tell whether their soul be good or bad, just based upon their reaction at our first meeting. For when I come upon a stranger: if the stranger pats me upon the head and offers me some water and some food than the individual must be settled with a good and generous soul, yet if the stranger whips at me beats me and humiliates me than the indvidual must be keeper to a dark and twisted heart."

    To this Arkay considered the Dog's words and coming to prudent decision bestowed upon the dog the duties of aiding him in herding the souls of the deceased to the hereafter.

    Now my friend, what is the moral of this story?

    Ah, you cannot guess?

    Well, I shall tell you.

    The reason khajits have no souls because they can't get past the dog at the entrance of the hereafter! Ha! Get it?

    -Two Grave Tongue
    Edited by jarnkoldur on 15 February 2016 12:46
    "And when the truth finally dawns, it shall dawn in fire!"
  • jarnkoldur
    2E:583 3rd Mundas of Sun's Dawn
    I swear I heard it again. It was as though through some strange affliction -magical perhaps- I keep hearing a voice. The voice neither stirs fear within me or lament, it just states its incomplete message and vanishes... "I used to be an adventurer, until I took an arrow to the..."
    'To the what!' I always yell, but the voice never answers. Perhaps I am going mad.

    Still recruiting!
    "And when the truth finally dawns, it shall dawn in fire!"
  • jarnkoldur
    Rosy Lion Tavern.

    I sat across the musician -who's repertoire consisted of the same three songs song at varying pitches and notes- unassuming of who would answer my request. I, just an individual claimed by an impulsive sense of perplexing curiosity, felt the desire to investigate the reports of legendary hauntings which were rumored to occur within the decayed ruins of Baelborne. Bade for a guide (perhaps with some muscle) to escort me to the location and thereafter, once my curiosity was stated, return swiftly back to the the tavern.

    Rudimentary! One could say.

    Yet, to no avail. I was ignored.
    I had waited for some time as no sell sword or desperate local seemed courageous enough to answer my call - I had even pondered of requesting assistance from that insufferable lot from the Fighter's Guild.

    The mutton I order, lay half eaten and cold atop my plate, the ale was a placid pool of amber within my tankard, and the musician began belching 'Red Diamond' forth the fourth time since I had arrived.

    Who would answer my call?


    Still recruiting Roleplayers and those who wish to learn or experience Roleplaying!
    Edited by jarnkoldur on 17 February 2016 16:05
    "And when the truth finally dawns, it shall dawn in fire!"
  • reggaereilly
    Soul Shriven
    interested - psn username reggaereilly
  • jarnkoldur
    Welcome Reggaereilly to the Order of Vagrant Hounds!
    "And when the truth finally dawns, it shall dawn in fire!"
  • jarnkoldur
    The Scholar and the Dog.

    "I came upon a hound once who in maddening fit was chasing his own tail in tireless circles. Perplexed I asked the hound "why do you give chase to your own tail?" To which he replied, "if I don't who will?"

    Edited by jarnkoldur on 20 February 2016 01:23
    "And when the truth finally dawns, it shall dawn in fire!"
  • jarnkoldur
    "They state, "anything earned easily was never of any inherit value," and to them I reply, "I have yet to come upon gold which loses it's luster."

    -Two Grave Tongue

    Still recruiting Roleplayers and those who wish to learn or experience Roleplaying!
    "And when the truth finally dawns, it shall dawn in fire!"
  • jarnkoldur
    Fragments of an Empire: Lion in the Mist

    Written by: Imperial Scholar Aquirian Laticus.

    Thus, one must understand the severity of madness which would consume any indivudal, when one assumes the role of the obedient soldier and is brought forth to discern the treacherous implications of betrayal against the Empire from within the Empire itself.

    To most, if Akatosh provides the chance to be enlightened with such knowledge, history shall portray Meridius Archillius, the Legatus Solanus at the closing of the 1st Era, leader of the famed Lion Legion, as an ambitous fool, who forsook his oath to protect the Empire and sought to lay claim to the Ruby Throne for himself. This misconception is forged upon both a lack of understanding of the man himself and the distortion of the "truth" by Imperial propaganda of the time.

