Official Discussion Thread for "ESO Live's Next Episode: 6/19"

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
This is the official discussion thread for the web article, "ESO Live's Next Episode: 6/19."

Tune in tomorrow for a new episode of our biweekly Twitch livestream, including a "State of PvP" segment with Lead PvP Designer Brian Wheeler! If you can't make it to the show live, feel free to ask your questions here.
Jason Leavey
Community Coordinator - The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
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Staff Post
  • Sha_dow
    When are werewolves getting there update?

    In particular

    1: Skin changes
    2: Skills changes
    3: Timer/Duration

    Kind regards

    P.S whats coming next for ESOS next update !!!
  • Robbie575
    Please let us know more about the Crown Store updates and the updates on when the "What's New" stuff will be coming out!
    Xbox One NA server:
    Bayley Saur: Bosmer, Templar (AD)
    Constantine Mxyzptlk : Altmer, Sorcerer (EP)
  • lonewolf26
    Many of us are hyped about a teaser at the end of the E3 trailer. Can you confirm that we will be seeing new Dark Brotherhood content this year?
  • Sacadon
    To head-off any further speculation about Maria Aliprando please share who is running Champion System now and anything you can share regarding when we can expect all the broken passives to be fixed.
  • Robbmrp
    What's going to be done about the lag in Cyrodil currently as well as PVE Lag.

    Also, when Imperial City is implemented, what is being done to ensure that this doesn't compound the existing Cyrodil lag. Since this city is there, when that content is added it's going to cause an increase to players going into PVP to see the new content. Interactable objects there won't be able to be used. Doors won't open and there will be endless loading screens.
    Edited by Robbmrp on 18 June 2015 22:48
    NA Server - Kildair
  • Attorneyatlawl
    In the recent Reddit AMA, it was said that EXP gains will be brought in line with eachother better (aka to parity) for PVE activities, but PVP was not mentioned in this adjustment. Will PVP gains for EXP be raised at the same time to be more in line with PVE mob grinding, bearing in mind of course that PVP action can be spikey by nature so your earnings might be higher or lower depending on the night? Currently you earn around one-fifth of the EXP in a good night's worth of PVP action in a strong group, compared to simply going to always-available, easy-to-kill NPC enemies and killing them all night instead. This creates a very large gap in champion earnings for players who either mostly PVP, or who enjoy both PVE and PVP splitting time between them. Can we expect to see PVP EXP earnings brought in line with PVE methods?

    Also, "deathspam" chat channel from beta, as seen in Warhammer Online and Dark Age of Camelot: when are we getting it back? =)

    BONUS: During the console Reddit AMA, optional game-provided buff and debuff tracking + scrolling combat text was mentioned as in the works. Can we safely assume this will be coming to the PC as well, particularly important since even addons are not currently allowed to have actual buff/debuff information and just rely on artificial timers based on when you pressed an ability? This is vital information to skilled play in PVP and competitive PVE and has been needed for quite some time, so any status and further information regarding plans on these would be much appreciated.
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • lottasay_ESO
    Please add Dueling, Arena, and Instanced Battlegrounds.

    I'd buy two more copies of ESO + Subscription for both of my kids PS4's in a heartbeat.
  • Darkheart
    What do I get for my Birthday? *big wink*
    Returning Home to Daggerfall.
  • NskDen
    What about make a Alliance War tree wide on account ?
  • Baracuta
    When will we be seeing the armours shown from Quakecon? E.G. Thieve's Guild Armour set, Undaunted Armour sets, etc. etc. Would love to see these as Motifs obtainable from their respective lines.
    Outfit Slots are outrageously expensive. No, thank you.
  • kkravaritieb17_ESO
    Please add Dueling, Arena, and Instanced Battlegrounds.

    I'd buy two more copies of ESO + Subscription for both of my kids PS4's in a heartbeat.

