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[Spoilers] Did Molag Bal corrupt one of the Shadows of Rajhin?

Warning: This post contains spoilers about a quest in the Aldmeri Dominion storyline.

I have been quite puzzled by the "A lasting winter" quest in the Aldmeri Dominion.

I always found Rajhin fun and had quite positive feelings about Him, but when I met His shadow in the Falinesti Winter Site, I lost all my sympathy for Him. To cut a long story short, the Shadow tried to force a woman into a sexual intercourse by delving her husband into a perpetual sleep and depriving her of sleep, and then presenting the intercourse as the only remedy to His curse. When she refused, He imprisoned her into an icy crypt guarded by forst trolls. You help her to break out of her jail, only for her to discover that her home, the entire Falinesty has been concealed by the Thief God, and that only way back home is to submit herself to the Shadow of Rajhin. Rajhin's mantle also corrupted Endarë and tricked her into killing her own soldiers.

My feelings towards Rajhin had turned, in half an hour, into "What a cruel monster!" and I found it very bitter that He ultimately triumphed.

Then I noticed something. Nothing in this quest is utterly linked to thievery, nor fitting Rajhin supposed light-hearted humour. Stealing one's heart is supposed to be seduction, but there is no attempt by Rajhin at seducing Nairumë. There is no humourous joke in making one lose her husband. In fact, all of this is rather bound to Molag Bal's sphere of influence. An attempt of *** (there is no other word to describe pressuring and torturing someone into accepting a sexual intercourse), physical (sleep deprivation, cold) and psychological (the sleeping husband can't save her, she can't go home when she finally breaks out) torture, eternal sequestration in an icy jail, brutality (the trolls, the slaughtering of the Jade Dragoons) and stealing a city from Nirn itself. All this completely lies in the Dominion of Molag Bal.

So in my opinion, this quest raises a very obvious question. Did the Prince of Domination corrupt one of the seven Shadows? And if so, is it part of a larger Scheme?

Edit :
I just found this on teslore :
When thinking to it, the Shadow's behaviour is also suiting Mephala's sphere of sex, murder, secrets and contradictions.
Edited by VerboseQuips on 6 February 2016 13:03
My characters:
Main and crafter: A Breton magicka templar named Erwann Sorril
Alt 1: A Bosmer sorcerer named Tuuneleg
Alt 2: An Imperial dragonknight named Gaius Tullius Hastifer
Alt 3: An Argonian vampire/nightblade named Observe-le-Xanmeer
Alt 4: A Nord werewolf/dragonknight named Sigurd Hurlevent
Alt 5: A Breton sorcerer named Gilian Sorril (he's Erwann's younger brother)
Alt 6: A Khajiit nightblade named Jolan-dar
Alt 7: A Nord warden named Sigurmar Hurlevent (he's Sigurd's younger brother)
Alt 8: An Altmer templar named Oioriel
Alt 9: An Argonian stamina Warden named Danse-avec-les-Rainettes
Alt 10: A Redguard templar named Neemokh af-Corelanya
Alt 11: A Nord stamina sorcerer named Olga Écoute-Vent
Alt 12: A Breton magicka Warden named Ian Sorril
Alt 13: A Dunmer magicka necromancer named Ilmoran Dren
Alt 14: An Orc stamina necromancer named Norgol gro-Borziel
Alt 15: A Nord magicka necromancer named Thorgen Givresang
Alt 16: An Imperial magicka dragonknight named Publius Valeirus Hastifer (Just call him "Valerio" - he's Gaius younger troublemaker of a brother)
Main in NA (For collaborative events): A Breton magicka nightblade named Titouan Sorril (long-lost brother of Erwann and Gilian)
  • Daraugh
    Interesting thoughts! The contradictions hold true, as part of Molag Bal's sphere is *** but Mephala sets it as the centerpiece of this scheme. She takes an aspect of the Trickster God and twists it into something cruel, something that would torture him as much as the woman he is forced to torture. Wow, do Daedric princes ever work together on things? It seems like there's influences of both Mephala and Molag Bal here.
    May all beings have happiness
    May they be free from suffering
    May they find the joy that has never known suffering
    May they be free from attachment and hatred
  • Enodoc
    Daraugh wrote: »
    Wow, do Daedric princes ever work together on things? It seems like there's influences of both Mephala and Molag Bal here.
    They do sometimes, I think, but not those two. Pretty sure they hate each other.
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  • Daraugh
    It would fit with Mephala then, to cast a misdirection and make it point more to Molag Bal than to herself. The fact that we find out that Mephala is at the end of it could show how skillfully she can twist and pervert not only one of Rahjin's Shadows but but our perceptions. Since Mephala is one of the upcoming dlc subjects, maybe we get to rescue the Shadow of Rahjin, that would be awesome!
    May all beings have happiness
    May they be free from suffering
    May they find the joy that has never known suffering
    May they be free from attachment and hatred
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