    Surrounding the events which occurred during the Empire's fracturing, it is recognized that little historical evidence remains which can grant scholars a greater understanding. Indeed, most records which pertain to the period, originate principally from the journals and records of "first hand" accounts from the common Imperial soldiers. Chief amongst these was the account of Prodigor, the 22nd Regiment Dux of the Solanus legion, whose claims have been herald by Imperial scholars as an exemplary depictation of a true and "honorable" soldier, the followings are a few excerpts from his writtings:

    "Mine knowledge of ye Emperor's death would not be made known till late morn, when messengers, charging with reckless abandonment arrived camp. Our Commander, he a man whom even in the face of death had never known to undo ye fierceness of his countenance, broke into tears and wept. I felt disgust at his reaction. Ye Emperor required no tears, but ye solidification of his realm.
    "T'was that eve, whilst all within ye encampment sauntered to lull of mournful respect and slumber, that I noted a host of elusive folk, strangers cloaked in darknened and foreboding robes, enter within the confines of milord's encampment. I tarried not long with thought of what I had borne witness to, yet beseeching ye comfort in the thoughts of mine fellow companions, I abounded the encampment attempting to ascertain further information.
    What foul forces was ye Commander commuting with and for what purpose? "

    "Madness hath stricken milord! Madness! As such I barely contained myself as I witnessed in horrid disgust mine Commander consorting with deplorable ne'er-do-wells, yet now whispers are rampant of ye good Commander plotting against ye White Gold Tower - heart of ye Empire! I, not oft bestowed the fancy of dishonor, hesitated not a moment! I abandoned my post and made straight to Cyrodil to alert ye Protectores Augusti Nostri of what ill tidings engulfed milord."

    From Prodigor, if one were to overlook discussing what attributes he displayed which were worthy of being the "examplary qualities for an Imperial" as suggested by court scholars, we are presented with a few passages briefly demonstrating facets of the elusive Lion general, Meridius Archillius: fierce combatant, a compassionate citizen, and a defiant force. Of interest, note the mention of a meeting between Meridius and several secreted individuals. Whom where these facilitators of fate? What words were uttered that would convince a loyal son to the sovereign rule to betray his oaths? What enlightenment did they bestow? Of this history will say little.
    Yet, what can be derived is that due to this meeting it was that thereafter Meridius Archillius choose to act against the Empire upon the passing of the third eve since the Emperor's death.
    Witnesses claim, Meridius stirred from his encampment, adorned in the golden regalia of a legatus, and came to present himself before the gathered host of his men. There, as the final strands of light diminished into the sacred darkness of night it was once quoted, "that he paced back and forth like a golden beast, a creature of utter strength bound to the mortal coil of man." That night he bestowed upon them an oration which must have emboldened these men to the point of frenzy! For they were willing, beneath Meridius Archillius's command, fight against the whole of the Empire.
    In regards to what Meridius Archillius spoke, little of the oration remains, as the malleable scholars of the Imperial court at the time were tasked to remove Meridius's very existence from the annals of history. Yet, miracously this one excerpt remains.

    To you reader, I request you read this with an open understanding. Here is not the words of a blantant traitor, but a man who was attempting to save a forsaken Empire:

    "Alas ye hour of wolves tis upon us! Sunder thy pretenses of honour, sunder thy pretenses of valour, sunder thy pretenses of oath to thy Empire! Wolves hath stricken thy Emperor dead and within his abode they roam about his halls, thay sate thaer thirst upon his wine, thay engorge thaemselves upon his feasts, and even now conspire to claim thaemselves Emperor! Brothers! Sisters! Kin not of mine fathers, yet born unto to ye through steel and blood, where are ye hounds which shall keep the wolves at bay? We are ye hounds!"


