Are there any small noob friendly Irish Guilds out there?

Im new to the game and would like to join a social guild, mainly looking for fellow irish people because it'd be easier to communicate but if anyone knows of any guilds like what i described please tell me!!
Thanks! :smiley:
Oh im a level 21 Argonian Nightblade if anyone is wondering and also can anyone explain how RP'ing works? Im new to mmo's..
  • NeillMcAttack
    RP'ing, or roleplaying is just people that like to really imagine that they are their character, they like to give them background, life story etc. and act out scenarios with others and some such. Now, that is one extreme of it, the other side of what can be defined as role playing could be a simple call to "charge" as a few dudes on horseback ride toward some enemies.

    Anyway, I have been on PS4 EU since release and haven't came across any strictly irish guilds (being irish I feel I may have noticed). But their are quite a few friendly guilds that will help "noobs" learn about the game. But that may depend on which faction you are?
    PC EU - NoCP PvP, is real PvP
    Tiidehunter Nord StamDK EP PvP Main
    Legion Commander Tresdin Stamplar DC PvE Main
    Sephirith Altmer MagPlar EP Gondar the Bounty Hunter Khajiit StamBlade DC
    The Dirge Redguard StamNecro EP Disruptor Stormcrafter Nord StamSorc AD
    Lone Druid Bosmer Stam Warden EP Necro-Phos Argonian MagBlade AD
    @ McAttack in game
    Played since beta, and then on console at release, until the game became unplayable on console.
  • phsycoschmoopy
    Well in that case I may consider starting my own Irish guild. Im ebonheart pact at the moment.
  • NeillMcAttack
    If you are interested in PvP i can invite you to the Ebonheart loyalists pvp guild if you like.
    PC EU - NoCP PvP, is real PvP
    Tiidehunter Nord StamDK EP PvP Main
    Legion Commander Tresdin Stamplar DC PvE Main
    Sephirith Altmer MagPlar EP Gondar the Bounty Hunter Khajiit StamBlade DC
    The Dirge Redguard StamNecro EP Disruptor Stormcrafter Nord StamSorc AD
    Lone Druid Bosmer Stam Warden EP Necro-Phos Argonian MagBlade AD
    @ McAttack in game
    Played since beta, and then on console at release, until the game became unplayable on console.
  • phsycoschmoopy
    Nahh not really into pvp yet..gonna wait until im a higher level and stuff but thanks anyway :)
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