PS4 NA C'mon Man! Use Scourge for IC and NOT Azura Star

We need above ground PvPers so that we can win this campaign. By making Scourge your IC dedicated guest campaign, you will alleviate the player count from Azura Star so that above ground PvPers can help conquer, defend and capture scrolls.
PSN NA/EU: DesertDweller99
PC NA: KaktusKing
  • DannyLV702
    I agree!
  • PhxOldGamer68
    We're in 2nd place now. Better than 3rd place a couple days ago.
    PSN NA/EU: DesertDweller99
    PC NA: KaktusKing
  • RAGUNAnoOne
    don't worry, I don't clog up AS space for IC but I do wish that there was a campaign with no IC access period just for cyrodiil pvp.

    but I bet AD and DC have the same gripe you do
    Edited by RAGUNAnoOne on 12 October 2015 04:51
    PS4 NA
    Argonian Master Race

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

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  • PhxOldGamer68
    Correct. We all have the same gripe. IC should've been a separate access point outside of the campaigns.

    PSN NA/EU: DesertDweller99
    PC NA: KaktusKing
  • RAGUNAnoOne
    sightly off topic but why don't consoles have the axe campaign?
    PS4 NA
    Argonian Master Race

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    Support Tail armor and tail ribbons:
  • Enodoc
    sightly off topic but why don't consoles have the axe campaign?
    @RAGUNAnoOne I think because Imperial City is slightly newer on consoles than on PC, they want to give enough time for people to experience it freely before gating one of the campaigns. Although I think consoles have now exceeded the time period that PC had before Belharza was introduced; maybe @ZOS_BrianWheeler knows if/when Belharza will be added for consoles.
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  • PhxOldGamer68
    DC has zerged this last campaign and EP is in 2nd place, but 4K points behind. We were pushed to our home bases last weekend. Yet there was a wait to get into the campaign. So where are all the EP players? In the sewers. C'mon man, stop using Azura for IC. Go to Scourge, Thornblade or Chillrend because all three are EP dominated. Let the above ground PVPers fight off DC and AD.

    @ZOS_BrianWheeler When are consoles going to get IC gates outside of campaigns?
    PSN NA/EU: DesertDweller99
    PC NA: KaktusKing
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    I really cant disagree with this. Theres nothing really tying IC to Cyrodiil beyond the population. Why does it need to be tied to one another?

    Just make IC a separate zone.

    Im not sure if the IC Sewer runners are from PvP Guilds. But hopefully once we get Text Chat later this year. PvPers can organize better and possibly shoo off the IC Players to another campaign.
    Edited by Korah_Eaglecry on 17 January 2016 21:16
    Penniless Sellsword Company
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    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • Revolt_775
    Props to the AD for coming on scourge and not letting up. Its been fun the past 3 days scrambling to get groups together and take *** back.
    BUT I'm going to Haderus soon to take AD's buff server
    Ebonheart NB, V16, Stamina, Bow+2h, Vampire, Westcoast North America
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