    Still recruiting!
    "And when the truth finally dawns, it shall dawn in fire!"
  • jarnkoldur
    In the outskirts of Davon's Watch, rumors persist of a man by the name of Jarnkoldur who seeks any willing and capable individual to join some fool's errand crusade. For what purpose and to what end none can truly perceive and only assumed speculations can be forged. Yet, as the days pass and rumors of rampant demons become far more commonplace, it has been witnessed that more and more individuals flock to this Jarnkoldur.

    Still recruiting lorekeepers, writers, and roleplayers!
    "And when the truth finally dawns, it shall dawn in fire!"
  • jarnkoldur
    "If you ever ask [Jarnkoldur] about his eye be prepared to hear many conflicting stories. As long as I have known him I have heard many variants to the tale, although I doubt I, or anyone for that matter, has ever really heard the truth. I oft wonder what had occurred, but then I remember the tale of the Troll; a tale of how Jarnkoldur wrestled and enraged troll, after crashing upon the beast as a result of being flung across the realm by a giant. Classic."
    -Two Grave Tongue
    Still Recruiting!
    "And when the truth finally dawns, it shall dawn in fire!"
  • jarnkoldur
    Roleplaying Announcement:
    All roleplayers, both experienced and inexperienced, are invited to attend:
    "Of Acts and Consequences."
    An RP Event hosted by Jarnkoldur.

    When: 12th of First Seed, Loredas
    Starting: 8:00AM EST
    Where: PS4 NA Davin's Watch

    "The fledging Order's determination is tested when it is learned that a fellow member has committed an act which could lead the Order into conflict with House Telvanni! What fate shall overcome the member in question? And what reprecussions shall occur due to her actions? Can the Order survive retaliation from the House Telvanni?"
    "And when the truth finally dawns, it shall dawn in fire!"
  • jarnkoldur
    "What can the bitter edge of a jagged blade accomplish which a few well spoken and honeyed words could not do with greater finesse?"

    -Two Grave Tongues


    Still recruiting!
    "And when the truth finally dawns, it shall dawn in fire!"
  • Clinthulhu2000
    Soul Shriven
    I would be interested in joining and learning more about RP'ing... I have played Pen & Paper RPG's since the mid 80's but would love a chance to roleplay with good people online. I have requested to join your FB group... My PSN ID is Clinthulhu2000 if you would like to contact me there.

  • jarnkoldur
    Clinthulhu2000 it would be a pleasure and an honor to have you join our Order.

    Welcome to the Order of Vagrant Hounds!
    "And when the truth finally dawns, it shall dawn in fire!"
  • jarnkoldur
    Written by: Ri-Do

    19th of First Seed, Loredas

    "This One could not bring himself to write it before. He feels ashamed in his frailty to that notion."

    "Jarnkoldur sacrificed himself for the Order. He sent out a chain of his own, imbued with his Spirit and determination, the fiery chain of a Dragonknight. It ripped through the air, searing into the Dremora as it clasped around him, pulled Jarn from his Oblivion binds, and allowed him to meet the Dremora face to face, where with a single blade he pierced the Dremora and shoved the being into the Portal, dragging himself along with it. Our Leader, the man willing to sacrifice himself to Molag Bal for this Order, will be forever remembered."
    Still recruiting!
    "And when the truth finally dawns, it shall dawn in fire!"
  • jarnkoldur
    I stood before a mirror,
    Yet, no image was reflected.
    I asked the mirror why I couldn’t see myself,
    The mirror replied, “You aren’t expected.”

    Still recruiting!
    "And when the truth finally dawns, it shall dawn in fire!"
  • jarnkoldur
    "If a lion's roar could cause the earth to tremble, I wonder what a hundred lion's roaring as one could do?"

