Trying to understand VR 1-14 leveling

I am so confused on how this works. I have read some articles and have been told to go out to Craglorn to get XP. But when I get there everything is VR 11+ and I'm only VR 2. Some guildies told me to go to "The Tower" but when I got to the village it is at, everything is super high level.

Is there still a limit on level to xp in the VR ranks? If I do the tower with friends will I get XP?
"I'm too drunk to taste this chicken."
  • stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO
    The game was designed for you to do the "Cadwell's Silver" and "Cadwell's Gold" quests before going to Craglorn. After you finish the main story, go to the Harborage and talk to Cadwell. Those quests are basically the story for the other factions, rescaled to VR level. Not bad if you haven't done them before, but a terrible grind of you have other characters and did those zones already. Doing the Silver and Gold zones was supposed to level you up to VR10, or thereabouts. Not sure how they hit that mark now with all the recent XP nerfs.
  • BurtFreeman
    in leveling my alts i wear armors with exploration trait. this ensure once complete the caldwell almanac silver and gold, you are almost at v14, without even touch craglorn neither cyrodill, neither grinding except when you find good spot during the quests.
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