Hi all, I'm very torn between DK and NB, I looked at many builds including some of syphers/deltias builds, i just cant decide between the 2 classes though.
I watched Deltia's Umbra NB build and it looked very interesting but I noticed a few people saying it wouldn't really work etc?
DK I love the shields/self heal/overall tankiness but hate the range and lack of escapes (maybe mist form will correct that?)
NB i haven't played but from what i read has cloak + fear + some nice mobility and escapes and some nice ranged DOTs/DPS.
I planned on making whichever one I pick magicka based and using a resto staff in 2nd slot with ward etc. I mainly plan to do small scale pvp, 1-5 group size.
I understand that both picks will probably be lacking until i get decent CP and gear. I would love to know which one is more capable of supporting + dishing out some DPS when needed if the group is very small or I'm running solo. It probably doesn't help asking this kind of question while changes are being made on PTS and not finalised T_T....But i'd like to hear some opinions:D