    -Two Grave Tongue


    Still recruiting.
    "And when the truth finally dawns, it shall dawn in fire!"
  • jarnkoldur
    "A single grain of sand can fill the desert."
    -Redguard proverb

    Still recruiting roleplayers!
    "And when the truth finally dawns, it shall dawn in fire!"
  • jarnkoldur
    A Call to Arms: Heaven's Call

    To all of ye of ye Third Estate whom ignored of ye blessings of a capricious fate do seek fortune within Tamriel. In ye rugged lands betwixt Cyrodil and Skyrim, sits ye forgotten realm of mine forefathers: Irr'neamh, or in ye common tongue, Heaven's Call. I beseech ye whom desires to assist in reclaming mine realm of birthright. Yet, it shall be perilous undertaking and few shall be expected to survive, but for thy sacrifice, ye shall be honored land and titles, which mine and mine heirs to come shall honor till ye end of time.

    If thou are enticed feel free to seek me out.

    -Naus Tirian, Heir to Heaven
    Still recruiting!
    PSN: Jarnkoldur
    "And when the truth finally dawns, it shall dawn in fire!"
  • jarnkoldur

    The creased parchment, weathered and torn, warily clung to the board. If it wasn't for the sharpened piece of iron which tamed the sheet into place it would have flitted away with the first passing breeze.

    Yet, it wasn't that deplorable announcment which caught your eye...

    No, it was the rather recently posted advertistment for a roaming Order of entertainers: performers, dancers, orators, musicians, etc.

    The message simple read:

    Hark, ye good folks come forth to witness wonders grand and beauties rare as ye troupe known as the Order of Vagrant Hounds journeys to thy province.

    Beneath, scribbled in red ink, was another hastily written message: -Seeking Talent
    Still recruiting!
    "And when the truth finally dawns, it shall dawn in fire!"
  • jarnkoldur
    "Order of Vagrant Hounds? Bah! Seems to me like a formidable name for a collection of fools!
    Hmm... Fools though are rather entertaining."

    -Guard at Daggerfall
    Still recruiting!
    Edited by jarnkoldur on 18 April 2016 19:41
    "And when the truth finally dawns, it shall dawn in fire!"
  • pasmith_ESO
    Can I just say, this is the best guild recruitment thread EVER.
  • jarnkoldur
    Of course you can pasmith_ESO, although I am still no closer to recruiting the numbers I would like to have hosted within the RP guild, yet I shall keep trying. Lol!

    Thank you.
    "And when the truth finally dawns, it shall dawn in fire!"
  • jarnkoldur

    Please message me @ PSN:Jarnkoldur if interested in participating.
    Edited by jarnkoldur on 19 April 2016 23:31
    "And when the truth finally dawns, it shall dawn in fire!"
  • jarnkoldur
    Daughters of the Mother,
    Danced gaily within the emerald glade,
    Twirling, twisting, turning, tempting,
    Till one stopped and breathlessly bade,
    “Unto where have my sisters gone?”
    To whom Death bitterly replied,
    “You are all that is left, little one,
    “You are all that is left.”

    Still Recruiting!
    "And when the truth finally dawns, it shall dawn in fire!"
  • AlphaCrucis
    jarnkoldur wrote: »
    Daughters of the Mother,
    Danced gaily within the emerald glade,
    Twirling, twisting, turning, tempting,
    Till one stopped and breathlessly bade,
    “Unto where have my sisters gone?”
    To whom Death bitterly replied,
    “You are all that is left, little one,
    “You are all that is left.”

    Still Recruiting!

    Do you have many people from AD in the guild?
    Australian, Aldmeri Dominion
    Altmer, Dragonknight (mag), Damage Dealer
    Brenton, Templar, Healer
    Bosmer, Nightblade (stam), Damage Dealer, PvP
    PS4, NA Server
    Guild Member Of: Brotherhood of Bogans
  • jarnkoldur
    Sincerely I am not certain, yet since the Order of Vagrant Hounds is RP focused around a moving caravan we don't adhere to any alliance specifically.
    "And when the truth finally dawns, it shall dawn in fire!"
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