Crafting Nation! New Crafting Guild All Alliances Ps4 EU

Welcome Community, Crafting Nation is up and running and looking for all crafters, any levels, any alliance.

The aim of this guild is to get an army of crafters who will all help each other raise their skills guild bank will be full of unwanted and spare materials that will help other members to raise their skills.Ofc that will need all members to input this will be a good place to raise your skills and help other eso players raise theirs find crafting partners and eventually acheive greatness.

So lets get it started add me on ps4 You-SKID or leAve your name below with what proffession you are leveling look forward to hear from you and helping the crafting community together
Edited by You-SKID on 12 July 2015 11:40
  • Blackpigg
    Soul Shriven
    Looking to join the guild. Very new just reached lvl ten, I'm a Breton night blade with the intention of becoming a woodworking craftsman. Won't be able to contribute heavily throughout the day because of my work, but will actively contribute in the hours I am able to! Anyways my psn I.d is ze-divy and my In game name is Blackpigg.
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