Lfg tool

Why can't they put in a system similar to wow lfg tool? Where u can simply list your grp, it works well for wow. I don't get how this isn't a priority for them. Only reason I don't play this game is because it's too hard to find grps. I have weird hours and guilds are usually out of the question. I'm sure i'm not alone. I love the game besides this(what I consider) huge issue.
  • DaveMoeDee
    Yeah, I think the overwhelming consensus is that the LFG tool is crap.
    Edited by DaveMoeDee on 3 September 2015 13:59
  • Lord Xanhorn
    Lord Xanhorn
    Yup its bad and has been bad since launch. What's worse is I think whoever designed it must have left the company and no one knows how it works. They can't seem to fix it.

    I think they are working on a whole new LFG system that will be a complete overhaul. It will take some time to get it up and running though. So get used to the current system cause its being replaced eventually not fixed.
    I'm kind of a small deal!
  • Raaahhhyyynn
    I made a thread about this too (as have many others). They've said they plan to introduce some changes to the LFG tool but haven't provided specifics.

    But I agree it is incredibly frustrating. Sometimes I get lucky and find a group within 5 minutes, and other times I literally spend my night trying to find a group to run through a dungeon once.

    Whatever solution they plan on implementing I hope it works. As a predominately solo player the wonky LFG tool makes end game content very discouraging.
  • deathrament
    Ya it unacceptable with today's mmo's.
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