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Console dungeon finder issues

First off, I have a headset and communicate.

Often, after I get matched into a group with 3 other players, nobody ports to the dungeon. I'll go to dungeon right away and tell people to port to me but either 0 or 1 of the other players in the group actually join the dungeon. Is there a way that dungeon finder can automatically teleport the entire group to a dungeon? It is sad that this is an issue in about 75% of the groups I get matched with.
  • Kjsnyder86_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    The problem I have is I never know what dungeon to do. Like it just puts me in a group with 3 randoms and were expected to know where a dungeon is? I'm level 21 and have only come across the location to fungal grato or whatever, don't see any in deshaan yet. Why won't it just port us to the dungeon or at least tell us where to go.
  • gjmgamesub17_ESO
    It's a crap shoot for anyone, the stars have to align in order to be successful.

    My steps (as a healer my queue times are usually under 5 minutes) for vet dungeon group finder.

    Nobody talking within 2 minutes of group forming = Leave and queue again.

    Tank has queued as all 3 roles = Leave and queue again (99% of the time this is a DPS trying to get a faster queue).

    Tank using resto staff = Leave and queue again.

    DPS using resto staff = Leave and queue again.

    People refusing to move out of AoE on ground "Because you are supposed t heal through it" = Leave and queue again.

    Just hoping to win the LFG lottery.
  • Shamroxx81
    Soul Shriven
    I'm still relatively new to both the game and these forums, but I have had similar experiences as the rest of you. I tend to get put in a group with only 1 or 2 other ppl after waiting for anywhere from 30 mins. to an hour. Once I'm in the group, I go to the dungeon and wait for the others to port in. In most cases, no one else shows up and then they leave the group. I think I've only been in two groups so far that have actually finished the dungeon, and have been in groups where the leader disbands the group just before the last boss has died. Now, I'm only lvl 36, but needless to say my dungeon experiences have been frustrating lol.

    I'm sure there will be ppl that don't agree with my opinion on this, but if they were to make the group finder a bit more like the one in WoW, it would take care of some of the bigger issues that currently exist. The que times are reasonable even as a dps, and it pops up a box to notify you when the group is ready to be formed. If everyone accepts, it automatically ports the group into the dungeon. If someone doesnt accept / isnt ready, it looks for a replacement for that person. It also has a mechanic that requires the group to vote on removing someone from the party. There's also a small penalty for that leave the group prior to a boss being killed.

    Before anyone thinks I'm bashing ESO, I wanted to say I'm not. I actually really enjoy the game even though I was skeptical at first. I just think the group finder needs some work before it'll be useful to a portion of the player base.
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