    They said implicity that they wouldnt add arenas already :(

    Member of the glorious Zerg Squad
    Rip Banana Squad

    Lheneth -- Sorc PvP Rank 31
    Ellynna -- Templar PvP Rank 50 (No Bleaker's roleplaying involved)
    Smellynna -- Templar PvP Rank 28
    and many other chars

  • smokes
    1. is there an ETA for when VR ranks are due to be removed?
    2. when they are removed, how is everything VR1+ being transitioned? gear/items/food etc
    3. how is seasonal gear going to work?
    4. when can we expect the first set of DLC content packs to be released?
    5. can you give an ETA on a paid name change service?
    6. can you clarify the design intentions and direction for endgame and what impact the playerbase has had on that design since pc launch?
    7. has any thought been given to CP brackets for cyrodiil to separate out veteran VR players from new VR players who feel at a constant disadvantage? as over time the power gap between hardcore players and more casual players will continue to widen long after VR ranks are removed, even with XP potions available, which may even exacerbate the situation.
    8. is upcoming DLC going to be solo or group focused? or solo with group elements?
    9. with VR removal is craglorn going to be rebalanced to be more solo friendly? or kept roughly where it currently is?
    10. any plans to add an app or web portal to view characters/skills/gear/inventory/action bars from outside of the game? it would make it a lot easier for players to share builds.
    11. any plans for new races or classes?
    12. any new mounts in the works? saw the bear in the trailer for imperial city, looks cool.
    13. what would you like to see ingame as a mount?
    14. will there ever be an expansion? or will expansions come in the form of smaller DLC packs
    15. as time passes, will there be extensions to the current champion system?
    16. as new DLC content is released are there any new mob types to encounter in the new zones?
    17. when will i be able to stack siege equipment in my inventory?
    18. is it possible to have a personal bank on each character as well as the account wide bank? if so, can we have it?

    i think thats probably enough for now. questions 1 and 6 are the ones i'd most appreciate being answered, but some kind of answer to all of them would be great.
  • lucian_banneb18_ESO
    Dear ZOS,

    My top 2 priority wishlist items for ESO are:

    1. Arenas. And more things PvP related, like Dueling for example, or even an option of Inspecting other players. Arenas would bring alot of people I know back (or into) the game. This king of competitive gameplay for people with little time available, I'm sure that it would be highly appreciated and sought for.

    2. Dragons. Huge, almost impossible to kill Dragons. Like current City Guards, only more bada55 and town-sized. And Instanced Dragons, and roaming Dragons, and Dragonlings, aso. Make it to update 3.0 in 2016 - Dawn of Fire, do it like an invasion event, or like an event that stirred a Hornet's Nest-like community of Dragons, deciding to riposte against the 3 alliances. Heck, make 2 new Guilds and respective skilltrees, one supporting the Dragons, the other fighting back. Use them to pitch players against players. It would bring so many perspectives for future development, that it cannot be encompassed here entirely. It ca be subject to multiple update installments... and it would fit into the universe perfectly.

    In conclusion, my question is simple: When will you add Arenas and Dragons in ESO?

    Thank you!

  • kkravaritieb17_ESO
    Any news on race change service in-game or in the crown store?

    Member of the glorious Zerg Squad
    Rip Banana Squad

    Lheneth -- Sorc PvP Rank 31
    Ellynna -- Templar PvP Rank 50 (No Bleaker's roleplaying involved)
    Smellynna -- Templar PvP Rank 28
    and many other chars

  • Lord_Draevan
    My 2 main questions:
    1) When are the changes announced in the "PVP Update, June 2015" thread coming?
    2) When will the long-promised removal of Veteran Ranks be implemented? This year, next year, later?
    Edited by Lord_Draevan on 19 June 2015 13:45
    I'm a man of few words. Any questions?
    NA/PC server
  • kaorunandrak
    After reading the upcoming pvp changes posted to the forum I have found my self in full agreement of the path chosen while still a bit disappointed about having to go down that path. I'm talking of course of the upcoming removal of the passive bonuses outside of pvp. I know many in the pvp community have long wanted the removal of these buffs and I too cheer for the end of "buff servers", as a DAoC Veteran I know how much of a draw those buffs can be for people to earn for their alliance, it just adds another sense of accomplishment to the game.

    My long winded question is "What other options were considered to keep the buffs affecting both pvp and pve? Did you guys play around with the idea of making the buff effect the alliance with the most resources over all campaigns? To be clear is it/would it be possible for the buffs to be given to the alliance with the most scrolls/emperors/keeps/outposts/highest total score across all campaigns rather then a by campaign basis?"

