Lag/Game Stuttering constantly

I am starting to deal with my game skipping from time to that. A new router was just purchased and installed in my home but when I check my network diagnostics, my latency is under 150 and my packet loss is 0%. I am wondering if there are any other factors that come in to play that may need to be configured or if my router still needs to be personally configured. I did not have these problems when I was on my previous router.
  • ZOS_MollyH
    Hi @antman850 !

    Players having issues connecting to the game should try testing their network connection. To do this:

    Open the Xbox One Dashboard
    Press the [Menu] button and browse to Settings
    Select Network
    On the Network Settings screen, select Test network connection on the right-hand side of the screen
    Also try Test multiplayer connection
    The console should inform them of any issues with their connection that could be causing them to disconnect.
    In addition, we suggest players forward certain ports to ensure that their console is able to reach our servers. Players should ensure that the ports suggested below are open for their Xbox One:

    Port 88 (UDP)
    Port 3074 (UDP and TCP)
    Port 53 (UDP and TCP)
    Port 80 (TCP)

    For any further questions or if the issue persists, they should reach out to Xbox Support here:
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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