Regarding the new PS4 update 7/29/2015

It's come to my attention that a few PS4 users, including myself, have been hit by a wave of lag and "server" issues. By this, I mean constant crashes, which result in forcing you back to the title screen. This has happened over 10 times today, before I simply gave up. The game was fine until today, and I really hope that ESO fixes the issue in the maintenance tomorrow. I would like to be able to play, as would those of us effected by lag and crashes. I paid $40 for the game, and I can't even play it due to this problem. I understand that ESO is busy and obviously very large, but really. It's very frustrating when you simply cannot play at all.

With that said, I'm looking forward to the update tomorrow. Seeing as how the Xbox server acquired some new things from the update today, I can't wait to see if the PS4 server will be granted some added things. Even if it isn't, it would still be nice to have the lag and server stabilized once more.
  • picon3032
    I'm having the same problems
    I'm on here, must be something wrong.
  • CalmBeforeTheStorm
    I guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow to see if the maintenance fixes the issues. Hopefully.
    Edited by CalmBeforeTheStorm on 29 July 2015 00:07
  • yodased
    I fear this may actually be the @CalmBeforeTheStorm
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • CalmBeforeTheStorm
    @yodased I see what you did there. Brilliant. *Applauds you*
  • Focusone
    I'm also having lag and login issues on NA server. Ps4

    I'm able to log into EU server just fine and no lag.
  • CalmBeforeTheStorm
    I'm thinking that the PTS leak is causing the lag, crashes and login issues.
    Edited by CalmBeforeTheStorm on 29 July 2015 00:28
  • Focusone
    Where is the phone numbe to call eso?
  • CalmBeforeTheStorm
    I honestly have no idea. I've tried looking for it, but I can't seem to find it.
  • OzJohnD
    because we think patches fix lag ?


    Everyone knows the phenomenon of trying to hold your breath underwater - how at first it's alright and you can handle it, and then as it gets closer and closer to the time when you must breathe, how urgent the need becomes, the lust and the hunger to breathe. And then the panic sets in when you begin to think that you won't be able to breathe - and finally, when you take in air and the anxiety subsides...that's what it's like to be a vampire and need blood.

    Francis Ford Coppola - BS Dracula: The Film and the Legend

  • frenchyuk86
    Wasn't any maintenance last week
    Frenchyuk86 - PSN
    Vet 14 DragonKnight
    The Forlorn Hope Main Tank
  • hereiamhereibe2
    @Ozjohnd Yes Patches *can* fix lag, but server maintenance is also done routinely to fix lag. Think about it like restarting your modem when you keep losing internet or your internet is sluggish. Zeni will tell you to restart your router/modem if you are experiencing lag but sometimes they have to do it too.
  • assaultwarrior09
    dang, and i was looking forward to playing today :/...hopefully this maintenance wont take all day.
    Daggerfall Covenant
  • OzJohnD
    @hereiamhereibe2 .. ah yes, I forgot about the inherent hardware reboot assisting (temporarily)
    Everyone knows the phenomenon of trying to hold your breath underwater - how at first it's alright and you can handle it, and then as it gets closer and closer to the time when you must breathe, how urgent the need becomes, the lust and the hunger to breathe. And then the panic sets in when you begin to think that you won't be able to breathe - and finally, when you take in air and the anxiety subsides...that's what it's like to be a vampire and need blood.

    Francis Ford Coppola - BS Dracula: The Film and the Legend

  • XoXJulietteXoX
    I'm having the same issues. Still... 6 Aug.
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