Werewolf Help

Soul Shriven
I just became a werewolf and i was wondering as soon as i unlock the bloodmoon ability will i have the bite or will i have to wait a week? Also a player bit me and i still had the infection and it had a timer on it but i did the werewolf quest to become one will anything bad happen if this goes away or will i still ahve the werewolf skill line? Thank you so much sorry for being a werewolf noob.
  • Cpl_Punishmentt
    As soon as I learned the bite I was able to use it, as far as the timer, I'll know for sure in just over 4 hours lol, but I think that's just a time to cure yourself and you keep it if you did the quest.
  • Chapmaaaan
    you can bite straight away
    previous gamertag - DanielChapman89
  • Trollwut
    As soon as you level this ability, you can bite someone.

    You will then get a debuff which prevents you from biting someone else for a week. Keep in mind that this debuff keeps on even when you cure your WW. You need to wait one week.
  • Leandor
    Once you have finished the werewolf quest and have the skill line, the infection timer is irrelevant. That is a long standing bug in the game, actually here since PC launch - they never got around to fixing it. No worries. You could even go to the priest and cure the infection (just remember to use the cheap option, the expensive one WILL remove your skill line).
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