To get an invite, message Tyler_Morrow
Knights of Stone are recruiting! We are a mixed type group. We have mainly PvE players but plan to PvP soon. I am currently working on getting a guild trader, and a guild tabbed will follow that. Our main goal is to provide a guild that anyone can join and have a supportive and fun group of people to play with. If PvP is your thing, get a group going. If it's PvE, ask someone to go do a dungeon. Or if you need help any officer will be glad to assist you. If trading is your focus, then just use the trader and continue solo or whatever style you play. The point is, if you join, and you notice that there isn't a PvP or PvE group going, and that's what you want, send me a message and I'll put something in the MOTD. I'm currently looking for active people to take up active officer roles for both PvP and PvE, as well as someone to manage the guild bank since things aren't currently stacking themselves. If you have some unique skill that you think deserves officer or other specialty type rank, message me and we will work something out. We are a new group, we need a good player base to start forming. We currently have 58 members. The more members we have, the more likely we are to get good things going. So if you are looking to help from a really solid guild, join here and help us make that happen. On a final note, we are currently running a 50/50 raffle. This is something that I would like to do weekly to raise funds for the guild. The more guild funds we have, the better our trader location will be. If we start getting excess of guild funds, I want to buy higher priced items and supply them through the guild bank or through free raffles.