DisgracefulMind wrote: »I just find that builds like this are misleading for the combat team at ZoS. This may be a creative build and such, but for end-game content, viable PvP and PvE, this build would not work. ZoS needs to realize that hybrid builds like this are not viable at all. They may think it's cool and all mystical for someone to be a bow using DK with a destro staff, but this build would be stomped all over by pure magicka or pure stamina builds.
I would like it if ESO's system supported hybrid builds, but it just does NOT support them, and it's misleading that they continue to try and act as if it's viable.
It's pretty detrimental to realease a build that looks "fun" but really hurts the player base and community in the end by making them think this is viable in any sense. Medium armor and almost all abilitites magika do not work. They need to review these builds some more before they are released.
Legitimately a reason why some people think a dungeon or content can be "too hard" is this kind of misinformation.
ZoS needs to realize that hybrid builds like this are not viable at all.
The weapon choices specifically in this build create the hybridization: Staff - Magicka; Bow - Stamina. If you build out for both of these, neither will strike with the same furiosity of a build utilizing two magicka based weapons or two stamina based weapons.
Excuse my lack of knowledge on this topic, but I thought hybrid builds were builds that mixed stamina and magicka. In the description of this build, the creator states that he put all attributes into magicka. Is it the mixing of armor or the choice of weapons that makes it a hybrid? And why, exactly, is a hybrid build not viable?
The question is important to me because the grand assortment of abilities, weapons, and armor in this game seems to make hybridization inevitable.
The weapon choices specifically in this build create the hybridization: Staff - Magicka; Bow - Stamina. If you build out for both of these, neither will strike with the same furiosity of a build utilizing two magicka based weapons or two stamina based weapons.
In addition one can only have one or possibly two 5pc passive armor bonuses. In this case the 5pc medium armor bonuses only benefit the bow part of the build whereas a 5pc light armor passive bonuses is missing and would be very beneficial to the staff.
Again building everything possible (not just attributes) specifically to one type of resource "aka pure" build will always outperform these, what we like to call "snowflake" builds, when endgame rolls around.
manbearpig777 wrote: »Everyone has there opinion on what works in this game If you haven't tried this class try it. The Destruction staff was only for weakness spell and more fire damage. Im not trying to say my class is Great but It was fun and easy style of DPS/ Support. I have gotten personal messages of Appreciation for this class from players who almost gave up on playing this game and are now happy and I'm happy for them that this class gave them a new reason for enjoying this game.
chaseman245 wrote: »DOES ANYONE READ THESE *** BUILDS? who thinks of this? ZOS is trollin us, theres no way ANYONE would use stupid builds like these. My 4 yr old could come up with a more logical build while she was asleep.