ZOS_JasonLeavey wrote: »@TheValkyn In just a couple hours! We'll post an update as soon as it's live.
Is there any actual reason for why Mind Shriven Horse and Daedrat are being removed from the store? I really don't follow the logic in removing content.
@ZOS_JasonLeavey So, i'm guessing this won't ever change? I mean... I haven't been able to play ever since IC came out yet, I really wanna get my pet Daedrat because it's a freaking Daedrat!!But i'm still patching on my PS4 >.< I just.. to me personally, i always just thought a store page would be better with variety, not a few items to get some sales.
That, and now this makes me wonder how many other items have been on the store while it was PC only that i missed out. Having waited for the console release, i know i already missed several things that other console users have because of transfers. even that subscription program content.
Is there a list anywhere of past items, or even a chance they will ever make a comeback in future?
PS: Sorry for the wall of text.
I believe the only item that was available on the Crown Store while the game was unreleased for the consoles is the Ice Horse which will probably (my guess) return at some point down the line.
I believe the only item that was available on the Crown Store while the game was unreleased for the consoles is the Ice Horse which will probably (my guess) return at some point down the line.
Honestly, bringing up the loyalty program rewards is a pretty poor way to illustrate the point you're trying to communicate. You very well could have subscribed and paid all the money that we did (essentially $45USD for a pet) then transferred over to consoles. That offer was mentioned on May 8th, 2014. It was solely your decision to pass that up so you should not get those items. You did not contribute financially towards the early post-launch development of ESO so therefore you do not deserve anything. Also, if you didn't get these items on console simply because you did not transfer your account then that again is your fault. Don't even try to make it seem like it isn't.
@TheValkyn LOL. So if i wanted to only play on the console version i should then also buy the PC version, subscribe when my PC at the time could not run it. just so i can get content that is now discontinued for NO reason what-so-ever?
Let me be clear for you, it is *not* my fault. you can say it is, but you would be incorrect.
And seriously? you're actually this upset over me mentioning a loyalty program? over me asking "why do you guys remove content for?"
The transfers is a joke. Any other MMO would not have allowed it, any other MMO would be smart enough to know how damaging it would be. Even with me saying that, that was not even my point with bringing it up. My point is simply this. WHY is store content being removed when it doesn't need to be removed?
The ice horse was on this console too, but not like you knew that.
Also "so you should not get those items" Yep, thanks for proving one thing. unfortunately, there's always people like you that have to ruin something for others.
Again, the only point i was ever making was why does content need to be removed. repeat that in your head a few hundred times, but i can just tell you'll only say "it doesn't matter, you should have bought it, if you 'chose' not to, it's your fault for not buying the PC version when they delayed the consoles"
Okay..... so back to my question.... Why do you guys remove content that doesn't need to be removed?
(At this rate am i even allowed to ask that?)
@ZOS_JasonLeavey "It's always a possibility for the future"? I know nothing datamined is confirmed, but we all know that the skeletal guar has been developed alreadyZOS_JasonLeavey wrote: »@Dedhed, a skeletal guar sounds terrifying! It's always a possibility for the future, but we think the Zombie Horse may satisfy your craving for nightmare-inducing mounts.
@ZOS_JasonLeavey "It's always a possibility for the future"? I know nothing datamined is confirmed, but we all know that the skeletal guar has been developed already
Skeletal GuarDefault Name: Grinly
The naked, grisly smile on the broad skull of the Skeletal Guar mount may be enough to send lesser opponents fleeting in terror when you ride into battle on its creaking, bony frame. The Worm Cult, of course, will just be jealous.
@ZOS_JasonLeavey "It's always a possibility for the future"? I know nothing datamined is confirmed, but we all know that the skeletal guar has been developed already
Skeletal GuarDefault Name: Grinly
The naked, grisly smile on the broad skull of the Skeletal Guar mount may be enough to send lesser opponents fleeting in terror when you ride into battle on its creaking, bony frame. The Worm Cult, of course, will just be jealous.
At some point ZOS said they wanted to cycle the content on the Crown Store so that it wouldn't feel cluttered. Meaning that stuff doesn't likely get "removed" per se, but rather become temporarily unavailable.