    So if Ebonheart had more emperors across all campaigns then the Pact would get the emperor bonus as a whole rather then just those players who were part of the campaign that had an EP emperor. I think it would allow you guys to keep the buffs in-game for both pve and pvp while also adding another objective to the over all pvp game as non buffed alliances would push harder across all campaigns to weaken the top alliance. I think that would be the closest to the RvR standard set by DAoC that we could get.
    Guild Leader of The Crimson Moon PVE/PVP NA
    Join CM!

    Kaoru Nandrak - V16 DK Stamina DPS 2h/Heavy
    Jaoul Deathbringer - V16 NB Stamina DPS DW/Medium
    Zantare Deshuld - V16 NB Magicka Sap Tank S&B/Heavy
    Jarl Nan'Drak - Sorc Magika DPS 2h/Light
    Vilder Ymirson- Temp Magika DPS DW/Light
    Graywulf Odakai- DK Magika Tank S&B/Heavy
  • Jaeysa
    2) When will the long-promised removal of Veteran Ranks be implemented? This year, next year, later?
    I also rather want to know this.
    PC/NA: Primarily Daggerfall Covenant.

    Lennie: Breton Sorceror. 9-trait crafter on everything, purveyor of useless frippery.
  • Helluin
    1) Will be ever addressed the Champion Points gap amongst players to incentivize new players and returning ones especially in PvP?

    A seasonal catching up system up to X Champion Points (maybe requiring less exp) could be a way to address this gap.
    This is an issue not just in PvE but especially in PvP for competive players. Several members of my community, who would be new customers or returning players in TESO, atm infact prefer for PvP other MMORPGs without any gap or with just a seasonal gear tier.
    Exp potions and scrolls can't be a solution but instead a factor that creates a bigger gap.

    It would be better an improved alliance war system with more passive skills and/or some special gear based on the AvA rank (something similar to the renown system in Warhammer online) + a CP seasonal cap or catching up mechanic.
    Atm a new or returning player has to improve both AvA ranks and CP, while the first is just based on PvP and it's something good (that could be just improved), the second one is simply general exp and grind mobs in PvE is still the best way to do so.

    2) What do you think about additional info in the leaderboards for PvP or also additional leaderboards not based just on AP?

    For example it would be nice to have the number of kills, killing blows, deaths and the ratio of those.
    There are several addons to track these but as an official feature it could be interesting.
    There could be also additional info, based on the new rulesets for every campaign, tracking the number of the resources, keeps, outposts, scrolls conquered, defended, etc.
    "... and the blue fire of Helluin flickered in the mists above the borders of the world, in that hour the Children of the Earth awoke, the Firstborn of Ilúvatar."
  • RazzPitazz
    I missed the episode, any foot notes or transcripts?
    PC NA
    VR1 - Jar'eed - Khajiit Dragon Knight - AD
    VR1 - Broad Tail - Argonian Templar - EP
    All-Star Crafter Guild
  • Cogo
    Gina Bruno: "Purrrhaps"

    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Attorneyatlawl
    After reading the upcoming pvp changes posted to the forum I have found my self in full agreement of the path chosen while still a bit disappointed about having to go down that path. I'm talking of course of the upcoming removal of the passive bonuses outside of pvp. I know many in the pvp community have long wanted the removal of these buffs and I too cheer for the end of "buff servers", as a DAoC Veteran I know how much of a draw those buffs can be for people to earn for their alliance, it just adds another sense of accomplishment to the game.

    My long winded question is "What other options were considered to keep the buffs affecting both pvp and pve? Did you guys play around with the idea of making the buff effect the alliance with the most resources over all campaigns? To be clear is it/would it be possible for the buffs to be given to the alliance with the most scrolls/emperors/keeps/outposts/highest total score across all campaigns rather then a by campaign basis?"

    So if Ebonheart had more emperors across all campaigns then the Pact would get the emperor bonus as a whole rather then just those players who were part of the campaign that had an EP emperor. I think it would allow you guys to keep the buffs in-game for both pve and pvp while also adding another objective to the over all pvp game as non buffed alliances would push harder across all campaigns to weaken the top alliance. I think that would be the closest to the RvR standard set by DAoC that we could get.

    I wish. I don't know if it's just the broader mass market or other reasons, but the community has made it abundantly clear that anything that can be abused, will be... and faction pride/community doesn't mean much to them, so if they start losing, they bolt elsewhere :(.
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • xJester1x
    Here are some things I'd like to see in the game.

