Dominion Dungeon Raiders Recruiting

Soul Shriven
I have started up a new guild which is mainly a a guild for finding dungeon groups since the group finder is so terrible. This is only an aldmeri dominion guild on the eu server. If you would like to join send me a message on psn as i am likely to get it much faster than any replies on here

Also when you message me tell me what role you will be playing (healer,dps or tank) so i can promote you to the correct role
  • Javz_
    Soul Shriven
    I forgot to say as well, we currently have 30 members mostly vet ranks although there are a few lower level players, everyone is welcome!
  • amatic
    Please add
    Vet 1 (a quest away from rank 2) bosmer nightblade.
    Maxed provisioning and alchemy..nearly there with bs and clothing..can supply guild.
    Thank you.
  • Javz_
    Soul Shriven
    I have added you amatic.
    Guild now at 60 members and growing fast!
  • stekspade321
    Psn stekspade321
    Dps vet 12
    I am a happy esotu gamer and i also use twitch i do heaps of pvp and i dont have a sending schedual but it will come later one peace out.

  • fatboygamer
    Are you guys still recruiting? Looking for end game content as the bigger picture. (Only lvl 23) do you run vet dungeons and trials?
  • Javz_
    Soul Shriven
    I have sent you an invite stekspade321
    At the moment we are running dungeons on both normal and veteran difficulty, a few of our higher rank members have been running dragonstar arena etc. Most of our members are vets and play a lot of end game content

    100 members now
  • Pibbs22
    Soul Shriven
    I have sent you a message through PSN Javz_
  • Vylden
    Soul Shriven
    Can I join. PSN is Setyric. Currently VR3 and really want to get some people to play with.
  • Javz_
    Soul Shriven
    All invites have been sent if you have messaged me on here or on psn
    I am rarely on here so if you would like a quicker response please message me on PSN: Javz_
    I do check this from day to day usually though
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