Help me with an Imperial Templar Build!

Hello Everyone,

I am playing on XB1 EU EB, not that it matters but now its out there.

I am a new player to ESO but have played Skyrim before. Right now I am level 43 on my first character and its an Imperial Templar.

My problem is that I have no real idea of what I am doing. Stuff are not really that hard until you hit V ranks I guess. Right now I am using most skills from the Aedric Spear skill line just because they're cool.

My question is what do I have to do if I want to be a healer who can help out in dungeons and so on. Therefore I am requesting a build from you lot that can help me become a strong support for my group.

Right now I am level 50 Aedric Spear, 36 Dawns Wrath and 40 Restoring Light. I figured I should be leveling Resto staffs so I only recently got those and that level is only 26 right now.

Could you please help me setup my 2 action bars with set skills and what passives to use. I might have to respec my skill points but I would gladly do that for a good build. Also since I am new I have no idea where all the skills come from so could you please state where your selected skills come from and if they are morphed from an earlier state skill.
For example:
Aedric Spear - Puncturing Sweep, morphed from Puncturing Strikes.

Same goes for passives so I can easily find them.

I thank you all i advance and hope you can help me in my deed.

Good evening,
- Lj
  • Sreja_Bone
    Honestly, I usually start looking here : .

    He usually breaks the skills down and where they start from pretty well, especially if you read the articles rather than just watch the videos. Now this is all for PC, but I can't imagine the console stuff is really that different.

    After that I poke around the forums (usually not so good at mentioning the base skills). I'm certainly not knowledgeable enough to tell you a setup, but I've learned the hard way that when healing: Rite of passage morphed to Remembrance, Rushed Ceremony morphed to Breath of Life, both from Templar Restoring Light line; and Grand Healing morphed to Healing Springs from the Restoration staff line are all your best friends. Passives are pretty much all good in any skill line you use a lot and most that you don't :) .

    Never leveled my Imp Templar (have been thinking on him a bit, which is how I landed here) so not sure if Magicka is going to be an issue for you.... go easy with Breath of Life in dungeons until you know your limits; it's more an "oh s**t" button than maintenance heal and can really eat your mana.
  • Ljungstroem
    Honestly, I usually start looking here : .

    He usually breaks the skills down and where they start from pretty well, especially if you read the articles rather than just watch the videos. Now this is all for PC, but I can't imagine the console stuff is really that different.

    After that I poke around the forums (usually not so good at mentioning the base skills). I'm certainly not knowledgeable enough to tell you a setup, but I've learned the hard way that when healing: Rite of passage morphed to Remembrance, Rushed Ceremony morphed to Breath of Life, both from Templar Restoring Light line; and Grand Healing morphed to Healing Springs from the Restoration staff line are all your best friends. Passives are pretty much all good in any skill line you use a lot and most that you don't :) .

    Never leveled my Imp Templar (have been thinking on him a bit, which is how I landed here) so not sure if Magicka is going to be an issue for you.... go easy with Breath of Life in dungeons until you know your limits; it's more an "oh s**t" button than maintenance heal and can really eat your mana.

    Thanks a ton! I morphed into Honor The Dead for some reason... Was this a bad choice and I need a respec now or in the future if I want to heal efficiently?
  • Sreja_Bone
    I see you got that answered in another thread, along with a metric ton of better advice than I can give.... but yes, you need to respec that so you can use it to heal everyone in your party (heals three people besides yourself in range I believe, and the range is fairly large.)
  • Ljungstroem
    I see you got that answered in another thread, along with a metric ton of better advice than I can give.... but yes, you need to respec that so you can use it to heal everyone in your party (heals three people besides yourself in range I believe, and the range is fairly large.)

    Ye I will go to the shrine thing and respec very soon when I have it all figured out!
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