Am I correct to assume that the PTS will work on a rotation like it did before update 6 (NA - copy / EU templates then switch)? If so, can we make some adjustments to the templates? It would be quite helpful to start with a healthier dose of AP and Gold on the templates to aid in testing the new gear sets. I know many of us would like to tests them - both for bugs and potential build synergy. While many will go through to test some of the dungeons and try trials again, we probably won't be farming them enough to get and test any of the the adjusted gear sets.
If including AP isn't what you want (and enough to buy a few pieces of the 248k AP gear), perhaps no longer including the trials sets on the templates and instead giving the new gear sets and monster helms?
Am I alone here?
Daggerfall Covenant (PC-NA)
The Order of Mundus | Nightfighters