Official Discussion Thread for "Battlemaster's Corner - The Flame Listener"

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This is the official discussion thread for the web article, "Battlemaster's Corner - The Flame Listener."

Read all about this fire-loving Dark Elf Dragonknight player build in our latest Battlemaster's Corner.
Jason Leavey
Community Coordinator - The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
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  • ArchGrizzlyOp
    Guild Leader for Brotherhood of Blood, North American Server, Xbox one.

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    "Sheggorath, you are the Skooma Cat, for what is crazier than a cat on skooma?"
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  • manbearpig777
    Soul Shriven
    I just want to thank TESO Community in accepting my character build The Flame Listener and if anyone wants to group up? My PSN is xFLATTUSMAXIMUSx on NA server EP for life.
  • Xinz'r
    Where does one post their build to make it a candidate for Battlemaster?

    Btw, nice build! Will try it for sure!
  • DisgracefulMind
    I just find that builds like this are misleading for the combat team at ZoS. This may be a creative build and such, but for end-game content, viable PvP and PvE, this build would not work. ZoS needs to realize that hybrid builds like this are not viable at all. They may think it's cool and all mystical for someone to be a bow using DK with a destro staff, but this build would be stomped all over by pure magicka or pure stamina builds.

    I would like it if ESO's system supported hybrid builds, but it just does NOT support them, and it's misleading that they continue to try and act as if it's viable.
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • Suru
    I just find that builds like this are misleading for the combat team at ZoS. This may be a creative build and such, but for end-game content, viable PvP and PvE, this build would not work. ZoS needs to realize that hybrid builds like this are not viable at all. They may think it's cool and all mystical for someone to be a bow using DK with a destro staff, but this build would be stomped all over by pure magicka or pure stamina builds.

    I would like it if ESO's system supported hybrid builds, but it just does NOT support them, and it's misleading that they continue to try and act as if it's viable.

    It's pretty detrimental to realease a build that looks "fun" but really hurts the player base and community in the end by making them think this is viable in any sense. Medium armor and almost all abilitites magika do not work. They need to review these builds some more before they are released.

    Legitimately a reason why some people think a dungeon or content can be "too hard" is this kind of misinformation.
    Edited by Suru on 6 September 2015 19:29

  • DisgracefulMind
    Suru wrote: »

    It's pretty detrimental to realease a build that looks "fun" but really hurts the player base and community in the end by making them think this is viable in any sense. Medium armor and almost all abilitites magika do not work. They need to review these builds some more before they are released.

    Legitimately a reason why some people think a dungeon or content can be "too hard" is this kind of misinformation.

    Agree completely, and this was the point I was trying to go for, but you put it entirely more eloquently. (:
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • Caroloces
    ZoS needs to realize that hybrid builds like this are not viable at all.

    Excuse my lack of knowledge on this topic, but I thought hybrid builds were builds that mixed stamina and magicka. In the description of this build, the creator states that he put all attributes into magicka. Is it the mixing of armor or the choice of weapons that makes it a hybrid? And why, exactly, is a hybrid build not viable?
    The question is important to me because the grand assortment of abilities, weapons, and armor in this game seems to make hybridization inevitable.
  • Cuyler
    Caroloces wrote: »

    Excuse my lack of knowledge on this topic, but I thought hybrid builds were builds that mixed stamina and magicka. In the description of this build, the creator states that he put all attributes into magicka. Is it the mixing of armor or the choice of weapons that makes it a hybrid? And why, exactly, is a hybrid build not viable?
    The question is important to me because the grand assortment of abilities, weapons, and armor in this game seems to make hybridization inevitable.
    The weapon choices specifically in this build create the hybridization: Staff - Magicka; Bow - Stamina. If you build out for both of these, neither will strike with the same furiosity of a build utilizing two magicka based weapons or two stamina based weapons.

    In addition one can only have one or possibly two 5pc passive armor bonuses. In this case the 5pc medium armor bonuses only benefit the bow part of the build whereas a 5pc light armor passive bonuses is missing and would be very beneficial to the staff.

    Again building everything possible (not just attributes) specifically to one type of resource "aka pure" build will always outperform these, what we like to call "snowflake" builds, when endgame rolls around.
    Guild: STACK n BURN (gm) PC - NA
    CP 810 18 Maxed Characters:
    "How hard can u guar?" - Rafishul[/spoiler]
  • Caroloces
    The weapon choices specifically in this build create the hybridization: Staff - Magicka; Bow - Stamina. If you build out for both of these, neither will strike with the same furiosity of a build utilizing two magicka based weapons or two stamina based weapons.

    In addition one can only have one or possibly two 5pc passive armor bonuses. In this case the 5pc medium armor bonuses only benefit the bow part of the build whereas a 5pc light armor passive bonuses is missing and would be very beneficial to the staff.

    Again building everything possible (not just attributes) specifically to one type of resource "aka pure" build will always outperform these, what we like to call "snowflake" builds, when endgame rolls around.

