Looking for werewolf bite for 750 Crown

Soul Shriven

I am looking for werewolf bite in Ebonheart Pact. I pay my 750 Crown Code.

My ID is Tuminio.

Message me if you have interest.

My thanks.
  • Aerotheairbender34
    PS4 EU?
  • Aerotheairbender34
    Nevermind *facepalm* This is the section for EU PS4. So stupid.
    I'm on a 7day cooldown now tough. Can you wait that long?
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Guys trading crowns or real life cash can get your account permanently banned. Also on the forums only free bites are allowed. You cannot post asking for a bite for in game items on the forums. The crown code tho will get you both banned forever. RMT are not allowed.
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