This is my favourite weapon by far, but when I use it I seem to forget everything I know about combat, so I find myself resorting to two handing and doing boring generic stuff.. I don't know what abilities are useful, it feels to me that they all are.. the debuffs and all that.
I'm even unsure of what class to play, I love the idea of a big heavy tanky NB, but the toggle ability to regain resources seems a bit of a pain at times, reckon the update will make it easier or worse?
I play more slow, tactile combat to be honest, occasionally I'm in a duo, so I tend to get the attention, debuff the enemy etc. then we finish em off.
I like the sound of vampire too, but sounds a little risky, but with the fire damage buff coming that helps, making the undeath passive seem useful. (I would LOVE a "Vampire Knight" esque build) But I have no idea with stat allocations either.
PS4 | EU | falout565 | Looking for PvP group, messsage me, BWB