    Thanks! That makes it very clear. I'm wondering how manbearpig777 would respond to these observations. I'm also wondering if anyone has ever spotted a build in Battlemaster's Corner that would fit the definition of a "Pure" build.
  • manbearpig777
    Soul Shriven
    Everyone has there opinion on what works in this game If you haven't tried this class try it. The Destruction staff was only for weakness spell and more fire damage. Im not trying to say my class is Great but It was fun and easy style of DPS/ Support. I have gotten personal messages of Appreciation for this class from players who almost gave up on playing this game and are now happy and I'm happy for them that this class gave them a new reason for enjoying this game.
  • DisgracefulMind
    Everyone has there opinion on what works in this game If you haven't tried this class try it. The Destruction staff was only for weakness spell and more fire damage. Im not trying to say my class is Great but It was fun and easy style of DPS/ Support. I have gotten personal messages of Appreciation for this class from players who almost gave up on playing this game and are now happy and I'm happy for them that this class gave them a new reason for enjoying this game.

    It's not an opinion, you have a couple of players here who consistently and efficiently complete endgame content, develop high-hitting builds, and actively test ability synergy with armor types, bonuses, and combinations. For end-game content hybrid builds are entirely misleading because they cannot, and I repeat, cannot compete with pure builds. This is how the game works. For end-game PvE this sort of build would never work. In fact, it won't even work in PvP. The way ZoS has made their combat system since 1.6 has made it near-impossible for a hybrid build to be desired or efficient for anything other than a pledge. This is the hard truth theory-crafters face at this point in time in the game.

    What we were pointing out is that a build such as this is entirely misleading for players in general. Think of a new player who begins to use this build, then eventually gets to max level, then wants to do trials, VDSA, the new Vet Dungeons, and fails miserably and is rejected from groups because he cannot pull the DPS sustain of someone who is a pure build. And ZoS is in this little bubble of not realizing that hybrid builds do not work, and builds such as this just mislead the combat team further.

    Enough with my rant. The truth is the truth. I wish neat little builds like this were an actual viable thing, but they're not.
    Edited by DisgracefulMind on 12 September 2015 23:55
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • aco5712
    i was thoroughly confused by what you were trying to achieve with the build. Thought it was a regular fire DK magicka build and then i saw bow and 5 medium and in the end i realised its a build for soloing the quests :/ agree with disgraceful
    Banned for Naming and Shaming exploiters. Great ideology ZOS.

    Main: Vir Cor | Dragonknight
    Alt: Leo Cor | Nightblade
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    Guild: K-Hole
    Youtube: CorESO
    DK PvP Tank/DPS Hybrid Build (2.1+): Cor Leonis
  • chaseman245
    DOES ANYONE READ THESE *** BUILDS? who thinks of this? ZOS is trollin us, theres no way ANYONE would use stupid builds like these. My 4 yr old could come up with a more logical build while she was asleep.
  • Mojmir
    cool build for level 30 and below
  • darkest_shadow
    Soul Shriven
    I personally would not run anything like this, but its good to see people run something that they like and find that works for them. Yes it may not have the best or even great dps for vet Trials, Dungeons, etc. but neither did he say or give the illusion that it was.

  • Dreddnawt
    Rather than bashing the OP for submitting their build to the community, I would like to commend @manbearpig777 for having the courage to share and for taking the above criticisms in stride. Do what works for you bud.

    You can disregard the trolls ranting about "hybrid" classes, theorist nerds rarely see what works in application unless it fits nicely into their contrived little world of make believe. Your build is NOT A HYBRID, as it only employs a single Stamina skill and you already stated attributes focus on magicka.

    HOWEVER if I may, there are a few points here that should be addressed in the spirit of growth and constructive criticism:

    1) With its long duration Cinder Storm on both bars is a waste of a skill slot. Destro bar only is the best choice for this skill. In fact Cinder Storm is the less effective choice of morphs. Eruption gives much better dps overall and with Talons for CC having the extra snare time is trivial. Remove Storm in favor something with more utility such as Volcanic Rune or Acid Spray. Either will improve your damage output and utility.

    2) Standard of Might on both bars is also superfluous. Having a zero range Ult on a ranged weapon bar works against you. Try Shooting Star instead or Ferocious Leap as a great Dmg shield / Gap closer. If you are in a situation when you need Standard simply switch bars and cast.

    3) Weakness to Elements is a free spell and has great range, I like it in certain situations. But it doesnt need to be on all the time as its single target effect makes it difficult to use vs many opponents. Try Engulfing Flames instead to improve dps and still debuff enemies to your many flame attacks.

    4) Wall of Elements has to go, period. Check your parsing and youll find Eruption is way more effective (6 times better in duration and damage). I get you are trying to stack effects but since you need to refresh Wall every 4 seconds anyway, try using Elemental Ring. Ring has a stronger and longer duration damage over time for 6,000+ per cast instead of 600.

    5) Gear choices should be reevaluated. It appears you were thinking Medium would give a good amount of armor along with critical rating but given Champ points, Inferno buff, and Light armor passives you can attain much higher critical with 5 Light. Use 2 pieces of Heavy (Chest and Legs) along with the reinforced trait to achieve the same protection with better overall damage output. Light armor will also improve your magicka, recovery, and empower your spells.

    Hope that helps. Happy Hunting.
    Dreddnawt - Orsimer Aedric Crusader
    Alexstrasza Drogon - Imperial Infernal Dragon
    Daggerfall Covenant

    TESO / PC / NA Server
  • Suru
    DOES ANYONE READ THESE *** BUILDS? who thinks of this? ZOS is trollin us, theres no way ANYONE would use stupid builds like these. My 4 yr old could come up with a more logical build while she was asleep.

    @chaseman245 you try it yet?

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