After doing some pvp in cyrodiil and despite only having one player atticking me I ended up getting absolut deleted (pretty much one shotted). At the time the only thing i felt I could've done differently was to stay futher back and watch the fight rather than try and get some spells out. Did this just happen because my gear was simply to bad and it will get better when I get better gear and higher veteran rank? This was done as a veteran rank player on a veteran campaign with green/blue gear (mainly light but 2-3 parts of medium) and 20k hp.
That got me thinking about pvp and pve gear. In some other games there's a specific set of pvp gear, they work differently from game to game and depends on how the game is built. The way I was thinking it was if pvp gear that you buy in cyrodiil should give some kind of player attack resistance, making other players deal much less damage to you.
Do you think that would be hurtful for the game experience considering you would have to grind an extra set of gear?
Could making a passive or skill line tree where you took less damage from other players be a thing instead or with a specific pvp gear set?
Do you know of any other way of doing cyrodiil pvp a bit "slower" in terms of surviving better against solo players, or is the pvp side fine to you?
Jultzy Altmer Sorcerer (AD)
Narjiha Bosmer Nightblade (AD)
Jules Yaká Breton Sorcerer (DC)