Player made dungeons?

Something I loved about Neverwinter... it was probably the only thing I liked about that game to be honest, was the ability for players to create their own dungeons and share for others to play. They basically got a modding tool ingame, which lets you create characters, dungeons, specify loot and exp, set level requirements, create unique looking bosses. Yep basically everything you need to make a fun and comepletely new dungeon.

I hope zinemax will look if this is a feature that could fit into ESO ^^
  • Lord Xanhorn
    Lord Xanhorn
    I always thought this idea should have been in all MMOs. It helps with new fresh content while people wait for official DLC/xpacs.

    Great idea!
    Edited by Lord Xanhorn on 3 September 2015 16:09
    I'm kind of a small deal!
  • VilhelmValhalla4
    This would be awesome, it'd take a lot of pressure off of ZOS to continually provide content, and players would be able to create some really crazy dungeons. I'd love to see this!
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