    Right now, there are only 4 really original costumes in the Crown Store. The Jester, chef, blacksmith and wedding dress. The rest are all pretty much dyed armours, which is kinda pointless, to be honest.

    2. A fix to the blocking
    Now, personally, I don't play a lot of PvP due to me being absolute balls at it. But a friend of mine gets no end of rage when he's playing in Cyrodill and EVERYONE is just blocking nonstop AND using skills. A fix for this could be that you're forced to stop your block when using an offensive skill, such as Lava Whip or Mage's Fury, and you can keep blocking for skills which affect you, such as Spiked Armour or Momentum.

    3. Player housing
    This is something I really want to see. A player can have only 1 house per character and they can buy a house in any of their alliance's areas. The house's style and architecture reflect the area it's in, for example a house in Shadowfen would be a mud hut, a house in Valenwood would be a hollow tree and so on. As for interiors and decorations, you could choose presets for each room, which include styles based on your race, alliance, class, whether you're a tank, DD or healer, you could have styles based on mages, thieves, assassins, warriors... there are loads of opportunities. And your house could have a bank for you to store your items. And why not have some trophy stands? Like when you beat the Fighter's Guild questline, you could have the Prismatic Weapon on display. For the main story, maybe you could have something like the Amulet of Kings or something.

    4. Less exclusive styles
    Armour and weapon styles like Craglorn, Yokudan, Akaviri and wotnot. I LOVE the Yokudan armour and weapon designs. The thing is, I've only got 1 VR14 guy right now and he's a tank. I haven't found a set in the Yokudan style yet that gives me a decent tanking buff.

    This is something I've wanted for a while now. Being able to craft your own jewellry. How would it work? Well, there'd be some new ores in the game: Gold, Silver and whatever other natural metals can make jewellry. Then, while mining ores, you have a chance to also get a gem, such as a ruby, sapphire, emerald, etc. Now, you go to the Jeweller's station and choose your metal. The metal determines the quality, with maybe iron being white and Gold being Legendary. Then, the gemstone determines the trait. Then you craft it and boom. Done. Set jewellry could be a good idea, maybe tweak the sets a bit, possibly add a 6th buff.

    ESO is over a year old and at this point, a lot of the players have experienced all the classes, probably mastered a build based on said classes and are hungry for something new. Why not add a Necromancer class? There are a lot of skills used by the NPCs which could be used by that class, for example summoning different undead creatures (Bone colossus, skeleton, zombie, etc.), the hands that root someone in an AoE, that totem thing the Shamans are always using... And give us more character slots! We can't even have one character of each race. And yes, I know I can download the other server to get more slots but to be honest, and I think I speak for quite a lot of people, I do NOT want to grind all over again to get another 8 characters to the veteran ranks.

    7. Veteran Rank pass?
    This is something I'd LOVE. When you reach Veteran Rank 14, maybe you could get a VR pass, where you can start a new character instantly at veteran rank 1 rather than grind him/her all the way up. It would save a ton of time, plus once you've played through the alliances each once, it's just tedious from then on. Even for a guy like me, who's a big fan of lore and roleplay, it just gets boring playing through the same stuff over and over again. So, maybe you could get 1 Veteran Rank pass each time you reach VR14 from level 1. That would sure as hell save a bunch of time.
    Blood for the Pact!
  • Sha_dow

    if this was on the 19th and were now on the 23rd unsure why no information has been posted back?

    Can I ask for the notes please if our questions were answered
  • ZOS_JasonLeavey
    Hey @Sha_dow. If you're looking for the show itself, you can catch Brian Wheeler's PvP segment here.
    Jason Leavey
    Community Coordinator - The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
    Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
    Staff Post
  • Strei_Kiinxei
    xJester1x wrote: »
    Here are some things I'd like to see in the game.

    Right now, there are only 4 really original costumes in the Crown Store. The Jester, chef, blacksmith and wedding dress. The rest are all pretty much dyed armours, which is kinda pointless, to be honest.

