Maintenance for the week of February 17:
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• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)

Looking to join guild for PvP and dungeons.

New to PvP and looking for a friendly and active group to join that has the patience to help those that are new to PvP. I am a vr3 nightblade (and werewolf) and would really like to learn and get prepared for Imperial City.

PS4 Pro NA
  • Tholian1
    Oh and I am in EP.
    PS4 Pro NA
  • Mertirillon
    I just started a guild and am trying to get members. For alliance war it is AD, but I'm trying to get enough members so all factions have members to play with in dungeons and other group activities. If you are interested comment here:
  • BigDSoulReaper
    Hello! I would like to invite you to Immortal Kings! We are an Ebonheart Pact Guild. we are a fun care free alliance that all members are willing to help each other. We already have guild bank unlocked. So you know ahead of time all members are required to go through a week long trial period before being promoted to member, this is to insure we don't get any bad apples. As recruit members you will be able to deposit into our bank, but wont be able to withdraw until you are promoted to member. If your interested, go to and sign up for the site and also fill out the ESO application. this will allow you to get in on our forums which will be easy for us all to communicate even when were not home playing. also we will be using it to plan events. Hope to see you there.
    Immortal Kings GuildMaster
    There are greats, there are legends, then there are Immortals!
  • Devo3

    Hello there, friend! I believe the Malformed Fortune, a currently small-in-#'s thieves guild is able to peek at your interest at what we can offer to you. My guild seems to meet alot of the requirements your asking for in a guild set up, so I'm hoping you would do kindly to glance at the guild forum to see if what we provide in the guild meets to your requirements. We are open to all people; any alliance, age, gender, etc. We are bound by no particular activity, we take in the pleasure of doing it all. I'm not sure how ud feel about an organized ranking system; but once again, do take a look at the page if you would, and think we'll before you decide on your response. My PSN is D-E-V-o_3, and if you are confused about anything posted on the guild forums, simply ask through PSN or private mail.

    Regardless whether you accept or decline this offer, I hope you find what you are looking for in a guild so you can enjoy the ESO experience the way you prefer it to be. Many thanks friend, for your time in reading the post if not; glancing the detailed forums of the Guild.
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