Nightblade Vampire Pvp tips?

Please, no, "you should stick to PvE" nonsense.

I've been building a assassin/rogue-ish Nightblade for a little, although my only previous experience was with a Templar healer, which is a slight change. I really enjoy playing sneaky characters, although this is a tad different from what I'm used to. My new character is the following:

Dunmer (yes, shut up)
Dual wielding daggers
Alt bow
Medium armor (no set yet)

I'm looking for some tips for improvement, seeing as I'm never up-close and fighting on my main. The last post I made was just people telling me to stick to PvE or that, "Templars can easily find me". I already know that bit, it's not as if I wish to build a house between Chalman and Aleswell. I really don't intend to camp a spot for a good hour. Another thing I saw was a bunch of people saying Cloak was a good escape method, with another saying that on other posts everyone says NOT to do that. So, I'm a tad lost.

An issue I commonly encountered with my squishy healer was that as soon as I was struct on a horse or a tank targeted me, I was done for. Only armed with a javelin for close range, she would go down quickly. Admittedly, she wasn't good at fighting. She was good at healing, and little else. So she doesn't offer me much insight or experience.

Part I:
I know about people being able to detect me with potions and magelight (I think), which gets me to an issue which is worrying me: how to move quickly or escape entirely. Made a post about this and only got conflicting answers and people complaining. So, how? On several occasions my Temp would be targeted and killed (even with nice heavy armor) by characters way below her level who were NBs. Before I could get a hit, they were too far or were completely behind me. Any idea how they did it?

Part II:
She usually is a stage IV vampire, which gives her the appearance of... well, something not pretty. At least in my experience, I've seen people hunt for vampires and make them a high-priority target, despite them being level ten. I know many players who do well as vampires, especially in PvP, although I don't know how they aren't on everyone's hit list. Helmet and incredibly modest armor, maybe? How can I avoid being that high priority target. I've played with an emperor before, and even then they flocked the vampire first. Until, that is, they found out the Emp was a vamp. Then it was moths to a flame.

Part III:
How can I do a massive DPS load out fast. Yeah, pretty simple yet jammed with questions. I'm talking mostly about my daggers, although info about my alt bow is also helpful. I have plenty of points in passives for Critical strikes. I'm currently using:

Drain Essence
Dark Cloak
Surprise Attack
Killer's Blade
(U) Death Stroke (which morph?)

I usually in PvE go into sneak, use Ambush, next usually Death Stroke (ultimate is super cheap), then usually getting pummeled. Well, kinda. I habitually button mash Surprise Attack and Killer's Blade, basically never using Dark Cloak. Should I tweek it a little, or start over? Usually the enemy is dead by the time I use Death Stroke, and if not is quickly plucked off with my mashing. Against an actual opponent, how can I avoid the mashing, seeing as a player would be getting up and swinging a second or two after Death Stroke?

Part IV:
Stamina or Magicka. Stamina or Magicka. Staaaaaammminnnaaa or Maggggiiicccckkkaaa....
Most, if not all, of the Assassination Skill Tree can be morphed into using stamina instead. I've been doing this, as thats what the build I'm going after did. But after hearing snips of the new update, is this still a good idea? If fighting something that doesn't instantly die, I see her relying HEAVILY on stamina, which likes to drain. QUICKLY. Should I re-morph or keep it? Seeing as her bow will be using stamina, is this a good idea? I'm kind of convincing myself it isn't. Or, at least until she gets some nice gear with stamina. Okay, maybe I should keep it. Ugh.

Part V:
Isn't there a potion for invisibility? Or Vanish. Or whatever. I'm on console, so the game is still a tad new and all. Even then, I'm new to alchemy and provisioning. Whats the recipe and/or what ingredients do I need? Never did that on Beta.

Any info is helpful, besides demeaning, "stick to PvE" comments. I probably sounded kinda messy while writing this, but I have a thousand thoughts going through my head right now. Thanks for reading.
  • Pink_Violinz
    Looking back on this, I made myself sound pretty stupid. I'm not as incompetent as this might imply.
  • tmacdec
    First as a vampire try to get the shrouded armor set. It's 5 piece bonus gives you health on ultimate activation, Heath regen skills will be key for you as you basically have none. Morph death stroke to soul harvest, more ultimate equals more healing. I morphed both my vamp actives to the movement speed morphs, not sure of the names these help me stay at my desired distance. I morphed assassins blade to impale to keep the distance theme. Use poison or preferably disease on your weapons as dual wield one of each. Enchant you jewelry with fire resistance. I put it on all three but you don't really have to. I used all my attributes on stamina, and enchant two pieces of armor with max health two with max magicka and two wild cards. If your still having trouble getting away crippling grasp from siphoning works really well. I use bow and 2 handed but I'm thinking of using two bows as keeping my distance isn't as hard as I thought it would be. Also your main ultimate should be devouring bats, pop it as often as you can.
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