    2. A fix to the blocking
    Now, personally, I don't play a lot of PvP due to me being absolute balls at it. But a friend of mine gets no end of rage when he's playing in Cyrodill and EVERYONE is just blocking nonstop AND using skills. A fix for this could be that you're forced to stop your block when using an offensive skill, such as Lava Whip or Mage's Fury, and you can keep blocking for skills which affect you, such as Spiked Armour or Momentum.

    3. Player housing
    This is something I really want to see. A player can have only 1 house per character and they can buy a house in any of their alliance's areas. The house's style and architecture reflect the area it's in, for example a house in Shadowfen would be a mud hut, a house in Valenwood would be a hollow tree and so on. As for interiors and decorations, you could choose presets for each room, which include styles based on your race, alliance, class, whether you're a tank, DD or healer, you could have styles based on mages, thieves, assassins, warriors... there are loads of opportunities. And your house could have a bank for you to store your items. And why not have some trophy stands? Like when you beat the Fighter's Guild questline, you could have the Prismatic Weapon on display. For the main story, maybe you could have something like the Amulet of Kings or something.

    4. Less exclusive styles
    Armour and weapon styles like Craglorn, Yokudan, Akaviri and wotnot. I LOVE the Yokudan armour and weapon designs. The thing is, I've only got 1 VR14 guy right now and he's a tank. I haven't found a set in the Yokudan style yet that gives me a decent tanking buff.

    This is something I've wanted for a while now. Being able to craft your own jewellry. How would it work? Well, there'd be some new ores in the game: Gold, Silver and whatever other natural metals can make jewellry. Then, while mining ores, you have a chance to also get a gem, such as a ruby, sapphire, emerald, etc. Now, you go to the Jeweller's station and choose your metal. The metal determines the quality, with maybe iron being white and Gold being Legendary. Then, the gemstone determines the trait. Then you craft it and boom. Done. Set jewellry could be a good idea, maybe tweak the sets a bit, possibly add a 6th buff.

    ESO is over a year old and at this point, a lot of the players have experienced all the classes, probably mastered a build based on said classes and are hungry for something new. Why not add a Necromancer class? There are a lot of skills used by the NPCs which could be used by that class, for example summoning different undead creatures (Bone colossus, skeleton, zombie, etc.), the hands that root someone in an AoE, that totem thing the Shamans are always using... And give us more character slots! We can't even have one character of each race. And yes, I know I can download the other server to get more slots but to be honest, and I think I speak for quite a lot of people, I do NOT want to grind all over again to get another 8 characters to the veteran ranks.

    7. Veteran Rank pass?
    This is something I'd LOVE. When you reach Veteran Rank 14, maybe you could get a VR pass, where you can start a new character instantly at veteran rank 1 rather than grind him/her all the way up. It would save a ton of time, plus once you've played through the alliances each once, it's just tedious from then on. Even for a guy like me, who's a big fan of lore and roleplay, it just gets boring playing through the same stuff over and over again. So, maybe you could get 1 Veteran Rank pass each time you reach VR14 from level 1. That would sure as hell save a bunch of time.

    VR Pass? Um, no... I don't want this to be a pay to win game. Sorry if you want to be lazy but this kind of stuff should be left out of the game. Besides, VR will be taken out anyways.
  • Djeriko
    Is anyone in the dev team going to take a look at the bugs that come with the Redguard heavy armor? The floating/clipping heavy girdle, the mislabeled dye areas on the greaves, and the fact that the dye areas are minimal on the helmet and greaves anyways are just a few of the problems. Those problems have been around since the new Redguard and Orc armors were released but I HAVE YET TO HEAR ANYTHING FROM A DEV on why it has not been fixed. I know you noticed it because every time you show any of your news stories with someone wearing all heavy Redguard armor, you chose to have it wearing some other belt or none at all. Stop ignoring the problem please.
    "When in doubt, kill it with fire."
  • Rune_Relic
    Enjoyed the show....especially brains take on PVP issues and fixes.
    I came away feeling hopeful for the future of PVP.
    Nice job getting your message across in detail with the whys and wherefores.
    Life at ZOS was interesting too.

    Will Netch plushies ever levitate and follow their owners.. and/or would it just be a particular kind of hair fetish that attracts them if so ?
    Do I have to be careful what hat I wear (or hairstyle choice) in and around mournhold ?
    Edited by Rune_Relic on 27 June 2015 13:58
    Anything that can be exploited will be exploited
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